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Everything posted by Brotoro

  1. Where are guys getting all this antimatter? I'm sure in 2153 antimatter is available at every corner drugstore, but here in 2013 it's a little hard to come by.
  2. The compressed air is the propellant in both kinds of rockets. But if you have only compressed air in the rocket, you have very little reaction mass, so the result is poor. Add some water as reaction mass for the prepellant to push out, and you get better performance.
  3. I quit using SAS parts once I found out they don't add anything to my control inputs (and, in fact, fight against them).
  4. You can also stay in sunlight almost all the time by being in a very high orbit that's inclined by a few degrees...then you'll only possibly go into the Earth's shadow when the nodes of the orbit line up with the direction to the sun...and you could time things to be elsewhere in your orbit when that happens.
  5. Ah, but you are forgetting that some mammals may have come over from parallel universes, and therefore not be evolved from the same common ancestor as the mammals in this universe. OK, that's as wacky as I can get. Goofy thread is goofy. I'm outta here.
  6. If you increase the percentage of oxygen in your air, you can use lower pressure without the problem of altitude sickness that some people experience at 13000 feet. But there is an increase in fire danger.
  7. Just for astronomical correctness, I will note that the Hubble telescope has indeed been used to observe objects in our solar system. And only Neptune was discovered because of its gravitational perturbations of another planet (Uranus). Pluto is far to small to have been the cause of the perturbations of Neptune's orbit that some thought were due to another planet (and were most likely observational errors). Pluto was actually found because of a painstaking photographic search.
  8. As I recall, after the frogmen put the floatation collar on the command module, they tossed some isolation suits into the CM hatch for the astronauts to put on. Then when they got out of the capsule, they washed the outside of the isolation suits down with some disinfectant. Once they got the astronauts to the carrier, they put them inside a small isolation habitat (trailer), which they rode inside until they got to the isolation facility. The length of the period of isolation was chosen because most earthly diseases manifest themselves in that time period. They were just watching for symptoms.
  9. I don't see how it can be realistic, but I suppose it depends on how you use it. We have rockets just appear at the drop of a hat in the VAB on Kerbin, but I presume there is a whole industrial civilization on Kerbin support this effort, even though we can't see any signs of it on the planet.
  10. Common ancestry with what? Each other? Or with something else? We know a lot about what animals are closely related to each other by looking at their DNA and seeing which sequences in it (including faulty parts) are in there. The "family tree" derived this way matches well with what we derive from the fossil record.
  11. I, for one, welcome our new horrible lunar virus overlords.
  12. I've read a good sampling of K^2's posts over time, and I can tell that he appears to know of what he speaks.
  13. Drove around on Laythe a lot...with some relatively brief exciting flying bits in between...which end in overly exciting transitions...then more driving.
  14. Artistic dark shots are one thing. Dark shots where you just can't see anything are another.
  15. The antimatter that was created in about equal quantities with matter during the early phases of our universe's evolution was all annihilated, and that energy is now in the cosmic background radiation. The Big Question is why there was a little more matter than antimatter to begin with...since that small leftover bit is what we are made of.
  16. Ah, but what happens if a quantum mechanical interaction can result in three different possible outcomes with probabilities of 50%, 25%, and 25%? Do one half, one quarter, and one quarter new universes get created? Or 50, 25, and 25 of them?
  17. Aren't we all pilots used to joysticks where "towards us means pitch up"?
  18. I don't think that article is saying that the values of fundamental physical constants are different from place to place in our universe... Only that they could be different form 'place to place' in a multiverse, with each of the places they refer to being a different universe.
  19. I use more OKTO probe bodies than anything else (OKTO2 since it was introduced), since in addition to using them on unmanned craft, I almost always add one of them to any manned craft I make in case I need to control the ship when the kerbals are all out to lunch.
  20. That's why I love the Improved Maneuver Nodes mod, since it lets you just press the "o" key at that point to reopen the closed maneuver node. I hope Squad implements that functionality in the game.
  21. I was messing around trying to get a trajectory to Duna, but an encounter to Jool cam up instead. I wasn't very skilled with planning interplanetary trajectories at the time. So I went off half-cocked to Jool and got my kerbals stuck there.
  22. It was not known for sure at the time whether or not the moon had life. It was considered extremely unlikely, but I think NASA at least wanted to give the impression that they were trying to protect us from lunar germs... But it didn't really hold water, since they just vented the air from the Apollo capsules out over the oceans when the astronauts landed.
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