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Everything posted by SVoyager
[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)
SVoyager replied to TriggerAu's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Did another test and this time with a clean install. Same results. I do still have the bindings logspam even with a unmodded ksp (besides ARP, memgraph), not quite sure whats up with that but thats for another thread. The garbage collection intervals are barely perceptible at this level but the difference between stock resource panel and ARP can easily be seen on the graph. log file -
[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)
SVoyager replied to TriggerAu's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I am having an issue with ARP, could use some help. I find that having the ressource panel open tends to make KSP stutter much more frequently (twice as much actually). I checked with memgraph and it shows the difference with ARP open vs the stock ressource panel open. I don't know if it is only me so maybe others can check on their ends too? ARP does do quite a lot more than stock so that might be related but it feels like the difference is quite extreme. Here is a screenshot as well as the log file. Note, for some reason I have some binding error spam on my log file. I just realized this today so i'll have to track this down but that is for another thread. I suppose it is not related? I have a fair amount of mods installed, if required I can try this again on a fresh install (anyway i'll have to do that to track the log spam). Thanks in advance for the help!! Log file -
nvm, I found what the problem was. (brain fart). Totally forgot about the vessel ID related to a specific mission. I had planned for the correct amount of fuel for the mission but some unplanned "turbulences" on launch ;-) had made me run short a bit but not by much. I decided to finish the few hundred meters missing in EVA. I was then mislead by the objective being flagged as complete and thought everything was fine, heh guess not :-). I re-did the mission and it completed fine. Suggestion: Since MCE tracks for vessel ID to be able to complete a mission, maybe give a warning and prevent sub-objectives to be completed when not in the required vessel?? Thanks again for a great mod, KSP is certainly alot more fun with it!!
I have an issue and I am not quite sure what is at fault here. I have restarted a new .23.5 carrer with MCE. Have been doing the kerra I, II and III missions. Kerra I went fine, Kerra II mostly and I can't complete Kerra III. The issue I had with Kerra II , which is the same related with Kerra III is that when I landed my capsule, MCE didn't prompt for mission completion even tho evrything was done fine. I decided to exit the capsule and have jeb take some ground samples, then I got the completion message. Now with Kerra III, landed the capsule again after doing a stable orbit. No completion message, the MCE mission screen shows all objectives green tho. I decided to try and recover the vessel and still no mission completion. Am I doing something wrong??? Edit: Running MCE .66 (not yet updated to .67, changelog didn't seem to mention anything that would have an effect for me)
[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)
SVoyager replied to TriggerAu's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Woot this is awesome, thanks a bunch. This is a must have!!! -
Quick question, tried to spot it in this threadnaught but after reading about 20 pages, I didn't find anything. -When I use the B9 lights, if I timewarp with them on while in orbit, they will lightup the entire planet! Is there anything to fix that? I am not sure but it seemed to happen only with the b9 lights, could be wrong tho. -On the same note, I doubt this can be fixed as its probably hard coded in the animation, still maybe not. Is it possible to have the lights not flicker when you turn them on or off? I don't know, not quite fond of that effect. Just a personal taste here and defenatly not going crazy about it but if it can be changed, it would be nice. Thanks!
[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)
SVoyager replied to TriggerAu's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hey just quickly stopping by to say that I absolutely love your mod!! I went on to update my mods and this one was on the list of those needing an update. The ability to set alarms, hide resources, reorder them, separators. Wow, just wow!!! This has become such an important mod to get. I popped back the old ksp resource panel and I could barely watch it for 5 seconds that I got back to your panel . Great work there, really awesome!!! On a side note, if you are open to suggestion, there was one feature I would love to have in it, nothing major. -In my quest to make my current screen space as efficient as possible (only display windows when it is required to do so), I was wondering if it was possible to have the option to hide a specific resource when it is empty. Right now we can do that with the alert system however I have found one specific situation where I cannot do it. My ox/liquid fuel. I want it to alert me once I get below a set amount, that is fine here. However I cannot make it hide when I run out of fuel as having the alert for the low values makes the resources stay on screen when empty. My line of thought with this is that I want to be alerted when I am about to run out but once I am empty, well I don't need to be alerted / to see that resource anymore as there won't be any use for it again until I refuel it. So I was thinking about a simple checkbox to hide a specific resource when empty, configurable per resource. -Another suggestion would be to have the panel display all resources, even those that were configured to be hidden, under a specific situation. As an example again, say I want to check my TAC air/food/water reserves but I configured them to warn me only once it reaches 55%. However I want to quickly check them to see how far I am before I reach alert levels. An option to have it display all the resources for a second or two could help with that. I don't quite know what could be used as a trigger, mouseover the panel maybe? keyboard shortcut? something else? What do you think?? Cheers! SV -
Yeah I tried that already. Does the same as you would close a normal window (X button). As with the "I" toggle, it will come back on next VAB reload. Just wished that it would start as being closed and stay that way until I need it, rather than being the other way around right now. Not a huge issue tho but would be nice still
[0.25] 6S Service Compartment Tubes - "Design smooth!"
SVoyager replied to nothke's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Ooh awesome, this mod is on the must have list and your tweaks a__gun are exactly what I was hoping to have. Grats, job well done!! :-) -
[1.0.4] Smart Parts v1.6.6 | DDS Textures and Bug Fixes | July 5
SVoyager replied to Firov's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Ohh this looks very interresting. Quick question about the timer module. You can use it to trigger chutes on SRB's after having decoupled them off the main craft but what if the SRB's become further than 2km away in kerbin? Will it still dissapear like anything other debris or will it force the game not to remove it and can actually land the SRB while my ship is far away in orbit? -
Modular Fuel System Continued v3.3 (OBSOLETE)
SVoyager replied to NathanKell's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Just a quick question. I am one of those that was using MFS with stock fuels (however I liked the real fuel ones). The only issue I had with the real fuels was that I had planned a long range mission but I only had enough fuel to get there and I was planning to get the fuel for the return trip by mining with kethane. Only then I realised that the converters didn't convert for the fuels I needed. I am at work ATM so I don't remember the type of fuels that I used. But did I do something wrong and I should have been able to convert kethane back into real fuels or was it normal for me to not be able to use it?? At some point I would love to go full realism while using kethane and plan missions with being able to refine fuel to extend the range of the crafts (while keeping them light). -
[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3
SVoyager replied to sirkut's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Oh, damn. Thanks alot for the reply tho, still a very awesome plugin despite this. Cheers! -
[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3
SVoyager replied to sirkut's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Hey quick question. First sorry if this was posted in this thread already. 165 pages long, I wish I had that much time to find an answer :-). I was going thru my mods for a new .23 campaign and I remember that I had used this plugin and had alot of fun with it but had some rather outstanding issues that prevented me to use it on long term. The issue I had was that sometimes parts were getting "disconnected" when reloading a save. I often was building a small crane to help assemble my mun base. Usually a hinge on bottom with 2 piston and another hinge on top with KAS magnet attached to it. Sometimes when I was reloading a save, I had the parts from this plugin just float in midair. It was still connected to the vehicle as I still had control over them but visually, there would often be big gaps between the parts which made things look rather strange. The issue could probably be caused by my use of the plugin or maybe a bug, I don't know. Anyone know of this issue? Is it something that I can work around it or has it actually been fixed (assuming its coming from the mod)? Thanks! -
[0.23]asmi's ECLSS Mod (current version - 1.0.15) - Life Support Mod
SVoyager replied to asmi's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
hey asmi, I have been keeping an eye on your plugin and it looks awesome! I have one small comment/request if its not too much asked. It is quite a bit difficult to stay updated without having to go thru the entire thread here (we are 23 pages atm). My problem is that I have very little time to do research for my plugins (if I had to for every plugin I had, I would never have time to play KSP heh). Is it too much asked to have a change log on the OP with maybe latest update date next to your version number as the thread's title? Thanks alot! -
Nice work on these, very nice looking!! Would fit nicely on my colonization ship or a permanent mun/duna base!! Maybe with different sizes, it could fit even better! I bit OT, but what is the movie your picture is from zzz ? I don't remember seeing it, hmm.
Ahh, great idea didn't thought of that! I went and built a new craft the way you suggested and it got balanced on the main tank from start to finish, excellent !! Indeed I try to build with symmetrical fuel tank placement. Usually one main tank with 2 connected on each sides, so when placing the RCS right after putting the main tank, I could get the secondary tanks centered on the main so that when they emptied, they kept the CoM centered on the main still ! Awesome!! The suggestion about being able to see the actual value would be nice but not necessary. Just would make it easier to know if what you are doing is actually helping or not especially when the CoM ball becomes so small that you can barely see it anymore. But then again, at that point it probably isn't making that much of a difference in the overall stability, but maybe it would be nice to have for the purists out there who love numbers . A quick note, the plugin appears to calculate parts that are not connected to the craft. ex: have some fueltank with rcs thrusters on it and you disconnect it from the craft and leave it there in a corner of the VAB while testing a different setup, it will calculate the parts that you put away even tho they are not connected to anything anymore. Cheers and grats again for this great plugin!!
Just tried it! You sir are my hero!! I just balanced my RCS of most of my crafts to pixel precise accuracy in less than a minute. I then did a quick test with one of the crafts and rcs is perfect, going up/down left/right means no unwanted rotation!! You... made a man cry. This is... perfection!! Thanks alot, this plugin is priceless for me! BTW, would this be possible to adapt it in some way so to be able to show the shrinking center of mass thing depending on which object I select in VAB? Say I want to have my center of mass be in the perfect center of my main fuel tank, I would select the fuel tank as being the reference object and whenever I would add things then the CoM would get smaller the more closer from the center of the fuel tank it would get. That way if I would endup having the CoM be almost invisible, I would then know that my vessel is balanced on the fuel tank (meaning that emptying the fuel tank wouldn't shift the CoM, thus keeping the vessel balanced at all times during flight).
Yeah I agree on that, I too would prefer only smaller things, I don't see a kerbal holding a 1 man command pod on its back lol !! I might want to work on a file on my free time. Its quite a bit time consuming tho but at least you gave us the tools to make things much easier!!! Thanks alot for that! Oh damn, I forgot to make that one. Here it is!! http://youtu.be/IaeJEDktYa4
[0.20] ModuleManager 1.3 - for all your stock-modding needs
SVoyager replied to ialdabaoth's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
There was a few mistakes on the ioncrosslss file on the first post. Here is a fixed up version http://www.svoyager.com/IonCrossLSS.cfg -
Having a small issue with trying to re-attach something and the angle seems to shift. Not sure if its just a KSP thing. Ex: I have my RCS Quad and placing it on stack mounted fuel tank, a rcs fuel tank or a 6 sided port part, the angles will fit fine on each of these parts. The mark1-2 pod however has it shifting on most of its axis depending on where I put it. I even have the 2x2 structural panel that sometimes fit fine and other times doesnt. Not quite sure whats wrong there. This is the angle modification I had to do for the part to fit on most things: in the KASModuleAttach section. partRot = (0.0, 75.0, -90.0) // Rotation of the attached part Is this a KSP thing (I know that sometimes angles in KSP in the VAB can be screwy depending on how you place the parts) or KAS?? edit: I'll see if I can make you guys a video but gotta first check if this issue is coming from me making a mistake or something else.