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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. Nice, how did you get the kerbals to walk around? I was also unable to save on surface unlike the old version of KAS and the sack airship anchor. It might be that I now went down below 0 attitude. My idea might be to attach an kas wire to the kerbal, drop him to the surface have him bunch around until I got the plant flag option then winch him back up. Get him back into the pod, inflate the balloons, drop all Eva stuff on the way up and burn for orbit. An interesting ship you had, how much dV and TWR, able to send three kerbals.
  2. I have managed to get almost to the surface of Jool and back. Some other managed put an pod on Jool, go eva and plant an flag, it was an one way mission. ----- Will anybody manage to combine this to actions. Get down close to Jool surface, go eva with an kerbal and plant an flag, return to ship and get back to orbit. Note I say this is harder than Eve SSTO, mods are obviously required, hooliganlabs balloons or perhaps the firespitter propels, this let you hover, it will also take you out of most of the atmosphere before going for rockets. Tips if you start the rockets at 40km you still need 8-9000m/s to reach orbit, upside is that gravity is less than on Eve. This is to getting down and up, now the second part who I have been unable to do is the Eva. KAS will obviously help here. Yes this challenge breaks the rules as I'm unable to do it myself. I'm interested if this is possible at all.
  3. Think this is the reason, the old mechjeb only used the accent autopilot from liftoff until orbit but the new version keep settings like overheat and auto stage. solution is to turn off autostage all time you don't need it.
  4. Pluto has this in real world. Its also tidal locked with its main moon
  5. You think heading not attitude? And yes the system should use gyros primary and rcs if it has to. Wonder how hard it would be to add this to mechjeb, it would have the option to simply turn rcs on and off depending on need.
  6. This was called rikatra on Nivens ringworld, sex outside you species. It still required the partner to be humanoid for some reason even if all the species on ringworld was humanoids.
  7. Even if the aliens used the same biochemistry you would not get kids. As you say this require pretty similar species, even an humanoid alien should have an dna structure more different than an fish. This is also true if they came from the same single cell organisms. Only way for this to work if is some aliens took some humans from earth 100-200.000 years ago and put on the other planet, they would then evolve to look alien to us but still be able to get kids. Perhaps this is that happened in Star Trek for Vulkan and the others.
  8. Guess the 90 liter tank is to big. How heavy is the rover? You can make an outrigger with struts, one radical idea is to use one 90 liter tank and put the rover on an outrigger so far it balance the tank this probably make the rover easier to deploy.
  9. Ok, I just made an small rescue pod for large ships/ space stations, an box of small structural squares with two seats in. With this seat I will have an space station with an outhouse.
  10. Many of my current lifters are balloon assisted SSTO rockets. Balloon lift to 10 km, rocket uses 3.500m/s dV to reach orbit, uses the balloons again to land soft.
  11. No its where they drink coffee, note the big orange tanks was first made to store coffee. this is why they are different from the others. The mainsail engine was made to heat it. Later they found they could fill it with fuel and put the mainsail below.
  12. Realisticly it would not be an good idea, explosives give poor dV compared with other fuel and the orion itself is ineffective, however nukes contains so much energy it makes up for it.
  13. I just watched the video, I did not check the sources as the video was so bad, they had some interesting data but ocean heating does not explain why temperature has flatten out if we use thermodynamic, yes it can be explained by other factors but none are proven. This shows an weakness in the models. Anyway, this is an political discussion not an scientific. And we should pray that I'm right: where is an global warming however the effect is far weaker than IPCC predict. Why, none of the politicians will do anything. Obama has not touched it and he will not, next president is probably an republican. Europe will not do anything except symbol politic. Reason is that it will be extremely expensive and include very unpopular decisions, all mainstream politicians know this, result is that global warming has almost disappeared from the news media.
  14. Planets generated close to the sun or probably late in the process would not have much hydrogen and helium who are an requirement for making an gas giant. The inner planets was generated by 50 or something bodies who was mostly mars sized. Size to weight also depend on the amount of metal over rock. Moon has an small metal core, mercury has an huge. One other option is an water world, an earth like core and a ocean thousands of kilometer deep
  15. I can map and it shows red and green deposits, however the drill don't work, I toggle deploy drill and the only thing who happen is that I now can retract drill however it don't come out and don't mine. This is using kerthane 0.44, using 0.51 and I can not use crafts with detectors. I replaced the MMI_Kethane.dll with the one in this mod for both tests.
  16. I always put scanners on my landers, nice to get the verification during decent also nice to be able to fly over the deposit and verify you has not mined it dry. I also convert as I mine, keep some kerthane for making monoprop if I use a lot or I use it to fuel the miner on the way back.
  17. However resources should be transferable, working on Minmus you can mine on one part of the moon, go to orbit and land close the the launchpad for resource transfer. But yes do not try to use the launchpad while its in orbit.
  18. One problem I have is that especially the accent autopilot leaves asas off then done with the gravity turn. Result is that the rocket rotates before it can go into warp and is unable to rotate the huge rocket over 90 degree before circulating. With asas on as in the old version it just had to do an 20 degree turn. Landing autopilot suffer for much of the same issues. The problem would be solved if mechjeb 2 dis an continuous adjustment of heading then not in warp as the old version. Just turning asas on would help a lot.
  19. Jet engines are nice here, downside is that they don't scale well but nice for up to 8 ton to LKO. This ship has 4.5 orange tanks for fuel. It can reach LKO but not land, however it has an one ton rover and kerthane mining equipment. Has an design using KW rocketry and the hooliganlabs balloons who can take 60 ton to LKO with an SSTO. Balloons lift it to 10K km, activating engines and deflate balloons. drop cargo and deorbit, use balloons to land. Only downside is that its an high and narrow structure and don't like long cargo on top.
  20. in 0.19 I had some standard designs, I also used orbital construction. Launch batches of 100 ton rocket parts, spawn in orbit and consume rocket parts. Has some problems in 0.20 as I miss novapunch who is nice for huge boosters, even some of my motherships. Currently playing around with the new deployable launchpad.
  21. Its a bit troublesome. However I added an 1 ton pod on the other side of the workshop. An control center who give extra rotpower on small struts, also sas and asas. radial boosters and fuel tanks close to center. fuel in droptank bellow. Main issue is the huge size, however its pretty lightweight.
  22. Landing (getting below 0 meter attitude) of Jool eva en kerbal and getting back to orbit.
  23. True, has had some frightening encounters during orbital matching. Add that in real world you tend to get lots of delays during launch.
  24. You don't need much so one option is to use nuclear to get close and switch to ion. Think I used 6000 m/s to get from LKO to low solar PE and 16.000 to circulate and lower it to 2km.
  25. Mechjeb is an autopilot, they are pretty common, spacecrafts has been controlled by computers from the beginning or do you think they used joystick and throttle during shuttle launches? Two unrealistic things about mechjeb, first if the user interface who is a more fancy (maneuverer nodes) but gives fewer options than an real one like the option to set trust on each engine and so on. Second is that it read game data about position and speed. An real system have to get this from external sources if it want accurate date. Mechjeb is not able to do anything better than an good player with a couple of exceptions like keeping track of 36 air intakes but this is an user interface issue. Hyperedit let you put anything in any orbit. Its an cheat your purpose is to put an probe in Mun orbit and you use it. If you try to make worlds smallest Eve accent craft its pretty much needed as you need to try it 20 times or more.
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