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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. Allright, I'm back! I am going to attempt to do the challenge now, since it seems ADV-SAS has stopped doing the challenge. Sorry for not showing up for a while, I had a few..., minor technical difficulties.
  2. False. This is really the first forum I have been on. The next user lives north of me.
  3. I've been told that I broke a bone in my leg when I was too young too remember it. So true? The next user will have eaten bacon by the end of today.
  4. True, since that pretty much covers everywhere that you could possibly live. The next user dislikes Wal-Mart.
  5. Banned for living in the Phillipines.
  6. Granted, but the universe is so small that there is nothing for you to do in it. I wish for more bacon.
  7. Granted, but you are now locked in a parallel universe where you are a slave to the pizza factory and pizza is the only food fed to the slaves. You quickly grow tired of pizza, since they only feed you cheese pizza. Soon, you join in the toppings revolt to demand pepperoni and sausage be served as alternatives, however, all the slaves in the revolt are killed. I wish my computer didn't suck.
  8. Granted, but they only know bad words. I wish I could one day live on a space station.
  9. True, I enjoy a good cup of tea every now and then. The next user has been to a Starbucks.
  10. Granted, the planets are now cubes. Have fun landing I wish you KSP had dynamic terrain that you could dig into with excavator parts and create craters when you crash your ships.
  11. Yes, for I am above all as I float in my Kerbol station @ 136 Gm. The next user agrees with me that Kerbol stations are actually quite useless.
  12. Granted, but in that universe you are also morbidly obese from having eaten nothing but pizza your whole life. I wish there was a way to make Jool and Eeloo transfers not take as much time.
  13. True, I am above you as well as below you. I am the bread, and you are the sandwich. The next user wants to eat a sandwich now.
  14. False. The next user plays minecraft.
  15. False. The user below me is located north of the Equator.
  16. I feel as though a thread for general purpose randomness should have at least one 10 hour Nyan Cat video.
  17. True. The next user is being/has been turned into a cat by Chobit.
  18. True, sometimes I have to click "check for updates" just to make sure. The next user plays way too much KSP.
  19. And, new colonies!! Ike colony Athena, Bop colony Dionysus, and Vall colony Hera, Score: Athena: Ike(45) - 1 Habitat Module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: 72 Dionysus: Bop(75) - 1 Habitat Module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: 102 Hera: Vall(80) - 1 Habitat Module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: 107 Other Bases: - Mun: Artemis (137) - Minmus: Apollo (82) - Eve: Aphrodite (74) - Duna: Ares (62) - Moho: Hermes (117) - Laythe: Poseidon (117) - Gilly: Hephaestus (84) - Dres: Hestia (87) - Pol: Demeter (102) - Eeloo: Eos (147) Grand Total: 1290 Back on top!
  20. No, I haven't really bothered with SSTO's. The next user has planted a colony before.
  21. False. Mostly because I don't feel like going through all the work to translate a post into hex. The next user will think that I am lazy.
  22. True. Programming I final monday. (C++) The next user is in college.
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