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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. I have been experimenting with roverslander combinations. For unmanned rovers this has the benefit that you save weight. 800 kg, 1000m/s, a bit top heavy then full but manageable with asas, you can stack the oscar tanks inside each other but not sure if this is safe. Adjust tanks for wanted dV. Bonus is that you can jump around with it. Manned version, this weight 20 ton, and have 2500 m/s, main benefit is that its fully reusable, you get an rover with 20m/s ground speed and you don't have to return to the lander before taking off.
  2. Dont talk about it, pressing space and decople the pod from the ship then going in for an Jool aerobrake is pretty classical. Pod will do two orbits and crash into Jool.
  3. I thought my three minutes was a long time. How much ram do you have?
  4. Your game crashed, it did an autosave while you was in orbit and restored this then you started again.
  5. Launched some ships to LKO where it work nice, except one ion probe who refused to move from launchpad. Know the old one often sent me on wild orbits. It might depend on how circular the docks orbit is?
  6. Most of my Kerbals causalities is from testing ladders on the launchpad. Second is rovers. they are extremely dangerous
  7. The old orbital construction mod had an problem matching orbits, the new updated version does not.
  8. The best analogy to an "immune system" for an human civilization would be the army and police and they are intelligent. On the other hand if you have access to advanced technology its possible to catch up at least to some degree, taking the ship back to earth would be the smartest as you would be able to study it in details.
  9. With their size 32 kg is pretty realistic. Do they have any weight on ladders? Thinking on the ladder launches from eve and other places.
  10. very cool Loved the guitar spin he did at the start, hard to do other places.
  11. One tips is to have some small engines on high twr ships for precise control, this is also useful for getting close to the target before docking, trying do this with an almost empty ssto can be hard.
  12. Many things Mobbing other kerbals Going for an swim on Eve, nice and warm weather and you don't notice the gravity in water While you are in the neighborhood, Gilly is a nice playground Bring a toy to the playground Try not to fall down holes Try to get back to lander on Dress, (I had to fly it down to the bottom) Going places few has gone before, facing great dangers. Or doing the regular tourist stuff. Meeting the locals Bathing And looking at old monuments.
  13. Pretty much, I bought the game around 0.182, even without any updates afterwards it would be worth the money. Remember buying Mount & Blade many years ago, probably the ones who made paid alpha know. Also exelent value for money, downside is that it took so long for the game to be done that I was bored then it was releases.
  14. Yes, decoplers has two sides, the smaller ones has triangles who show who direction is up and down, the point is up. The bottom is left behind. Then you pick them they are the right way up, however if you put them on sides of crafts or even below for dropping landers or probes and the bottom of the triangle is toward the probe they will follow the probe, if they are atatched to an engine this will not work. Has messed up with this two times. first was an mission to Eve and Gilly, nuclear powered trasfer stage with mapping and four probes. Released one probe for Eve landing, decopler the wrong way so engine did not work, well I used my transfeer stage to get an landing intercept on Eve released probe 2 and went back in orbit, probe landed successfully. Off to Gilly with the last probe who was mounted on top so decopler should work. transfer stage went out of fuel so I put it on impact corse with Gilly, released last probe, [ to switch to probe, then pressing space and separate probe and parachute from engine, as probe could also be used on Eve. All three parts impacted Gilly. Later I send an 6 transfer stage with 6 probes to the Jool system, all seperators was the wrong way.
  15. Twr 2 at liftoff sound to much for me unless you use trashcans to give it an push. for very large designs you might want to have the outer asparagus with litle fuel to give you an kick. Else I'm happy with 1.6-1.7 yes it might be a bit low but it increases fast. Over 10 km you want high twr for some time up to 60 km, after this you want high isp. If you launch something with nuclear engines its typicaly an good idea to let it take over from here. If you launch something with an powerful nuclear engine setup you might want to put this in the center of the asparagus. either in center or put the LV-N around an 2.5 meter tank so it can burn between the tanks below. This will increase twr and isp. Pipe fuel up to its tank so its topped at seperation.
  16. Ion engine and tank are under utility. Just one of each.
  17. Main difference was that the user interface was more primitive. The math is not so hard and doable on an old programmable calculator. I might agree that mechjeb can cheat as it can use the inn game values, that is adjust the burn so PE is 100 km, then check in game if PE is 100 or adjust. On the other hand mechjeb landing in atmosphere has an error of around 300 meter, pretty much the error of icbm who get no external imput during flight. And yes the Apollo 11 landing problem is common in KSP to, if you come down on top of the base or land in an steep incline you have to abort and change landing position. On the other hand, if you watched Apollo 13, they did not burn manually as an airplane taking off, they entered the burn parameters and press an button. Yes this might be something as simple as "burn at standard trust for 7 seconds", might be some other parameters to but probably related to direction.
  18. If you think of the navbal towards target I will go in the right direction, however you will likely miss unless at very close range. Try it with an probe with good twr, aim at target activate asas and give max trust. Even if you guide it all the way its hard if the speed is high as in over 100m/s.
  19. Thanks, I thought the atmosphere on Jool went higher. could swear my highest point went downwards then I cut trust at 150km then I did the Jool return mission.
  20. One part of the resource system is that it has to be pretty much include everything at once. Yes you might add more parts like small and large parts but the framework would not be much use incomplete. You must map, harvest and convert. Doing two of them is pointless. Look that they mostly focus on performance in 0.20, note the resource system will increase system demands so its make sense to reduce it first.
  21. How fast was you coming? I was incoming in 4000 m/s from Moho during the grand tour and was down to 8 km. On the other hand your ship was far smaller than mine so you would get less drag.
  22. a bit over 10.000 m/s taking an shortcut back from Eeloo after doing the great tour. Path, think the burn was around 3000m/s, yes the projected path was inside Moho orbit. Stand by for hard aerobrake. Pretty low down. A bit surprised the ship would take this, but I guess much of the same force acted on the miner and mothership and the top part including lander was empty of fuel and pretty lightweight. Ship was pretty stable but had to turn on rcs during the hard aerobreak part as it started to wobble, had it turned sideway it would be toast. Done and landing the small lander. The huge miner at back, was dropped off before doing an second brake to get down to low orbit as it went to Minmus.
  23. No problem raising orbit from 100 to 500km with ions, before the transfer window. Anyway, an twr of 0.2 is not much worse than an underpowered nuclear ship where 0.4-5 is common. Look like the point is to avoid the huge solar arrays, with them you get terrible twr.
  24. Some factors for Laythe, tidal forces in the Jupiter system is mostly through interaction with other moons. Vall and Tylo would generate force on it. Laythe is almost as large as Kerbin so it would have its own magnet field, add that the tidal forces would keep more of the core molten, this would protect against Jool magnet field. Add that life would mostly be in the ocean and if it's liquid water why should it not be life? Temperature readings 200 km inside Jool is almost 1000 degree, so it wold get lots of energy from Jool. Yes you would probably need an thick atmosphere like venus to make it posible.
  25. You need lots of solar panel area, one of the huge ones should be enough most of the time. and yes using the small struts and the panel who point straight out is an good idea 6-10 of them. You don't need much batteries 2-3 xenon tanks is usual enough. You require less solar panels towards the sun. This should give you an twr on around 0.25-0.2, remember asas to keep this pointed the right way, total weight should be less than a ton. Ion probes has an slot between the Oscar and ant who give you 1000-1500 m/s for an small probe and a 4 ton nuclear ones. 8000m/s for less than a ton is impressive
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