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Everything posted by sidew

  1. from my output_log I found these rows: file line text output_log.txt 1275 Texture load error in 'F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ProceduralFairings\fairing1.tga' output_log.txt 4039 Texture 'ProceduralFairings/fairing1' not found! output_log.txt 8177 PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'fairing1' to replace output_log.txt 8185 PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'fairing1' to replace
  2. Yes, you must overwrite the exists dll inside the mod directory, in this case under /proceduralfairings Have you noticed there are some texture issues with aerodinamic fairing parts? In my case when I put the part on my rocket, the fairings appears without yellowsh textures but plain white. I didn't yet investigated, I 'll check when I come back from work.
  3. Procedural Fairings works also on 0.25 after updated the dll KSPAPIExtensions.dll downloaded from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81496-0-25-KSPAPIExtensions-V1-7-1-Utilities-for-shared-mod-use
  4. Interesting view of the RCS in action...
  5. I downloaded this awesome plugin. But i don't understand how to get the "exploded" view? I clicked on explode button but it seem not working. Some examples of my capsule family and my munar rocket:
  6. Am I wrong or the parachute in Tantares opens in opposite direction? See the image: From my dropbox the output_log.txt: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7owb3a7y4cdc1na/output_log.7z?dl=0 Also I have the last version of realchute.
  7. A napier engine? Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napier_Deltic
  8. Qualcuno sa se esistono tutorial video nella nostra lingua? Devo passarli ad un mio amico che ha scoperto da poco il virus di KSP.... Solo che non ha molta dimestichezza con la perfida lingua di albione. Se non avesse questo problema non avrei esitato a passargli i video di Scott Manley solo che e' un po troppo per lui.
  9. There are some real-live screw propelled vehicles from russia: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2011/03/radical-screw-propelled-vehicles.html and also a video:
  10. have you tried Aviation Light?
  11. Finalmente l'hanno aperto la sezione italiana, anche se per me non era un problema seguire la lingua di albione....... Io ho iniziato con la 0.18 e ho 44 anni, informatico JOAT....
  12. You can launch KSP without opening steam.... also copy the folder outsite SteamApp..
  13. Marketing and/or license issues...
  14. Penso che manchi una persona che faccia da moderatore e che sia fluente in inglese. Infatti qualche mese fa c'era stato un annuncio per le posizioni di moderatori per i forum internazionali. ecco il topic (chiuso) dell'annuncio del recruitment cosi vedete i requisiti http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29439-Moderator-Recruitment-Drive-%28CLOSED%29?p=363557&viewfull=1#post363557
  15. raw video of landing... http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TaQTSTrbT3w
  16. On my wacom, I put a blank paper sheet on the sensible surface and block it with tape. I found it more pencil-feel and less slipper.
  17. I made a 6h burn with a prove with ion drive.... Good luck I use KSP in window mode, so I can doing other things in same time (browsing, watching video, reading news)...
  18. Welcome aboard in the forum from another fellow italian
  19. Vero era proprio morto... Come sono le vostre impressioni della modalitàcarriera ? Mi sto divertendo come un matto... Specie a reinventare i vettori usando pochi componenti.... Ci ho fatto 2 voli suborbitali con un bistadio SRB.... e il primo orbitale con un bistadio SRB e motore orbitale con il 909 appena sbloccato...
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