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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. Hey Andy, I missed the live stream but just watched you ask this question on the VOD! The two mods are separate and you should be able to run both side by side. For new craft I recommend using the new parts, but any existing craft using Universal Storage will carry on working. Once you've finished with those craft you can delete the mod and just carry on with Universal Storage 2.
  2. Please do share your screen shots and stories here, we'd love to see how people are using the mod. Also if anyone creates some Universal Storage based missions I'd be excited to give them a try.
  3. Of the 3 configurations: Wedge Bracket: Allows you to mount a single wedge Structural: Works like a stock bay, surface attach parts Crew Tunnel: Connected Living Space compatible (allows crew transfer) I don't think we're going to add any more variants to that, it would get too cluttered. But you can use fuel / Battery wedges or surface mount any part that fits.
  4. The mods are completely separate and part names are different so they should run side by side without any problems. Take a backup of your save file just in case and let us know if you run into any problems. Part balance might be a little odd as US1 was balanced against real world tech and UvSii is balanced against Stock KSP and the various life support mods.
  5. Thank you for your hard work with the translations. Don't forget @DMagic he is very much an equal partner on Universal Storage 2. Many of the advanced features are due to his plug-in coding, not to mention KSPedia (with localization and animation support)
  6. Slight update. The KSPedia files were left out of the release. Updated version now available.
  7. Universal Storage II - Versions and are released! Available on Space Dock. IMPORTANT If you are using KSP 1.3.1 you must download the matching Universal Storage version. As always, for support, please post in this thread.
  8. Universal Storage is a modular parts mod, allowing you to build custom service modules. It is highly integrated with the most popular life support mods, DMagic Orbital Science, and Kerbal Inventory System. Part library and more information available at kingtiger.co.uk/uvsii Universal Storage II (UvSii) is the follow up to KSP’s original wedge based parts mod, Service modules are build from a central core, around which you can place various resource and processor wedges. Customization fairings complete the service module, providing aerodynamic shielding with access via payload doors. Most parts are resizable allowing increased storage capacity while keeping part counts low. New features Separate fairing parts provide full comparability with the stock aerodynamics system. Parts feature multiple height variants allowing greater capacity without bloating part count. Fairings feature multiple paint variants, allowing you to match the look of your craft. Full KSPedia articles including animated gifs. Localization support including KSPedia. Support You can post bugs and feature requests on our bitbucket issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2 Or post in this thread and we'll do our best to help you (using bitbucket makes it easier for us to help and is preferred). Download from OneDrive Use the onedrive download to access: Previous versions Beta releases Source code Balance spreadsheets and other information Download at Space Dock You can download the mod at SpaceDock. There is a separate version for KSP 1.3.1 so make sure you download the correct file. Use the changelog button on SpaceDock to view each version. Features Three step build process Service modules are built from three basic parts. The core provides the structure with space to attach payload wedges and the fairing provides aerodynamic shielding. For more information on the build process check KSPedia in game. Multiple configurations Most parts have multiple height options, allowing increased resource storage without bloating part count. Cost, mass and capacity all scale linearly so every configuration is balanced. Larger cores and fairings have multiple configurations. The cores feature a central fuel tank or a crew transfer tunnel (for use with Connected Living Space). Selected fairings can be configured as a payload bay for use without a core or wedges. Fairings can be configured to match the look of your craft, with either Porkjet, Gemini, Apollo or Saturn paint schemes. Designed to work with 3rd party mods Built from the ground up to provide resource storage for popular life support mods. The game will automatically detect which mods you have installed (via module manager) and load payload wedges to match. In addition, Universal Storage is closely linked with DMagic Orbital science to provide a large selection of wedge format science experiments when both are installed. Wedges are Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) compatible, allowing Kerbals on EVA to swap out wedges as part of a resupply mission. Compatible mods Connected Living Space DMagic Orbital Science Not currently working, Orbital Science will be updated to be compatible soon. Kerbalism Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Operating System Snacks TAC Life Support USI Life Support KSPedia Full KSPedia support provides in-game information on the parts, their features and how to build craft. The mod includes support for animated gifs in KSPedia pages (see source code for detailed information). Career mode support The mod is fully compatible with career mode, with parts balanced against their non-wedge equivalents ensuring there are no ‘cheat’ parts. Part unlocking follows a logical progression with the majority of parts available at tier five and six. The Universal Storage Team Daishi – Nox Industrial 3D models Textures Animations A highly proficient 3D modeller and animator, Daishi has created the parts for Universal Storage and other mods on KSP. If you would like to support Daishi’s modelling work you can donate via the paypal link below. DMagic – DMagic Orbital Science Code KSPedia With 18 mods currently on SpaceDock, Dmagic is one of the games most prolific modders. Probably best know for Orbital Science, he is also the current maintainer of SCANsat and author of many other ‘quality of life improvement’ mods. Paul Kingtiger – New Horizons Original concept Research and part balancing Website Paul has created a number of minor balance mods for KSP but Universal Storage was his first large scale mod. When not playing around with KSP Paul plays Paradox grand strategy games and World of warships, as well as messing around with physical computing and restoring old electronics. Note: Paul is not actively involved in Universal Storage development at this time. Translation credits Thanks to the work of these amazing volunteers, we are able to offer full localization support for Universal Storage. Italian: CRL42 German: StarStreak2109 Spanish: @Janderklander - Sergi Ruiz Brazilian Portuguese: Kastruss Source Code You can download the source (zip file) using the link below. Universal Storage Source Code FAQ Nothing works like it should! Make sure you have the correct version of the mod to match your KSP install. KSP 1.3.1 and KSP 1.4 (and later) versions have different requirements. You can find and download the correct version of the mod using the links above. If you have made a mistake, Delete the Module Manager file and the Universal Storage II folder in your GameData folder and try again. Check KSPedia! Answers to the most common questions are in game via KSPedia. There is a problem with X science experiment! Universal Storage II does now contains basic science parts, which are augmented by DMagic Orbital Science, a separate mod. If you have a problem with a science part make sure you include the name so we know who to ask for help. DMagic is one the Universal Storage team so he checks this thread, alternatively you can check the Orbital Science thread for support. How do I install the mod? Download the file and unzip it. Then copy the GameData folder to your Kerbal Space Program folder, merging / overwriting any files when asked. Can I have Universal Storage and Universal Storage 2 installed together? Yes, the two mods are entirely separate and will work side by side. The parts list in the VAB will be a little cluttered, and I recommend completing any missions using the old mod, recovering the craft, then removing Universal Storage (simply delete the folder from your GameData file). You can then continue just using Universal Storage 2. How can I find the parts. The cores and fairings are found in the Payload category. Fuel tanks and Batteries are found under Fuel Tanks and Electrics. Most other parts are under Utility. However the easiest way to find the parts is to type Universal in the search box. How do I remove the mod? Simply delete the Universal Storage 2 folder in GameData. Note that any craft using parts from the mod will break, so make sure you have recovered and craft using Universal Storage II parts before removing the mod. How do I upgrade the mod? Simply download the new version and install as above, overwriting any existing files. How did you balance the parts? The original Universal Storage parts were balanced against real world craft and technology. This made for realistic parts, but many were badly balanced against other parts in game. For Universal Storage II we decided to balance parts against the stock parts in game or the various life support mods. This ensures that costs, mass and capacity are balanced against the rest of the game, so there's are no 'cheat' parts. LICENSE Models, textures and animations The models, texture and animations, including the .mu files are copyright of Simon Hinton who reserves all rights. New Zealand Copyright Act 1994 You may download and used these files and modify them for personal use. You may not publish or share these files or derivatives of these files. You may not reverse engineer these files. You may externally reference these files using the model command in KSP. For permission to use the model and texture assets in a way other than the above message Simon via the KSP forums. You may share screen shots, videos and streams featuring Universal Storage (credits back to here are appreciated) All other files and images Code including .DLL and .CFG files are released under the MIT license Copyright 2018 DMagic, Paul Kingtiger and Simon Hinton Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  9. The Models and Animations are all @Daishi 's hard work. Release isn't too far off now, we should have the full version up on Spacedock soon(TM)
  10. As a modder the advantage of steam workshop for me is that I can share craft files that rely on mods without having to point users to an external site to download those required mods. I imagine there are users who are happy to download from workshop but do not trust 3rd party sites. It would be great if I could post Universal Storage craft to workshop and have Universal Storage listed as a required mod (with a link to the page included,, as you see with Cities Skylines). An alternative would be the ability to include craft files in a mod, so that parts mods can include example craft without having to copy files to more than one location. If we did get workshop support we would continue to host mods at SpaceDock and a backup location. It's possible that Curse has an exclusive deal to be the only officially supported mod site, in which case we won't see workshop support (Craft and missions are not mods so don't count).
  11. KER, how we still don't have Delta V readouts in stock is beyond me. The game will tell you how many Delta V you need to complete a maneuver, but not how much you have left in your craft. Crazy! Vens is awesome and I use that every time, but I can play without it, without a Delta V read out I'd very quickly get bored of the game. Over engineering and trial and error are not interesting game play mechanics for me.
  12. I don't want to spawn a craft, just have it appear in the 'open a saved craft' menu in the VAB / SPH.
  13. Is it possible to include example craft with a mod (so a .craft file in the Gamedata/Mod folder?). I want to include some examples with Universal Storage 2, but in a easy to install format.
  14. We haven't had any pictures in a while, so here are some craft I've been using to test the mod. We have an Apollo CSM (fairing removed to show wedges) and a Apollo inspired single stage LEM.
  15. That's not working for me, can you give it in an example?
  16. Is there a way to have a line break in a part description? I can't find any parts that do it so I assume no, but worth asking.
  17. I'm a researcher not a coder, but this would be really useful functionality to have.
  18. So I've made some progress based on the posts above. The starter code is something like this: // Kerbal Operating System (kOS) @PART[USGuidanceComputer]:NEEDS[kOS] { MODULE { name = kOSProcessor diskSpace = 60000 ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 ECPerInstruction = 0.000004 } } I've got as far as adding the Upgrade code to this: // Kerbal Operating System (kOS) @PART[USGuidanceComputer]:NEEDS[kOS] { // @cost = 2200 // @TechRequired = unmannedTech // @entryCost = 4200 MODULE { name = kOSProcessor diskSpace = 0 ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 ECPerInstruction = 0 } MODULE { name = PartStatsUpgradeModule showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = USGuidanceComputer_kOS techRequired__ = unmannedTech entryCost = 4200 title = Kerbal Operating System upgrade manufacturer = Universal Storage description = Software patch adds kOS compatibility, allowing for programmed missions. basicInfo = Whatever IsAdditiveUpgrade__ = false  PartStats { name = kOSProcessor diskSpace = 60000 ECPerBytePerSecond = 0 ECPerInstruction = 0.000004 } } } } PARTUPGRADE { name = USGuidanceComputer_kOS partIcon = USGuidanceComputer techRequired = unmannedTech entryCost = 4200 cost = 0 // for display only; all parts implementing this will need a PartStatsUpgradeModule with cost = this. title = Kerbal Operating System upgrade basicInfo = Whatever manufacturer = Universal Storage description = Software patch adds kOS compatibility, allowing for programmed missions. } } No luck getting this to work though. Reading the documentation, I'm not sure this is even possible with modded values.
  19. Is it possible to add additional functions / modules to a part when achieving a tech level. As an example, I have part that acts as a MechJeb core, which is unlocked at tech flightControl. I want to add kOS function at tech unmanndedTech. Using module manager I can add functions based on other mods being installed with NEEDS:[mod name], is there a way to do something similar with a tech level?
  20. The science parts are from a different mod, DMagic Orbital science, which includes a bunch of US compatible parts. If you want to remove them you'll have to go into that mod folder and delete them.
  21. New Version Released Universal Storage for KSP 1.4 is released. There are no changes to the mod since the last release. The download on SpaceDock includes the latest versions of Community Resource Pack and Module Manager and the AVC file has been updated to 1.4 As always, if you find any issues please let me know here.
  22. But if the EULA specified that you agreed to transfer copyright of any files or content processed though PartTools (and I'm not saying that's what it says) then, if you agree to the ELUA the copyright would transfer or at least you would have a fight on your hands to suggest otherwise. I remember Pirates of the Burning Sea having a slimier situation with user created flags that could be submitted to the game and included as part of the standard (not modded) content. Ultimately I'm not in a position to speculate, which is why I'd like Squad to clarify these points for us. Based on take2's history with GTA and the assurances we got from Squad at time of acquisition, I think it's reasonably to expect some clarification.
  23. Given Take2's history with modding announcements and the concerns expressed when the acquisition was announced it would have been better if Squad had covered some of the likely questions with the announcement. It's possible that Take2 didn't give them enough notice to do so? It would be great, if we could get some plain language explanation. I totally understand that they need to be able to legally distribute anything you publish to the forums or wiki because they are doing exactly that every time someone loads the page. I'm also pretty sure that content hosted elsewhere but linked to on here is not covered (Take2 don't own an exclusive right to the NASA logo just because I've linked to the image here) However mods created with PartTools absolutely needs some clarification. If I create a mod with PartTools does Take2 then own the IP of the 3d model which was processed though PartTools or do I retain the rights? One thing is for sure, I'm very happy we have Spacedock and are not relying on a Squad hosted mod repository.
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