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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. haven't even tried to figure em out yet, none of the ones I use are updated yet anyway.
  2. Reminds me of some of the old sid and marty croft shows on sat mornings. gads but I hated them.
  3. Danny's vids are the funniest ones I have seen...I think it's the music he uses.
  4. Very good work. liking the rocket design. Love these "story" vids they take a lot of work, creativity and imagination.
  5. builder / pilot / explorer / settler
  6. I have used it once or twice, I usually don't even remember its there.. ah well, back to the ol drawin board.
  7. That moment when, during a picture perfect launch, you stage and the bottom of your rocket plows thru the top of your rocket because you staged .25 seconds to early and there was juuust that little bit of fuel in your first stage left to burn.
  8. yes... yes he is. He is the only one
  9. oh I am so waiting to see what gets posted here
  10. Congrats. My first docking was hard fought, and when it finally snapped in I went hand had a shot of whiskey to calm my nerves. Hope yours was somewhat less stressful
  11. I seem to remember reading somewhere that low orbits have a tendency to be.. unstable? any truth?
  12. The many times I have jumped out of my skin when my ship spontaneously explodes...."sigh"
  13. Congrats, nice lander. Making one similar for a 3 man lander.
  14. Is this was you mean? I So need to print that and take it to work!!
  15. Nice video. Liked the story mode narration, but needed some alarms going off or something when the flight had the emergency . For some reason I had my doubts as to the rocket getting off the ground. Then I remembered how much mass the rockomax engines can lift. looking forward to the next "chapter"
  16. Very cool. I like watching vids like this they always give me ideas.
  17. got a ship stranded around duna then lost that file and had to start over, haven't been back there yet. Currently trying to design a Duna mission profile and ship.
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