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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. Pushed a small update to the Beta, just the evaX has been changed. It now has Electric Charge without a life support mod having to be installed.
  2. Pushed an update to the Beta release. Science contracts should now work (please let me know if they don't) Removed the solar panel function in the 2.5m fairing (this will be saved for a later release). Fixed some localization issues The beta is now in a feature freeze. We won't be adding any new parts or functions to this update (now called, Universal Storage II - Science Pack) We will continue to work on bug fixes in preperation for releasing on Space dock and CKAN as Universal Storage II
  3. It was designed to be compatable with exsisting craft so that's a bug, we'll look into it. In the meantime, the original part is in the download under GameData\UniversalStorage2\Parts\Shrouds\CylindricalShroud250.zip so you can swap them out to fix the issue while we work on it. The four bay core is physicsless in the current beta so it can't compress and cause this issue. In GameData\UniversalStorage2\Parts\Structural check US_Quad.cfg in notepad and check it has the following line: If it doesn't then you're not on the latest beta version (you can manually enter the line in your install to fix the issue. If you do have the line and it's compressing then another mod must be conflicting with the build or I don't know what's going on. h
  4. Pushed a new update to the Beta built (see my sig for links) Fixed the USI Recycler bug New part: Probe core with working gyroscope model (the gyro maintains the same facing while the probe core rotates around it) Some minor fixes to the Science parts 2.5m cylindrical fairing now has optional solar panels on the inside of the bay doors. These panels will only work when the doors are open and of course must be facing the sun. You can select between including panels or not in the VAB/SPH and there will be an additional part cost if you take the panels. This part and function is brand new so extra testing and feedback is welcome! For a complete list of everything included in the beta build check the Relase Issue in BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2/issues/21/version-release-16010
  5. The recording was a big help, great idea! I can't recreate the issue though, not using a similer craft but with only stock + Universal Storage II parts. Maybe something from DMagic orbital science is causing the issue? Or a conflict with another mod.
  6. We're looking for help to translate Universal Storage to other languages. We currently have files for German, Italian and Spanish, but with new parts being added those files need updating. We'd also like to add more langages to the mod! To make working on the files easier I have created a BitBucket Repository with a wiki https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/uvsii-localization/wiki/Home If you're able to help with translations it will be massivly appresiated.
  7. I've added download links to the beta release to the first post so it's a bit easier to find. Download from OneDrive Use the onedrive download to access: Previous versions Beta releases Source code Balance spreadsheets and other information
  8. Small Beta Update Fixed a bug with the Atmospheric Fluid Spectro Variometer The localization code was in the wrong place (The category field) causing all sorts of problems. Fixed pushed to OneDrive as usual.
  9. Size options are limited by the minimum size of a wedge, however they should be comparable, especially as you get two sensors in each wedge. Cost and mass should be directly matched against the stock parts for the sensors, the goo and material bay are slightly different because they hold multiple uses of each experiment. For example the goo wedge contains 2 sets of goo, but only costs and masses 1.5x a standard goo bay, so the wedge is cheaper and lighter than the two goo containment units it replaces. Same with the materials bay. Over all the Universal Storage science parts are either the same cost/mass as stock or cheaper. They might be larger in some cases but that shouldn't be as important compared to cost and mass. The values might change, but having them the same as stock is an easy way to ensure they aren't under/over powered.
  10. Changing the fuel without adding a new model is easy enough. I assume this would be for Kerbalism? Small beta update New .dll for the 1.3.1 version, activating custom modules for the science parts (required as some of the parts have more than one experiment) Download from: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvmqbLkW8UIH2PsfIYBmSwhNfYG-pw Please leave bug reports here or on the git: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2 A big thankyou to the people who are logging issues using the link above, it really helps us track and resolve bugs.
  11. Small Beta update to fix a localization issue with Universal Storage: Atmospheric Fluid Spectro Variometer
  12. It's required for the mod to work, but if you already have it installed you don't need to redownload.
  13. New part added to the Beta release Included now is the Universal Storage: Remote Operations System. It's essentially the Probodobodyne HECS but in wedge format. Download from: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvmqbLkW8UIH2PsfIYBmSwhNfYG-pw Please leave bug reports here or on the git: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2 A big thankyou to the people who are logging issues using the link above, it really helps us track and resolve bugs. Localization There are a number of people who have offered to help with localization, which is awesome. To make it easier to work and track changes I have created a new public repo for the localization on bitbucket, which can be accessed here: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/uvsii-localization/src/master/ If you want to help us maintain the current translations or create new ones please follow the link and check the issue tracker for what work it needed.
  14. Beta version release Universal Storage II Mk.10 We have a beta version avalable in the OneDrive folder https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvmqbLkW8UIH2PsfIYBmSwhNfYG-pw for KSP 1.4 and later for KSP 1.3.1 New features New Science parts Universal Storage: Atmospheric Science Unit Universal Storage: Advanced Material Bay Universal Storage: Advanced Goo Unit Universal Storage: Atmospheric Fluid Spectro Variometer Universal Storage: Physical Science Unit Bug fixes 16: Bug: Part jittering caused by PEM fuel cell when attached to to a Quad core. 14: Bug: Broken localization for #autoLOC_US_Toggle Primary Bays in Tapered fairing 1.5m to 1.875m 18: Bug: Out of date VERSION field in KSP-AVC file Added FlowMode to all ModuleResourceConverter outputs Added localization for Universal Storage: ACD (1.5m) I plan to push this out to SpaceDock and general release in a couple of weeks, in the meantime feedback and bug reports are very much appreciated.
  15. Hello, Universal Storage 2 currently has localization files for Spanish, German, Portuguese and Italian thanks to the help of some amazing volunteers. But there are some additional languages that KSP supports that would be great to get into the mod. I've played with various methods to make translating the mod as easy as possible and I think I've found the best approach with google drive. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UFJLkAK1H04U1CSOjrpiI0RfuzbjPj3b?usp=sharing The translation files are on a shared drive folder which anyone can edit. If you would like to help us translate the mod into other languages you can do so by opening the appropriate file and making the changes. All the files are in place for the languages KSP supports, although some of them are just copies of the en-us file and have yet to be translated. The Change log sheet can be used to add any comments and will help me manage the sheet (it'll also give me a list of names to add to the credits) Thank you in advance for any help you can give to make Universal Storage II a global mod.
  16. I'm planning a release this weekend, so I'll make sure that's fixed.
  17. YEs it is fixed in the next release, which should be too far away (currently balancing the new science parts). In the meantime you can head over to https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvmqbLkW8UIH2PsfIYBmSwhNfYG-pw and download patch which fixes the issue (drop the gamedata folder into you KSP install as normal.
  18. You need to use the Sabatier reactor to process CO2 and H2 into water, then split the water into O2 and H2 using the Elektron.
  19. Yes it's always been a problem, specifically with the quad core / 4 bay service core. It's fixed in the next release, or you can download the patch using the link below, which should fix the issue for you (drop the GameData folder in your KSP instal as usual, let it overwrite any files it wants to). https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvmqbLkW8UIH2ZZ-0hwS1f0uEcsTTQ
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