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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. New website URL http://www.kingtiger.online Kingtiger.co.uk should still work though.

  2. Yes I've moved to a new host and am working to get the site back up with some changes. The KSP content is first on the list and I should have it up shortly.
  3. It's a KIS equippable that will give you more EVA fuel in an otherwise stock game and also additional life support resources if you have one of the compatible mods installed (list below): ASMI's ECLSS Kerbalism IFI Life Support Snacks! TAC Life Support
  4. Universal Storage for KSP 1.2.2 released Not a lot of changes here, updated module manager and fixed the large decoupler bug mentioned above. Spacedock says it's for 1.2.1, but it works fine in 1.2.2 (Spacedock hasn't updated their KSP version list yet). Hello, I can't recreate this. It sounds like you have an incomplete install / uninstall and Module Manager is picking up an other life support mod. Make sure all old LS mods are removed from KSP.
  5. It's become a bit more fiddly since the move from KAS to KIS. You pick it up then place it in your KIS inventory and equip it (Right click, Equip I think). Without any other mods installed it'll give you more EVA fuel, but if you have life support mods installed it'll give you more LS resources (depending on what mods you have installed)
  6. Universal Storage Released This is a compatibility update for Dmagic Orbital science, if you don't use that mad (you should, it's great) then no need to update.
  7. I've fixed the above issue in a new release of Universal Storage. http://spacedock.info/mod/329/Universal Storage
  8. Sorry, didn't think the different would be enough to cause problems, my bad. @rescaleFactor *= 0.95
  9. Universal Storage 1.2.1 released This is a minor update to fix some bugs reported above and clean up KIS integration. Also rescaled the parts (they are slightly smaller) to improve aerodynamics in the stack.
  10. The payload bay is a single part with things inside it, but the Wedges are lots of parts stuck to the side of another part. I usually use FAR which handles US nicely, but I'll do some testing with stock aero and see what happens.
  11. Full instructions are included in the SpaceDock download, although it won't work with KSP 1.2 until Kopernicus is updated.
  12. Universal Storage for KSP 1.2 This is compatibility update for KSP Change log on Spacedock, but in brief: Updated CRP and Module Manager Fixed Sabatier duplicate bug Animations use new stock module AVC compatible due to popular demand Tested with Stock KSP and with Dmagic Orbital Science, everything else should work as well, let me know if it doesn't. Download at Space Dock, or my OneDrive
  13. Good News Everyone! Universal Storage will be updated to 1.2 later today (Saturday), everything is working well I just need to update the bulk of the parts .cfg files to use the new module.
  14. The Animation changes in 1.2 mean that none of the parts animate. That's not something that I can fix, I'll get in contact with Dashi, see if he has time to update the mod (He's currently working on US2).
  15. @Tokamak I'm not sure how he did it, but @DMagic might be able to help you with the process he used. Licence wise there isn't anything to stop you importing the file into Blender and seeing how it works, so go right ahead.
  16. You can use US assets in your mod but you can't distribute them, you have to create your part.cfg code and point the model bit to the universal storage model you want to use. That's how the DMagic orbital science mod US parts work, DMagic made models and animations for his science experiments and put the model inside the US storage science bay using code like this: MODEL { model = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model position = 0, 0, 0 rotation = 0, 0, 0 } MODEL { model = DMagicOrbitalScience/UniversalStorage/USSoilMoisture/modelSoilMoisture parent = UniversalStorage/Parts/US_1M110_Wedge_ScienceBay/model } Of course the part will only work if US is installed, but that's what you want anyway, you can make it only show up is US is installed with: @PART[dmUSSoilMoisture]:FOR[DMagic]:NEEDS[UniversalStorage] The science bay is the basic shell and you should be able to put any part into that. Of course if you want to use one of the other models but give it new functionality you can do that as well. I don't know, US2 will probably be ported over, but I don't know if US will, depends how hard it is to do. @Daishi does the models and animation so he'll be the one to decide. Thanks @inigma, glad you're enjoying it. All the modelling and animation work is @Daishi, this mod would be nothing without his skills. Love the Apollo CSM, that's what we had in mind when we created the mod! I do the same thing. I find it useful for the LEM as well, I turn off the wedge shell to get that weight saving look.
  17. I use Stock Visual Enhancements, and it looks amazing. There are some small issues with scatterer, but I'm sure those will be sorted out. Oh, days are currently 12 hours, but you can easilly change it by going into KScale64.cfg and changing the value below: 12 hour day = 2, 24 hour day = 4
  18. Historically they weren't, but either SigmaDimentions or Kerpernicus may have worked out a way to move them back up to the surface, in which case, that's awesome!
  19. Hmm, no. It shouldn't matter but I've published an update to be safe. That's not something we'd include in the core mod, but you're welcome to publish a config file or add the code to cryo fuels.
  20. Agreed. The only deviation from the above is to have the CH4 represented as liquid fuel (which is can be used as so not a massive stretch). If you use real fuels then this can easilly be changed to actual Liquid Methane.
  21. New update released http://spacedock.info/mod/329/Universal Storage Version for Kerbal Space Program 1.1.2 Released on 2016-06-21 Kerbalism will now unlock the appropriate parts Stack end caps are now back (the node issue that made them very annoying to use appears to have been fixed in the current version of KSP) Cleaned up for bad module manager code (thanks to the various posts on the forums for pointing it out) Modular fuel tanks code included (thanks again to forum posts) Latest Community Resource Pack *Balance depends on the usage values you set in Kerbalism, the part capacities are set to work with the levels used by TAC Life Support, which are closely based on NASA data for Humans. If you use reduced resource consumption values then you may find the Universal Storage parts hold a lot of stuff.
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