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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. Yes you need to make a new account for spaceport but i heard that this going to be changed sometime in the future.
  2. The relative velocity would be immense. Docking would be impossible. Both the object and the station would collide and be completely destroyed.
  3. Welcome to the Forums:) What KSP youtubers do you watch?
  4. Its very easy. Start with an unmanned probe body and then put a manned capsule on your rocket. The rocket will then have the rotation force of the capsule but will be unmanned. Welcome to the forums:) Edit: Don't forget an RTG or solar panels!
  5. Have fun and Welcome on the Forums:)
  6. They are hard to find. Its actually the first time i noticed them:D
  7. But walking around is very hard there. Every step sends your Kerbals flying:)
  8. After my brave Kerbalnauts landed on Duna, i decided that my next target should be Gilly. This time i went for an easier approach without assembling a big ship in Orbit. The Lander and the mothership are docked in Kerbin orbit and then ejected into interplanetary space by a chemical upper stage. The ship itself uses one of the Nucleonid NTR's as the main engine. After the aerobraking in a high elliptical orbit around Eve: I just love the silverish look of Eve's oceans: Gilly: First of the two landings: Hovering over the rough surface: Eve in the distance: My Kerbals having fun in the low Gravity environment: Mysterious ridge: Back on Kerbin: Next target, Laythe!
  9. How do i turn the Kerbal laser on and off?
  10. Sorry but this looks really horrifying:0.0:
  11. Do you have link for the video? Flying the Ceres again would be amazing:)
  12. It was called Ceres but i don't know if it will ever return.
  13. I don't really know actually:D Edit: On his DA page he writes about an email he received in which he is referred to as Mr.Getty.
  14. The Character is a girl, I think she is called "Freya" but i don't think the artist, chobit389, is one.
  15. This could maybe help you:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27587-WIP-KASPAR-Standardized-Cargo-Rack-System-for-modders He is developing a cargo system that uses individual crates. Maybe its possible to use this as magazines with a different model. you would have to "refuel" your craft by attaching new magazines.
  16. There is a difference between the Orion MPCV and the Orion Drive so no.MPCV: Orion Drive: See the difference?
  17. Dissapointed?! The light and shadows are great, the whole composition of the picture is awesome, the twisted girders look good and the twin stars give it a nice final touch.
  18. The new one is the best one so far:) I wish the game would look like that;.;
  19. Exposure like Armageddon?What do you guys think about this? Looks interesting to me too.
  20. @CptNuts wie viel bringt das Ding denn auf die Wage?
  21. You have achieved very much for someone who plays the game for only a month! Very impressive!
  22. Any News? I can't wait to bomb my ships around the Kerbol-system.
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