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Everything posted by camlost

  1. In \RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\Squad\RO_Squad_SPP.cfg @PART[shockConeIntake]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True !MODULE[TweakScale] { } !mesh = DELETE MODEL { model = Squad/SPP/ShockConeIntake/model scale = 1.722222, 1.722222, 1.722222 } @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.07638875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 @category = Propulsion %maxTemp = 2000 } Why is this inlet resized along with Mk2 parts? If that's to be done, AJEInlet area should be rescaled as well.
  2. RF is not working with tweakscale.
  3. Not sure anyone noticed this before, but the the mesh of 'turbofan' seems smaller than 1.25m in diameter, and the node is off.
  4. Funny thing that in beta phase there're still so many 'legacy' things
  5. https://github.com/camlost2/AJEsolverTester Calling for public test
  6. I'm the right person to ask, the only function of this mod is to change engines' thrust and Isp. How they draw resource and whatnot is not touched @Everybody, I'm in the process of re-writing the engine code, making it infinite times more readable
  7. Think this way: how much fuel does a F-15 carry, which also uses 2 x F-100-PW-229? The density is 5, so the question is, with only 1500 litres of fuel, how long can the F-15 maintain supersonic flight at sea level? You can look it up somewhere, the answer is not long XD
  8. In AJE, engines have a idle thrust that is usually 3% of max, which is more or less the case in reality. You can manually shut down engines if you want. NVM, read it wrong, that's too weird. If it's just a pod then there's no AJEModule running
  9. Intake air is always stripped, what AJE does is to set Isp every frame, the actual fuel flow is handled by stock modules
  10. I can't think of why. Keep in mind that the LiquidFuel's density is 5. There's no separate configs for RF or no RF
  11. the 'free' type seems having a problem. Instead of being able to freely set the scale, only 70%, 100%, 140%, 200% etc are available
  12. updated xxx - - - Updated - - - updated for 0.90
  13. AJE is partless. And it's not really a dependency for RO. If you don't want it/don't care about jets just skip it
  14. There's no formality, just post or push on github whatever you have
  15. I don't have any new engines configured. Usually I only make configs when and if I want to play it. I haven't played with propellers for a while so I didn't even notice the incompatibilty with FAR. That said, you guys need to participate more. What's the point of being open-source?
  16. The Angled adapter looks interesting, can I suggest you make a round one aside the mk2 type?
  17. Take your time to use NASA EngineSim, play with this mod, read the code and cfg, or try AJE Tester.exe that's included. I trust that you can figure it out since you did this research and fitted the data to a curve. In short, what you did is actually incompatible to the existing approach. It's easier for you to try it than for me to blab here. True, but thrust and Isp MUST BE two-variable functions nonetheless, hence they need maps instead of curves. The difficulty is why I chose NASA EngineSim code in the first place.
  18. How did you find the data? This mod uses a different method from defining thrust curves etc. Instead, the engine is defined by components like turbine temperature and compressor ratio. Then calculate the engine performance with thermodynamics. Even if a numerical method is applied, your data is still incomplete for serious aeronautical simulation. As explained in OP, both thrust and SFC depend on altitude and speed at the same time.
  19. That flag doesn't do anything. Also I don't understand the mod makers' minds, would an engine that's supposed to have a precooler, still function without it? That's not really a design choice.
  20. More specific suggestion is appreciated, as always
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