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Everything posted by Wice

  1. I've recently been offered a job at the local university as a professor in Lurkology but I turned it down as it would cut into my lurking time...
  2. Does anybody happen to have an Excel sheet with all the formulas for calculating things like DeltaV based on values you can enter in cells? I'd like to make a list of my ships, with their DeltaV's etc but I don't know the formulas or how to properly make them.
  3. Yeah I'm excited for both these things. I understand why they're doing work on the careermode but it doesn't interest me that much. I really hope to see some stuff that'll influence the sandbox mode in the coming updates, like stock versions of docking cam/alignment indicator, movable parts and resources so up till now I was secretly a bit disappointed but I'm happy with the Subassembly and the Science...
  4. Does this still work if the focus is not on the craft?
  5. Yeah, exactly that! Now I use abbreviations for everything...
  6. Well, I'm not talking about shock absorption, I was talking about controlling the matter in which the individual legs extend, in order to level your lander horizontally while standing on a hillside.
  7. The LT-2 Langing strus legs slide out a bit when you open them. It would be nice if you could individually change how far the extend (default being all the way) in order to compensate a bit for landing on a hillside. (Perhaps this could be implemented when the tweakables come)
  8. Yeah, I can't believe that 48 hours ago, I didn't know how to dock and thanks to your tutorials I've already made 13 dockings from 7 launches in order to put this together: It's not done yet, but progressing nicely, so thanks again
  9. So, it's great that we can filter our crafts in map view and control center based on type (probe, ship, station, rover etc.) but I think it would be great to add a second layer to that by selecting a filter for location (Kerbin, Minmus, Escape-paths etc.)
  10. Thank you so much for these tutorials. I've seen a lot of docking videos but these tutorials really helped me to finally do my first docking!
  11. Wice

    Star Citizen

    Well, the exclusive system is the only backer-exlusive perk right now. And there are over a 100 systems in the game, so one exclusive system doesn't really ruin the experience.
  12. Wice

    Star Citizen

    The sooner you back it, the more exclusive bonuses you get...
  13. Wice

    Star Citizen

    So, with the upcoming release of the Hangar app, I was surprised to see that there was no Star Citizen topic on the KSP forums. Has anyone here backed Star Citizen yet? (If not, you really should: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ ) What is Star Citizen? Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main elements: a persistent world massively multiplayer online game mixing elements of 1st person space combat and interstellar trade (known as Star Citizen) and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer campaign (known as Squadron 42). Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service).
  14. I use this button quite a lot and I'd hate to see it go...
  15. I know, I use Action Groups a lot on this but there's no Hook-detach in the Action Groups, only a hook decouple (which decouples the hook from the cable instead of from what it's connected to)
  16. Got any pictures of this? Before I decouple the hooks though, I move the arms in such a way that I can decouple the hooks without the craft swinging at all
  17. Yeah, I'm working on something like that in my mind as well, thinking out how and where I'd make such a thing... A quick peek at the Mark II of my Crawler:
  18. I seriously love this mod I'm not sure if you intended for this to happen but it looked like a bug to me: When you press the Numpad 2 button to release all the cables, it doesn't only release the cables on your current craft but on other crafts as well. Also, it would be nice to have an option to detach the hook from whatever it's holding on to through an action group...
  19. Inspired by the Hanging Mun colony, this is the first version of my wall climber, affectionately named the 'Crawler'. This is a very early prototype, just to test if this idea would work. Link to the album
  20. This is awesome and it inspired me to startworking on a prototype for a wall climber. Here are some picture of the first prototype test
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