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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. Go play other some sci-fi game if you want FTL.
  2. Don't forget to post the video on the Forums when its ready:)
  3. That sounds almost like poetry! You should write a short story:D
  4. They aren't bad but they cause your Mainsail to overheat faster. Just put a small tank between them and your engines and the problem should be solved:)
  5. You where the guy who said he heard a voice when he opened a communotron around Laythe and then encountered an alien probe, weren't you?Banned for not remembering his own story.
  6. Banned for spreading stories about voices and Alien probes around Laythe:)
  7. It is still a Game about Newtonian physics!
  8. Ich hab gerade nichts zu tun. Wenn ihr also irgendwelche Aufträge habt schickt mir eine PM.
  9. They are just doing some thought experiments.
  10. It wasn't visible because of all the clouds so they switched to the animation. Whats wrong with that?
  11. No i'm thinking about the FTL engine everyone is talking about.
  12. i think traveling to other Star systems is out of the scope of the game. especially if its done with some fantasy warp drives.
  13. I use the KW SRB's all the time. The Thor is amazing!
  14. Spontanes rumhüpfen von Rovern kann auch auftreten wenn das Terraindetail auf niedrig gestellt ist.
  15. Yes the SRB's in KSP are useless right now. Too short burn times and not enough thrust.
  16. I don't need another Star system. They are going to make the Kerbol System bigger and there will be enough to do.
  17. I know that feeling when you think every Rocket launch you see is KSP:)
  18. After being postponed multiple times, the VV02 Launch took finally place:
  19. One of the moderators, i think it was Kasper, said that on the chat last friday.
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