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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. No it wouldn't. The chance that objects would actually collide is very small. Another scenario is grey goo.
  2. An deiner stelle würde ich mich für KW entscheiden. Da sind ne ganze menge gute Teile drin:)
  3. Man, there are so many people on this forum that apparently attempted suicide! I mean i was also very depressed from time to time but i always think about all the good things in life that are worth living it.
  4. If you don't like like apple its ok but i still prefer my MacBook.
  5. Nasa doesn't select you because you are famous:) To be honest i don't really know.
  6. Why does everyone think that Mods are cheats and what has KSP to do with religion?
  7. You don't have to post three times in a row you can edit your posts. And please watch your grammar a little bit.
  8. This is abandoned please don't try to revive long dead threads.
  9. I recommend to read this site:http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/artificialgrav.php It has great information on the different methods to create artificial gravity.
  10. Ich bin bereit für alle Ewigkeit für die Gott-kaiserin zu dienen!
  11. I think this would be possible by using something that is called "slip ring". Going to do some research on it now.
  12. On your pictures it really looks like they where just talking about KSP whereas you are telling them that you would commit suicide. It looks more like a selfmade problem to me. Edit: I haven't tried KLF myself yet. Maybe we too could play together someday?
  13. Wouldn't a stationary laser be very vulnerable? Put it on a submarine or something that can hide.
  14. You only rule the of topic forum because some guys here have an endless discussion of who has the biggest and baddest orbital laser:P
  15. Your fifth? Oh my god what do you do with them?
  16. So you basically have no idea what you are talking about? You just throw some sci-fi stuff into the conversation? Let me tell you that: the current engines and technologies that can be build, are fully capable of bringing us EVERYWHERE in the solar system. And if you think there is nothing to see in our beautiful sol-system you're just wrong. Go back watching your star wars movies but stop playing KSP.
  17. And how would that all work? Artificial gravity, life pod and better designed propulsion system?
  18. War doesn't work like that. If you want information about your Enemy you need some military intelligence people or spys.
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