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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. The closest we have is the Sabatier which will convert Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen into Water and other products. You can then use the Elektron to split the Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. The Sabatier will be changing in the next release to make it more realistic but it'll still be good for converting CO2 to O2
  2. The issue effects all wedges and the EVAx, the fix looks simple enough but I need to do additional testing. If you want to give it a go open EVAExtender.cfg the find the line: equipBoneName = bn_jetpack01 And change it to: equipBoneName = aliasJetpack This fixes the issue, but I need to make sure it doesn't cause any problems elsewhere. Let me know how you get on.
  3. Bulk storage tanks are currently being designed and will be in a future release. They will be configurable both in looks and content using the same system as the current Universal Storage 2 parts.
  4. This is a diagram we've been looking at as a possible end goal for the Sabatier. Essentially it's the ISRU from Mars Direct, except the engines on that burn Methane directly where as we have a part to turn Oxygen and Methane into more KSP friendly Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer (with the bonus that it would work with real fuels 'out of the box'). Some of the parts in the diagram don't exist yet in Universal Storage, this is all in the early concept stage. Universal Storage 1 was balanced vs the Apollo and Shuttle fuel cells. Universal Storage 2 is balanced against the stock fuel cells. I'm currently working on a big balance update so these values may change. I've already updated the capacity of resource tanks ready for the next release and am working on the processors.
  5. @RoverDude Bit of a thread necro but it's a short thread and seems relevant. I have a few efficiency related questions I'm hoping you can help with: Does UseSpecialistBonus effect the speed/rate of ModuleResourceConverter or create more/less outputs for a set number of inputs? Can you explain how SpecialistHeatFactor works in a bit more detail. Does the value of 0.1 mean that only 10% of the heat is generated or is it linked to the other specialist numbers?
  6. Yes that probably is going to change in the next content release (as opposed to bug fix). TAC LS handles the Sabatier with Water as an input because it doesn't use the Hydrogen resource and has Oxygen as the output, so that's what we have currently. But I prefer Water as the output as it's more realistic and Water is a useful Life Support resource with TAC LS and Kerbalism. Plus Universal Storage has the Elektron to crack that into Hydrogen and Oxygen. Converting Oxygen to Oxidizer is a little more tricky because we don't know what Oxidizer is, could be liquid oxygen, could be Nitrogen tetroxide in which case we'd need to get Nitrogen from somewhere. Honestly the same can be said for Liquid Fuel, and I'm toying with keeping the Sabatier output as Meathane (it's a CRP resource) and having it vent into space if no used, or treat it as Waste (like the TAC LS Sabatier). The attraction of having it as Liquid fuel is that you can use the Sabatier to produce rocket fuel in the style of Mars Direct. UPDATE: We are discussing some plans for the Sabatier internally which will make it a more useful piece of equipment.
  7. "An otherwise stock KSP game will still have the Universal Storage Oxygen tank because it's used with the fuel cell" Universal Storage has parts that use Hydrogen and Oxygen so the tanks for those resources are included in an otherwise stock install. Universal Storage parts are only loaded if they will be used with the mods present, there shouldn't be any dead weight.
  8. That's been done, the question is when only Universal Storage is installed. An otherwise stock KSP game will still have the Universal Storage Oxygen tank because it's used with the fuel cell. When TAC LS or Kerbalism is installed the Oxygen Tank will be balanced to match. But when neither is installed, which should I use as a reference (I can't balance against a stock part because Oxygen storage isn't in the stock game).
  9. Hey everybody I need your input! There are parts in Universal Storage that are used in an otherwise stock install, namely the Oxygen tank and Hydrogen tank. They can be balanced against Kerbalism or TAC Life support, which will make a difference as each mod takes a different approach to how resources are stored (compressed gas vs cryogenic). Currently TAC Life Support is used to calculate default values, but I'd be interested in user feedback. I've created a strawpoll available at: https://www.strawpoll.me/16830069
  10. Parts of the mod are licensed 'all rights reserved' and we don't want to host it on a public repository. The water issue and others have been fixed and will be be pushed out on the next release. Someone else had this issue, their fix is in the post below:
  11. I've been using the Convert-O-Tron 250 to try and work out what's going on. My understanding is that TemperatureModifier is a curve of how much heat a part generates at various heat levels: TemperatureModifier { key = 0 100000 key = 750 50000 key = 1000 10000 key = 1250 500 key = 2000 50 key = 4000 0 } In the above example at 0K 2000kJ of heat is generated (the value is kilo-joules * 50) Then at 750K 1000kJ is generated and so on. I must admit I don't understand why a reaction would generate different amounts of heat based on the background temperature, but I don't know very much about temperature physics.
  12. I'm doing some research on the Universal Storage fuel cell and my target values are 2.3Kj per second output (we'll assume that 1Kj = 1 electric charge) so that's 2.3ec per second running at 50% efficiency . So I want to also generate 2.3kjps of heat. Using the stock ModuleResourceConverter is there a way I can specify the heat generated beyond setting GeneratesHeat = True MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = #autoLOC_US_FuelTankCell //Fuel Cell StartActionName = #autoLOC_US_StartFuelCell //Start Fuel Cell StopActionName = #autoLOC_US_StopFuelCell //Stop Fuel Cell ToggleActionName = #autoLOC_US_ToggleFuelCell //Toggle Fuel Cell AutoShutdown = true GeneratesHeat = true UseSpecialistBonus = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxygen Ratio = 0.131636140348561 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Hydrogen Ratio = 0.261609986312435 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 2.3 DumpExcess = false } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Water Ratio = 0.000211621550127855 DumpExcess = true } }
  13. We don't currently have German or Italian translation for the new parts, but you should be seeing the information in English?
  14. We did exactly that with Universal Storage 1, I researched the storage systems for space programs form the 60's until today and worked out everything based on the volumes of the models. Problem was the parts were totally unbalanced against anything except Realism overhaul. Great for the RO players but not so much use for everyone else. With Universal Storage 2 we decided to balance against stock parts or the mod the part was being created for. That way out parts would be well balanced against the other parts available to the player. You can find the balance information for Universal Storage in my public onedrive folder, link in my sig. You can find the balance information for UvSii on my website http://www.kingtiger.online/balancing-universal-storage-ii/ (that sheet is still work in progress).
  15. Thanks Gordon, I've added that to the development version and it'll be included in the next release. Hi Kevin, there isn't a 1.875 cylindrical fairing at the moment, but now we have the 5 bay service core I'm sure one will be added in the future.
  16. I've written a short dev blog showcasing how I balance Universal Storage II parts, available on my website: http://www.kingtiger.online/balancing-universal-storage-ii/
  17. I can't recreate either of the missing parts issues above. There is a known issue at the moment that the part icon in the part catalog UI has changed. In the VAB / SPH the part will be shown in the default (usually single height) size, but the space used by the larger variants is also shown, so you end up with a smaller part and lots of blank space. However in the tech tree it shows the part in it's largest variant, so you'll see all the cores in their quad height size. Fixing this issue is on the list, but it doesn't appear to be a simple fix so it might take a while. Above: Icons in the tech tree Below: Icons in the part catalog
  18. What version of KSP and Universal Storage 2 are you running? Any other mods?
  19. This should be the last patch for this release. Fixed issue with water purifier Added .version file Fixed duplicate code issue with 1.25m fairing Download at Space Dock Ensure you download the right version of your KSP install Direct download link Universal Storage for KSP 1.4.x and higher Universal Storage for KSP 1.3.1 I am also in the process of updating the parts catalog. Waiting on some part renders for the images, but the data will be there in a few hours.
  20. I've just uploaded a new version, there was an issue with the .cfg files on the shroud parts which has been resolved. Universal Storage for KSP 1.4.x and higher Universal Storage for KSP 1.3. Full information available at http://www.kingtiger.online/uvsii/
  21. New version released! Universal Storage for KSP 1.4.x and higher Universal Storage for KSP 1.3. Full information available at http://www.kingtiger.online/uvsii/ Known Issues: Parts with size variants appear small in the part picker UI Change log: Adds three new parts, designed to work with Bluedog Design Bureau's stockalike Gemini parts, but also useful with other parts. Core parts now include variants for Xenon and Monoprop central tanks, giving you more service module options. Switched to stock part variant UI (not available for KSP 1.3.1) Due to a bug when resizing the KAS wedge this functionality has been disabled, the part is now only available in the default double height variant (will not affect craft currently in a mission). We hope to fix this bug in the future. Tweaked the animations on some fairing doors to avoid them being blocked by other parts. Hydrogen tank wedge models resized to prevent clipping. Minor model cosmetic improvements, including specular maps added to hatch glass in crew tunnels. Improved readability of .cfg files As always please post issues or bug reports below.
  22. Hello everyone, We should be releasing a new version in the next 24 hours. Updates include: 3 new parts designed to work with Bluedog Design Bureau's stockalike Gemini parts, but also useful with other parts. Switch to stock KSP variant UI to select colour schemes or part types. (not 1.3.1 version) More fuel tank options for core central tanks (Xenon and Monoprop now supported alongside Liquid Fuel and Crew tunnel). Bug fixes and balance changes.
  23. I'm getting an issue with AVC not reporting a newer version available. I have AVC online set up as shown and the version file bundled with the current (test) version of UvSii is shown. When running for the first time the mod does ask if I want to check for versions, but it doesn't report that a newer version ( is available for download, despite the .version file having This is running KSP 1.5.0
  24. With US1 the doors were built into the wedges, where as now the shroud/fairing is separate from the wedges and cores. For a lander you can either lock the primary or secondary doors, and place tanks over them, making sure that the wedges you need in mission access to are under the unlocked doors. Or go without a fairing all together and have everything exposed.
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