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Everything posted by sodopro

  1. So which one are you going to use? Well, it depends on your spacecraft. Most of the time, you'll find yourself using ASAS, just for generally everything. ASAS can apply stability to all planes of motion, whereas normal SAS only does this for rotational force. If you do find yourself needing torque, an empty command pod is probably the better choice, as they can be used by ASAS and they apply torque to all planes. If using a large rocket, and you just want it to stop spinning, SAS may be your choice. On planes, the Avionics Package is a better choice.
  2. OUTDATED. Still here for demo users, but this is mostly useless for 0.21+. I previously wrote a different version before the great DDOS attack. Since there is no tutorial sub section, I'll post it here for now. SAS, or ASAS? That is the question. Which one do YOU need for YOUR spacecraft? In this mini-guide, I'll be teaching you the differences, as well as which one to use on specific aircraft/rockets. First of all, to use any one of these parts, press T to toggle (on/off) or F to trigger (holding F will keep SAS on). SAS SAS is your basic rotational stabilizer. Usually used on rockets, SAS stops your rocket from spinning all over the place. SAS has rotational torque only, making it useless for vertical and horizontal stability. However, SAS can be useful when launching large rockets, to prevent them from entering death spirals. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/S.A.S._Module ASAS ASAS stands for Advanced SAS, and keeps the entire aircraft/rocket stable. It does this by using other controllable parts. ASAS, unlike SAS does not have any torque itself, so by itself, it is useless. However, ASAS utilizes gimbal engines, winglets/canards, RCS and other parts with torque (Command pods and SAS) to keep the craft stable. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Advanced_S.A.S._Module Avionics Package The avionics package is basically the same as ASAS; it utilizes other parts to stop your craft from moving. The AvPa is usually mounted on a nosecone. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Avionics_Package
  3. Nice boats. .Craft download maybe? Edit: saw you streaming. Great job.
  4. 3/10 Seen you around a bit.
  5. How do you tell how heavy of a payload your rocket can lift?
  6. Meh, I feel like learning it, but I can fly just fine without.
  7. Nice to meet you! Yeah, the community here is pretty welcoming and awesome. Have fun!
  8. 3/10, I didn't really see you that much before the purge.
  9. Nice Mun base. How long can it go for in the night, km wise? Never knew about that clipping trick.
  10. Well, it looks like the forum is back, although all my stuff has been lost. Ah well. Nice to start again.
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