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  1. Its not unheard of, the centaur upper stage is also inside the fairing. Granted its an fairing, but you just need an access hatch to connect the fuel and oxidizer lines to upper stag. You disconnect this automatic as part of final countdown, an fail of this is an scrub.
  2. Wind has an very good synergy with hydro, also pretty good with gas if you can change the flow fast as the turbines are fast to spin up and down.
  3. Yes but it would look like an sinkhole or any hole in an roof, but by the wikipedia page is correct its an lava tube. Now I don't think its an good place for an first base, burring modules in dirt would be much simpler but its probably an idea for later missions. Much more interesting if they contains ice.
  4. Looking at some very sad looking pyramids Stuff who get buried survive much better unless its massive and / or build of huge stones. One thing who would survive for up to billions of years would be mines, yes they will be filled with mud who become stone but that its an old mine would be pretty obvious. More fun thick steel structures like the stuff holding up the roof and railroad track would fossilize easy compared to bones as it take much longer to break down. And it should be iron here, instead we find this weird stuff. Also stuff like ceramics don't break down more than stone if buried. Silurian hypnosis debunked. Yes they could be stone age, people find stone tools all the time, mostly arrowheads as they was semi disposable.
  5. Now diesel electric locomotives have no batteries but guess the zero rpm torque and many driving wheels makes this preferable. Else hybrids are nice you getting the best of both worlds. Fun fact the US made steam turbine electrical battleships, the problem was that they had issues with geared turbines so using generators and motors worked. It had the benefit of not needing an long drive shaft and that you could route power easy. Say you lost the left propeller and the right engine, just have the left engine drive the right propeller. Downside was losses and the fun of high power electricity and sea water if you took damage.
  6. This, I will add to this that you want to go fast, to me 5 days to Minmus is slow. 3 is fast. You can reach Jool in a year using the standard NTR engines. Go to Minmus to top up your tanks drop down to LKO for the injection burn. I used an three stage rocket. Chemical first, nuclear 2 and 3rd this uses cross feed. Full stack In flight, not the same ship but its an standard base, the base is mostly the same but the cargo is different, top is the Laythe base with its space plane and an emergency fuel depot also large landing engines. Second is for the outer moons, carrying an scanning satellite and an high speed relay. The hitchhiker module, not sure, its lack the science parts to be an science module you put on top of the huge tug to do science. Standard is an nod to the US standard class battleships, I wanted an very reliable and capable base, then modify for mission
  7. This, now Homo Sapiens will obviously not be the final form. First you fix most of the bugs, then you work on the features. One obvious one is diseases and the aging thing, fix that and other features and trow in pointed ears as its fitting. Not touching the mind outside of diseases and higher intelligence for very obvious reasons. Making elves is not an problem, fiddling with the mind and you might very easy loose stuff like creativity by making people more rational. Yes you do it gradually over some thousand years. Yes its crazy people but simple screenings keep them out. Works better if you treat people decently. This works, also assume mental health will be some magnitude better long before we start modifying humans on an scale to get rid of heritable diseases.
  8. This, same goes for magic. Some smart guy playing World of Wonder, an turn based fantasy with multiplayer, found that you could cast float enchant on an boat, spell levitate target an meter over the ground. Now the boat who could carry 7 units could drive on land and it got the road bonus, it had an long range. Think a apc or truck to move forces around. This changed the meta in the game it was better to have smaller numbers of expensive hard hitting units you could move around fast than having weaker units all over. You could also pre position floating boats so groups boarded an new fresh boat, this was easier for defender. Sometimes it don't work, silence was an spell effect in Elder Scroll 4 Oblivion, some though it suppressed all sound you made so it made you silent but unable to speak or cast spell. No it only made you mute not silent.
  9. This, its the same for experimental flights, if it fails inside the test area and none get hurt its no reason for an FAA investigation. FAA main mission is commercial aviation. Now it might be an idea for something like FFA for space not only involving launches and recovery but also space station and bases, perhaps also orbital security. All point to the next US space station will be an commercial station, NASA will go inn with an long term rent deal with them adding multiple modules to the station, other countries like Japan and EU (not an country) can add modules so can private companies and station will be open for tourists. Station owner will provide ship and hotel services at least for NASA. It makes sense, NASA is expensive Most time on the IIS is to keep it running, and its an waste of time and money having scientists being handymen and cleaners most of the time. On the other hand an cleaner with offshore certification is an $100.000 job at least with all the shore time.
  10. St. Elmo’s fire is pretty well understood and related to areas with an risk of lightning. Guess you don't get it on modern ships as their masts are for radar and radio antennas and is seriously grounded to protect this equipment from lighting strikes. "Modern" as in WW 2 as an minimum for warships. Guess lots of cargo ships just unplugged the antenna.
  11. This, and AI works decently for making images, and for an very stupid phone desk operator. The tricks to get to higher level support is ranting technobabble until they move you up. For phone AI just saying nonsense but perhaps using large company names and technobabble is an benefit, more so if the systems get less stupid. As for why they trust the AI, its because then project flops the suits can blame the AI. Never take any responsibility as you are guilty the it fails. No its not efficient but its safe for us.
  12. I say it makes sense in some places. One idea is to use an Starship designed for this as an moon base. You need modifications like insulation on the outside and probably strengthening of the hull. it would be smart to lower this down in an ditch and cover with regolit to protect from radiation and micro meteors. Front part is designed as living space but for it laid down flat. Here I see it as an good idea to have an access hatch to the methane tank. and in the common bulkhead. This ares would be bare steel but they could be used for all sort of purposes like storage. or an gym. Thought of making one an hangar but removing the rear bulkhead and trust structure would be an pain.
  13. An very bad idea, fist off the exhaust is very hot plasma who has to be contained by an magnetic field, now you could convert that plasma directly to electricity as its an electric charge moving trough an coil. Not useful on earth as to much hot exhaust both in temperature and radioactive. In space, it might be useful for powering gigawatt combat lasers here power is more important than cost and durability, as an bonus the rest trust after the plasma is drained for most of its energy is still trust to evade incoming. You could reduce power drawn for higher trust.
  14. Well the PS 5 pro uses an integrated gpu, now consoles get en benefit that you can write specific for the gpu but who many does that now? I think most games are initially developed on PC as its much more convenient than developer consoles as you have all the tools you want on the desktop with multiple screens and you making an pc version anyway if not Nintendo. I upgrades my very old 980ti for an 4070ti for KSP 2 granted it was very long in the tooth and helps in other games to. Still do you need 4K and 120 fps? And don't get the AI up-scaling, apparently it works but it increases lag as you only have 33 ms rendering and showing the frame at 30 hz and 16.7 ms in 60 hz.
  15. Secondary control compartment. Ships can be steered from the machine room or an place near it, they control the speed anyway and the machines to move the rudder is nearby, you can obviously not see anything but this is an emergency is bridge is destroyed, say an fire or with collision with an bridge. I read the article, its for testing ejections seats, who is pretty smart,
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