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Paul Kingtiger

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Everything posted by Paul Kingtiger

  1. The fuel cells are based on the ones used in Apollo and my understanding of those is that they couldn't be turned on or off during the mission (they could be turned off, but not back on again). However it's an easy change and I'll include the code (commented out) in the next release for people who want auto throttling fuel cells. The water leak sounds like a rounding error and I'll fix it in the next release, which will be shortly after KSP 1.0 comes out.
  2. Hi Mapoko, I'm glad you are enjoying the mod. We're absolutely going to change over to KIS in the next release. As experimentals have been announced for 1.0 I'm going to wait for release, that way I can update everything in one push. However if KAS is updated before then I will release earlier.
  3. The real space shuttle had this problem. The flight profile included a number of tight turns to bleed off speed. Also where were you coming from? The Space Shuttle only had to deal with low orbit so had less velocity to loose as opposed to say Apollo coming back from the moon. Try including some turns to lose the speed and see if it helps.
  4. Yes there is a custom texture and normal provided in the mod. It's a compromise between quality and memory space. The clouds are from an older version of Astronomers Visual Pack, I've had problems running the latest version due to the memory requirements. I just use EVE these days.
  5. A little late to the party but I thought I'd chime in on the EC charge debate. Universal storage uses 33w = 1 EC as that's what the stock solar panels are (roughly) balanced to. Based on the power per meter2 of real world panels. I'm all for a community solution to this, and I'm happy with 1Kw = 1EC but we would also have to mod the stock assets to match, otherwise the stock solar panels will be massively OP compared to other power generation. Given that this would involve altering existing parts (via module manager) it's probably best as a separate mod to CRP. It's also probably worth waiting for 1.0 to see how squad rebalances things.
  6. US is balanced against the stock solar panels, which is where we got the 33w = 1EC from. A lot of the other mods use 1EC = 1Kw, but if we balance US against that then the solar panels are massively overpowered against the US fuel cell and so there's never a reason to use the cell rather than the panels. I'm all for a standardization for EC and I'm happy to use 1EC - 1Kw but if we do that we need to balance the stock assets to match that or it's not going to work. With Squad in the process of balancing everything for 1.0 it probably makes sense to wait until they've finished then work from there.
  7. I'm not a professional comedian, but I think April fools jokes are best served on April 1st
  8. If you look in GameData you'll find a folder called UniversalStorage MDK this contains examples of how to mod Universal Storage and is not supposed to be installed. If you delete the folder then you'll be all set. If in doubt check the included installation instructions, it'll tell you exactly what should and shouldn't be there. - - - Updated - - - Absolutely! I need to do some testing on this, but we will be moving over. - - - Updated - - - I've never seen anything like this before, what other mods do you have installed and which version of KSP?
  9. Polish is more important than wide scope. Players and reviewers are going to jump over bugs, so a smaller feature set which is well polished will make a better impression than incomplete features. These can be left for 1.1
  10. Deadly reentry works without any changes. It's slightly harder because orbital velocities are higher, but nothing you need to change configs for. I've been using it without problems.
  11. I don't use OPM but if someone creates a compatibility pack I'll be happy to bundle it. For Deadly reentry it should work out of the box, with a slight difficulty level but very manageable.
  12. I just confirmed with Shimmy that Karbonite works great with 64K, so it will also be fine with K2.
  13. There were never surface mountable. Although you can surface mount the EVAx.
  14. I did some testing and I can't recreate this. I am able to remove and reattach wedges when on EVA. Note that the wedges are not surface mountable so you can't place them anywhere, they need to go on an node, which usually means a Universal Storage core part. The option you're looking for on the right click menu (right click on the core) is Store.
  15. I haven't tested Kethane, but I think Shimmy uses it with 64K, so if it works there, then it'll work here. I can test it easy enough. The anomalies, could be fixed by Squad by snapping them to the terrain level, but it's probably very low down on their todo list. For landed ships, I haven't tested it, but if you make a backup of your saves folder then you can give it a try.
  16. Atmo height is the same as stock. Doubling the size of the planets is quite a small change as far as the atmosphere is concerned, as they don't scale the same. Really it should be a little bigger, but I wanted to keep everything as stock like as possible and changing the atmosphere height would cause issues with contracts. Rotations are the same, again this means the planet rotates a little fast for it's size but it keeps everything simple and stock like. A stationary orbit will be 6 hours as before. I'm about to push out an update that darkens the ocean of Kerbin from space, so it's closer to stock. I'll update this post when I have completed the update. - - - Updated - - - Version released This is the full release of the mod. The only change from the previous version is a darker ocean texture for Kerbin, so it looks closer to stock. From here on in the mod is feature complete and I'll only be updating the mod to keep it compatible with the latest KSP version or to fix bugs. Download from Github https://github.com/Paul-kingtiger/K2/releases/tag/ I'll be adding the mod to Kerbal Stuff shortly, maybe Curse as well. Let me know if you encounter any problems, and also any FAR users, I'd be interested to know how the mod effects Delta V requirements.
  17. Hi Kofeyh, First of all thanks for using the mod on Twitch. Regarding the earth texture, it's not included in the download so there's literally no way it can appear. I suspect that either you have a very old version of the mod (pre 64K) or you've installed RSS separately and the two are clashing. Delete the RealSolarSystem folder from your install, then download the latest version of 64K from Kerbal Stuff ([Moderator removed defunct website link]). Follow the included download instructions and let me know if you're still having this issue.
  18. Because the top and bottom nodes are so close together it's easy to mess up attaching them which screws the calculations for MechJeb or Engineer. The code is in the part.cfg file if you want to remove the comments and activate it. - - - Updated - - - The code hasn't changed for quite a few versions, so if this is only a recent problem then I'm tempted to say it's with another mod. What other mods do you have?
  19. I've added a link to the source code to the first post, the current version up there has darkened ocean, let me know what you think. https://github.com/Paul-kingtiger/K2
  20. I generated a full set of .obj files before uploading the mod, so they should be accurate. [Correction] The object files never made it to the upload which would explain why you're seeing this and I'm not. I'll update github. Version released Fixes the above issue. This should be the last pre-release version. https://github.com/Paul-kingtiger/K2/releases/tag/
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