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talon jasra

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  1. KSP Version : OS: Windows 10 CPU: Intel 10700kf @ 4.8 GHz, GPU: RTX3080 Description of the bug: Attempting to connect multiple docking ports together at once, or multi port docking, results in a crash to desktop. Now while this isn't a 100% result, it does happen most of the time. Any docking port combination seems to trigger this. Expected Behavior: For two craft to dock, being joined by more than one docking port. Steps to Replicate: Get any two craft near each other with more than one set of ports capable of alignment and docking at the same time. Get the ports close enough to dock, and proceed to most probably crash to desktop. Fixes / Workarounds: None, other than quicksaving before docking and retrying. Hoping that the low chance it works, actually happens.
  2. Noticed something strange with the lander cans. Did some comparisons and discovered the problem. Both the MK1 and MK2 lander cans have their default control point rotated 180 degrees. This results in the right side of the craft to correspond to the left side of the Navball instead of the right side like every other command pod/capsule. Also, when the MK2 is selected to have control be forward instead of default, the nav ball will be rotated as if the can is on its side. MK 1 Can, windows of the cockpit are pointed south. This would mean the "right" side of the pilot would be 180 West, but the nav ball says 90 East. MK 2 Can, windows of the cockpit are pointed south. This would mean the "right" side of the pilot would be 180 West, but the nav ball says 90 East. Comparison to the MK3, which is correct. To the right of the cockpit from the pilots POV is 180 West, same as the Nav Ball. Finally, a shot of the MK2 Can's incorrect nav ball angle for forward control. KSP 2 v Win10 i7-10700KF @ 4.8, RTX 3080
  3. I'm going to guess its a button to track which vessels are currently under force or thrust. We're in for some very very long burns for interplanetary travel. I sent a craft with infinite fuel and accelerated to 1132 km/s and it took 900 years to reach the edge of Kerbol's SOI.
  4. It is due to physicsless parts, here is a link to the ksp 1 list. Not all are in ksp2 and some names are different. Attaching any of these parts to each other causes this. I've seen other issues with them as well. I'd advise to limit use of all of them. Struts maybe necessary though.
  5. If you notice, when you land on the monument, the time warp display usually doesn't change and stays limited to 4x. So, I guess the game doesn't think you've landed yet. Going back to KSC probably causes the craft to "crash."
  6. There also isn't a way to make a save without them. Even though there is an option to not include them, it doesn't work.
  7. Are you by chance radially attaching parts to a ST-Micro-1 Truss? If so then that maybe the culprit.
  8. This only seems to happen after first reverting to the VAB and then launching after using the delete key while in the VAB.
  9. Tested this some. Turns out every part node attached to those radially attached ST-Micro1 Struts fall causing all things to fall off. Also, those MicroStruts stay floating in the air.
  10. A cause has been found for your fist issue. Staying clear of these parts, or at least not attaching anything to them seems to solve it. There is a list on the KSP 1 wiki of all of them, though all of them weren't transferred over and some have different names. <https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Physicsless_part>
  11. It would be great if each save game had its own sub-assembly category file. As it is now, a new game has the same categories as the others and re-installing the game results in losing all categories. Keeping them all stored in the Squad folder is an unfortunate and frustrating choice. -TJ
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