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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. Half of North America just lost their facebook...
  2. The wheels on the Vikus don't work, which is a shame since I spent a lot of time making an improved model with pimp suspension. To test it, I kept the W key jammed for half an hour while I went and ate dinner, and I came back to see the Vikus still bouncing along the desert hills. Ah well. I've ripped off the wheels of the Vikus and I'm doing a remodeling of the lower half of the chassis as quick as I can, and I'll send you the .craft link once I'm done.
  3. Yep, that was also my main concern. My wheels don't collide (I think), but each wheel has a sophisticated suspension system involving like a dozen docking ports per wheel, which I made after the disastrous Vikus wipeout was released as a sneak peek. I'm not even sure if the suspension is necessary anymore xD
  4. It's time! I have a whole bunch of various spaceships, military aircraft, and armored vehicles which I need to test and ensure that they work with the new update. One vehicle, my upgraded infantry fighting vehicle, has parts clipped like nobody's business. I hope the update doesn't destroy it.
  5. 10/10, give this man a medal
  6. Oh cool, I'm glad to see this is coming back. I can't believe it's been a year already! Hatbat, you gotta finish that battle for the KSC vid and you'll win in a landslide
  7. Welcome back! I have a whole inventory lined up for y'all. I look forward to the new thread.
  8. Welp... the last time Hatbat posted was in december :c can we expect KS any time soon? At this point I'm dying to see it
  9. Here's some pictures of an LAV-25 inspired IFV.
  10. If your craft includes parts from mods which aren't approved for the series, don't be surprised when Hatbat doesn't use it.
  11. Sounds good! I actually tried making one of those not too long ago. It looked pretty ugly, but it could be dropped via orbit and it was a testbed for a new type of suspension. Question: will planetary ground combat (like the Centurions on Duna) still use BDarmory?
  12. Alrightie, I'm excited! A few weeks ago I made a handful of new crafts for when the new thread is made. My Christmas break starts in a few hours, so I'll have more time for playing KSP. Any particular type of ship you'd like?
  13. Here's a little thing I made as a joke a few weeks ago. Bolted down and ready!
  14. I don't mean to be rude, but do we have an ETA on the new thread?
  15. Are there "advanced reply" and "preview post" options? I can't seem to find them.
  16. Sounds good! I'm still working out the new layout of the forum. That pesky 'advanced reply' button is hiding from me...
  17. All right, we're back online! The mobile site looks pretty neat too. Any ETA for the new thread?
  18. Nooooo! My beautiful, top-heavy machine! Tactical Bananna Peels are its secret weakness. Outstanding work on the sound effects there, the wreckage sounds amazing. This happened a few times with me during combat testing, and another vikus could easily flip it over. I was thinking of adding KAS tows and cables to the back in case of a wipeout but I couldn't get it to work. Better ask the Mississippi nicely to flip it over and hope your driver's neck didn't break! :D
  19. All new submissions will have to be 1.0.5 compatible, I guess.
  20. Oh jeez, whenever I feel like I'm good at KSP I have to remind myself that Zekes exists
  21. Here's a link the the Cyten Orbital Industries page. Ironically, a space-based corporation which only sells military aircraft and armored vehicles. Maybe one day I'll finish and submit my cargo SSTO... one day... Anyway, also in case you need it, Here's the link to the Vikus IFV. Also, I have a quick question? What version of KSP and BDarmory will be used for the ground battle? If you're using the most recent, then I quickly bring the Vikus up to speed by replacing the flares with smoke dispensers.
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