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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. Last kethane version has an generator who burn kethane for electricity. You also have some large static solar pannels in some mods, cover the ship in them.
  2. My first advice would be to replace the aircraft landing gear with an standard one you drop on takeoff. That way it would look less than an exploit, the ladder is pretty much ok as other has used it before the seats came. Point is to take credit for making the lightest stock Eve accent craft.
  3. Mechjeb does not need sas/ asas much but us mostly able to fly the rocket without. Noticed this myself on some probes and landers without asas/ sas, mechjeb handles them nice but without asas they will not lock in direction making an micro lander impossible to handle as any tap on wasd will have it spin. Not tested 0.21 so this is 02 experience
  4. That is verry impressive. Far lighter than mine lighest who uses balloons
  5. Nice, but why the small tug, you could just as well added the fuel on the satellite, but perhaps you had plans to reuse it? How much fuel did you use? three orange tanks should be able to take you to Jool without problems perhaps even Eeloo. You had two droptanks but did not drop them, however this might be for reuse.
  6. Did an Jool landing with the new balloons, they took the rocket up to 50 km, that was impressive. Had so huge lift I had to be carefull inflating going down and also going up as they generated enough lift to rip the lander in pieces. Full mission report. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/41769-Trying-in-vain-to-plant-the-flag-an-Jool-landing Previous I did an Eve sample return. This is the entire craft from LKO, lander below the Eve lander is for landing back on kerbin, do an Gilly mision in the same opperation. Laythe sample return. Ship for Jool system sample return. The Tylo lander failed, a luck as I would not have enough fuel to do Bop and Pol and return without the fuel in the lander. It lacked both sas/ asas and mechjeb. The bottom lander is for kerbin landing. I was a bit stupid, should have made the upper stage of the Tylo lander reusable.
  7. Yes, I know its unrealistic in real world, however the Jool has an sort of surface at -100 meter. It destroys most stuff after short time, they bunches around and blows up, however kerbals are immune. Airship anhors and some kas stuff is also immune, probably on purpose. Have played a bit with Jool, so far I know that kethane mining don't work, flag planting is very hard. With baloons its not so much harder to get out off than Eve, gravity is lower but you need an long an hard burn to circulate.
  8. Yes, might show something from the base on Bop. Guess it will be much like my Minmus base, It uses planetary launchpads to let you build and launch rockets away from the space center. The thing in the center is an stationary kethane miner and a living quarter. I also trying to make an good airship/ plane hybrid, let you hover or drive slowly like an blimp or fast as an aircraft by deflating the balloons and using the wings for lift. Works for small planes but want to transport an large orange tank of fuel as minimum. This is for use on Laythe where its either water or rugged terrain
  9. Quite possible they don't find anything. Might be random, I see 250,200, 65, and an weaker at 150 and 30. However 180 is almost as strong, same is the period from 225 to 200. Going back to 350 things events like the dinosaur killer was every 20 million years so the good news is that its going weaker. Fewer rouge asteroids and comets earth cooling down, however more probably that the ecosystem is far more robust than it was 350 million year ago.
  10. After landing on all other bodies in the solar system except one it was decided that an kerbal had to land on Jool and plant the flag. This should be possible, an previous expedition went down in an balloon and was able to reach almost to bottom and get back out. They did not go all the way as the kerbal backed out then an science probe was destroyed because of the pressure and heat. Solution is obvious, we need an brave kerbal who can stand high pressure. In short its an job for Jerbadiah Kerman who was just back from an sample mission to Mun. Improved technology make this expetion far more lightweight than the previous one, an new balloon should let the ship go higher before starting the rockets, the new rover seat make for an lightweight upper stage. Extra lenght cable was produced and the lander was launched. It was then docked to the mothership and spare fuel from the boosters was loaded into the mothership. After inspecting the ship in orbit they fond that an grappling hook who was planned to try to use on Jool was forgotten. An mini launcher was sent out with it. and it was mounted on the winch. Off to Jool, then the transfer window or rush hour as mission control, the other ships is an kethane miner and an launhpad who will make an base on Bop. An probe sample return mission for Laythe and Tylo and a advanced kethane mapping probe. An Eeloo sample return probe follow in the same direction. Close up on the ship around Jool. Going down g-meter at max just as Jeb like it. Pressure is increasing. Now this is not trivial, the ship like to go down front first and has to be pulled upright by the balloons. However going to deep before doing this will rip the lander apart. Solution is to do it high up then lower the heavy anchor to stabilize the lander. Doing science, yes Jeb can also do this sort of things. Going down, ship behaves strange below 0 meter so I keep higher and lower Jeb down. Note the grappling hook let me save the game down at Jool surface, the new anchor did not let me. At the bottom, air pressure is so high Jeb is bouncing around, its impossible to plant the flag, tests on Mun say its posible to plant the flag even if connected with an winch. Going back up a bit disappointed all the bunching took Jeb away from the lander and he is swaying a lot, however higher than 0 meter the jetpack start working again and he can stabilize Time to get out of here, after entering the cabin and filling the helmet with snacks Jeb climb up to the seat, yes he attached the safety line before climbing. Dropping the cabin winches and science gear and inflating the balloons carefully, doing it to fast will again rip the lander apart Pretty fast for an balloon. Starting rockets and dropping balloons. The hardest part of the trip, the long burn to get up to Jool orbital speed. Using an nuclear engine as upper stage, The problem is that I have limited time to reach this speed before falling back down. Solution is to do it manually, neither mechjeb or maneuver nodes help you here, keep the nose up so you don't fall down into the atmosphere at 140km, this is also why I aim for 200Km orbit and climb out of the atmosphere so fast. In orbit, plenty of fuel left. Finally back to the mothership. The dV reading is misleading. first I lifted the lander as high as I could, then I took the mothership down and meet it with lander. No reason to waste fuel.
  11. Think the 33, 64, 140, 210 can make up some sort of trend but an follower stat sounds unlikely. Even something like an brown dwarf can not be to far away or it would be removed by other stars passing close during all the billions of years. One possibility might be an Uranus sized object who orbital plane rotates passes trough the main orbital plane of the solar system every 26 million years this way it don't have to orbit an light year from the sun. One correction, we are not in an mass extinction. Or in short name some species who has gone extinct the last 100 years. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/extinct-animals-in-the-last-100-years.html is one list, not an list I will call an mass extinction even if they should not gone extinct. It also forget the main reason for an species going extinct today. Other species especially cats and dogs are introduced to islands and kill off local specialized animals like flightless birds, an naturally process in it self however it happen fast as humans has transported animals around a lot. Previously hunting was an important reason, largest was probably then humans entered america back in the stone age and killed off lots of the unique animals on the continent.
  12. Sounds like an bug as the probe has its own small battery so it would work anyway. However if you have an battery, disable it and run out of power you will lose control and not be able to enable the battery and this makes some sense. Batteries are very nice if you use power consuming stuff like kethane scanners. Note that in 0.21 using the torque module will consume power, you would probably need batteries even with RTG as the orque module probably use far more energy than the RTG can deliver.
  13. No, jeb was just jumping around. However somebody managed to do it. They crashed and did an eva and was able to plant the flag.
  14. I landed on a planet and tried to plant flag but did not get any plant flag option. Thought flag planting worked on all planets. No flag planting option, tried a lot but could not get it. An disappointed Jeb goes up again. Lander details. Leaving. Burning Mechjeb accent autopilot bugs a bit leaving so I had to do it manual and keep the nose up so I did not fell down in the atmosphere again. The KAS grapling hook let you save while hover over Jool, however I forgot to add it and had to send an resupply ship to LKO, do an eva and mount it. The delivery ship, used an jet engine and an intake I dropped Mounted Another strange issue, I dropped the accent stage down into Jool as an mission extension while waiting for an Laythe window. However it would fall with the front down. Don't understand as the center of mass is far down, heavy engine and little fuel. The top should have plenty of drag with all the stuff mounted around the top. ---- Removed most of the inline images.
  15. Pretty much this, also astronauts would be returned from soviet union. Multiple incidents with ships and planes and all ended well, astronauts would be far more high profile. Only exceptions might be in the beginning during Stalin. Now for reusable ships, it might be an cost penalty for landing to far away however not to much as transport is cheap compared with rocket parts.
  16. Would it really, think like how computer game graphic work. You only render the part you see, not things behind your character or behind walls. You operate outside the universe so if somebody look at an galaxy with an telescope you will generate the image shown. Yes you would get an serious savegame bloating as you would have to remember all of this things so you can show the same image to other. On the other hand I find this idea extremely little convincing. It would also be impossible to prove, as in prove it exist an omnipotent god who do not want to show himself.
  17. Yes, might also think about the direction you decouple. Also then matching orbits, the 0.3Km marker is where your orbits cross, not necessarily the closest encounter. You can also be hit by parts you drop yourself. Remember I was taking an base to Gilly. As it was fuel left in the boosters I kept them as drop tanks for the nuclear rocket, then they run dry I pressed space and the seperatrons rotated them arount the center of mass or the mainsail engines, and smashed into the back of the ship destroying all the nuclear engines.
  18. Not the way they do it with grasshopper as its an pretty cheap improvement of falcon 9. The development cost will pay back after an limited number of launches. For an project like skylon, the lack of marked is an serious problem as it has high development cost and an line of spaceplanes who will be expensive if you only build a copple, you need an decent marked for this to be economical.
  19. Some ICBM has blow out panels to cancel trust of solid state rockets, however not sure you can reach orbit in an single stage solid state rocket, icbm is the closest we have to pure solid state and they has many stages as it don't cost much.
  20. Problem with the shuttle was that is was more expensive to launch than normal rockets. Not sure how often they could have launched it anyway even if it had be cheaper. If access to space become far cheaper it would be far more launches, this is an overall trend for products. Yes it would take time but bot more and heavier communication satellites would be useful. it might be interesting to put up many satellites in low orbit and have them communicate directly with each other. next up might be manufacturing, some stuff is easier to make in zero gravity, however the cost has made this uninteresting. In short the guy in IBM who said the world marked was only for 6 computers was right for an set price. As the price dropped the number of computers grew fast.
  21. Yes, but you can come very close, I had an strange encounter with Tylo, started out in orbit between Val and Tylo and did an burn for Tylo, the result looked like an capture and then entering Tylo SOI, I had an almost circular orbit with and enter and exit SOI marker next to each other.
  22. Yes, kethane has to be mined and converted in the active craft, however this can be done under warp and take less than an minmus day for four orange tanks with fuel. Main benefit of kethane is that you can 1) get fuel from minmus to LKO, this let you reach orbit with pretty empty tanks and refuel, this let you get away with far smaller launchers. 2) Mine at destination, Gilly, Bob and Ike is perfect here. With an mine on Bob you can easy explore the entire Jool system. In short if you want to set up large bases and stuff mining make it far easier, not much to gain if you only uses small probes.
  23. Hydrotech has the benefit that it rotates the target, this way it avoid the sideways movement. Mechjeb works nice for docking smaller ships but if you want to put 100 ton parts together hydrotech is recomended. However then using docking autopilots its recommended to do the rough part of the docking yourself, ships in same orbits and 0-0.2 m/s and ports aligned towards each other as close as possible before starting the automatic.
  24. Why the background sound of an rocket taking off. But yes main difference between mechjeb and an real computer in an space program is that mechjeb is more user friendly and that it always get correct data. Not so easy to get an spacecraft exact position in real world.
  25. Not much more than Eeloo, however it takes an long time getting where.
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