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Everything posted by redwolfy

  1. banned for having a ban that has nothing to do with the other person
  2. granted you impload due to happyness I wish to have more time to play ksp
  3. lucky i have 7 to do over 1 week every week and this is on top of finishing an hour later then other schools
  4. granted they find it tasty you dont i wish for 50 tonnes of solid gold that weighs as much as a penut
  5. if you want i could try to colour it for u? (digitally) cool job by the way
  6. i had a similar idea expect there was rainbows coming from the moose.
  7. granted your eyes grow dirty and you cant see i wish for the next 7 hours to pass really fast
  8. banned for having a avatar with black eyes
  9. quick worship her before she takes over and prosecutes you for not doing it
  10. false im British the person below me is European
  11. granted it costs you billions i wish for more cats
  12. banned for wait i thought she banned snipped
  13. banned for looking blue (damn sniped)
  14. yup (this image seems to be sooo usefull)
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