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Everything posted by sodopro

  1. Presenting the new SP-01A! Made to challenge the XF-100 in it's current standing, the Gilly Class has 22 hardpoints in total, enough to beat the noggins out of your opponent. Thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29115-KKS-SP-01A-Heavy-Frigate%21
  2. Since Sodo Corp has not ever released a military craft, they thought they would jump in on the bandwagon. So they created a heavy frigate, the new Gilly Heavy Frigate. Specs: Vac Delta V: About 7700m/s Small Docking Ports: 14 total Large Docking Ports: 8 total Crew Capacity: 2, Lander Can Engines: 4 Nuclear Engines Fuel: 3600 Liquid, 4400 Oxidizer RCS: 750 ASAS: Yes Download:http://www./?tq87zpzm4nnob13
  3. Urban Warfare is pretty much covered by bombers and planes like the A10. Stealth is not needed.
  4. I don't think the Global Hawk can carry weapons. CF-XX just isn't gonna cut it. To build that thing would require so much money, money that could easily buy a lot of Sus or Migs. Plus its not viable. Canada doesn't need stealth. Hell, we barely even have any countries that seem like theyre going to launch a strike at us. The CF XX is a dream. The original Arrow was great, but it takes a lot more than 3D renders to make a new plane. Final point, we should get in on FA XX, in dev by Boeing.
  5. The A-10 is one of the most beautiful birds out there. Looks badass, IS badass, and you can't really compete with that 30mm. F-35B can't hold more than the A-10. I'll bet on that. (Payload btw)
  6. Now now, I think that we can agree that it's a mutual relationship. Until you guys tried to bribe us into the F-35. No. Just No. Also, pardon me, but the CF-XX just isn't all that viable. Not only is it NOT supported by the government, it also doesn't have all that much of an advantage over the F-22 or the PAK FA. No, it's not 7th gen. The most right now is a planned 6th gen by Boeing, the F/A XX. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixth-generation_jet_fighter Another thing: the Avro Arrow (Original) was HUGE. 24 meters (77 feet to the Yanks). And, if I read the website for the Super Arrow correctly, the Super Arrow is supposed to be even bigger. Getting that into the air will be near impossible. Even the F-22 is only 19 meters. Not to shoot anything down. (No pun intended) I'm a Canadian too, but the way I see it, we would be better off just ordering some Super Hornets, like the Aussies.
  7. You know, the F-35. In my opinion, the worst fighter ever made. So, should we (any country buying the F-35) buy it? Any other choices out there?
  8. Yeah, dumb projectiles can be hard to aim for beginners.
  9. Now that's just racist and uncalled for. I'm Canadian, and I don't give a s--t about this argument, but grow up and stop insulting other countries.
  10. That is pretty god-damned beautiful.
  11. Macey's battlecruiser is nice, but it's main anti-capital ships are "dumb" projectiles; they don't move from their path. Their range is also limited, as SRBs tend to spin out after a while.
  12. 3/10? Seen you around a bit
  13. Place your fuel tanks,rockets,etc first. Then armor it.
  14. Bringing back the old thread. Post any military related craft in here. Cruisers, missiles, carriers, etc. I miss the old thread. Something new: KIDA, Kerbal Interplanetary Defense Administration. Click here!
  15. Look great. One thing to point out: One hit to those fuel tanks and they could be gone.
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