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Everything posted by redwolfy

  1. guys run the madness is coming we must contain it FIRE ZE CANNONS
  2. update: finnally got round to planting a flag
  3. false the user below me has planted a flag on mun
  4. why the heck did the iss expload there is no fuel on board (not at the start near the end) i think they pressed spacebar by accident
  5. it was steam registered and i got it though a code by transferring from the ksp store also i recieved some games which i hadn't bought but had on another account i would think that i logged on to my other account by accident but the games from my main account are also there??
  6. yeah i would have thought you wouldn't need to considering steam runs on the cloud so the worst that could happen is you would have to re-download ksp but i cant its like i never purchased it
  7. initiate conversation starter: does anyone here play warhammer 40k
  8. well i just logged into steam to find that ksp had disappeared from my libary along with everything else that i did in the last few months has this happened to anyone else? and just to add some humor this was my reaction when it saw it was gone edit: fixed it yay took about two hours with fiddling with accounts but its better. thanks for the help
  9. do you fly into trees? they arn't noclip that is the only situation ive ever flipped near the ground by
  10. what do you mean by spin do you mean flip?
  11. 10/10 hey is saw you in starwars
  12. mine is RedWolf997 i think it got lost in thee first pages
  13. hi............................................................ grabs chobit and throws her(?) into a purse and runs out the door
  14. banned for not speaking "proper" english in the british thread
  15. she? seems to refer to her? self as female alot.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yRS2AosFvY
  17. shoot at enemy aircraft with your turrets not your cannons
  18. why hide it? hey did anyone notice the green woman at the end of star trek into darkness she was a kerbal
  19. hey if anyone ever says fly low when bombing to avoid anti-aircraft fire then remember to fly a bit higher when releasing your bombs i just blew my own tail fins off by accident by dropping bombs for about a height of 3m and especially with 500lb bombs just blew of my wings no im not repeating myself i just did it twice in a row lol
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