Okay, I have a slight rant here. Back when they were getting started on 0.18, if I remember correctly, "resources system" was used to refer to the system by which the rocket carried specific resources in each part, IE liquid fuel and oxidizer in fuel tanks, monopropellant instead of generic RCS fuel, intake air, Xenon gas for ion engines, and electric charge, as well as the ability for modders to add their own (the infinite possibilities of which we have yet to see the end of) Then, whenever 0.19 was being talked about, and before they decided to make smaller updates more often (the consensus on which appears to be that it didn't work), they showed off this cool system for mining stuff on all the planets (In Situ Resource Utilization, or ISRU) and we've been calling it the "resources system" ever since. Now, the problem here is that the two paragraphs above describe two distinctly different ideas, but we seem to be using the same name for both ideas. Therefore, it is my considered opinion that only the first should be referred to the "resource system", and the second should be referred to as the "ISRU system" That is all, thank you and have a nice arbitrary time reference.