I think I was here since 2012, my account got deleted on the great wipe or whatever you guys call it now.
I could recognize most people here and found forum friends all over the place. On imgur, reddit, and even Youtube. Speaking of which, I can't seem to find any of the users I had as friends here before they switched to this new site. Do we still have a "friends" list?
I kinda miss it, man. Getting in trouble with the mods for using a bad word here and there, checking out Whackjob's crazy stuff, all the tips we shared on this thread:
The music-sharing thread, the "What did you do today?" one, which I think is still going strong... It feels weird, like we had a tightly-knit community, I had never seen something like that in a gaming forum.
But, you know... life happened. Finished High School, got a job, went into mechanical engineering (because of KSP, speaking of the devil), laptop became crappy and I kinda went out the back door. Haven't been to this forum for a while, and even more if we're talking about doing it constantly. I just... meh.
I'm still subscribed to Scott Manley, Cupcake, Danny, Elysium, Giggleplex, HOC, iDan (I think he got banned...), katateochi (remember his awesome Curiosity replica, and the Constellation one too!), a bunch of other ones, and yes, even Macey Dean; How could we forget about Macey?
Aaaaaanyway, I'm kinda getting nostalgic over a game. Got something in my eye.
If any of the old folks here recognize me, you get a free internet cookie.