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Everything posted by stibbons

  1. When you say 17000 metres, do you mean above that? Because you can easily fulfil that contract by being in orbit when you go over that spot.
  2. I have started thinking recently that TWR would be good to have available. Playing with FAR in 0.90 and the awesome new stock aero in 1.0 and up I find that the one thing I eyeball very carefully on ascent is Kerbal Engineer's TWR display for the current stage. When some more free time magically appears I was thinking I might try to add vessel mass and current thrust to the VesselData packet, and let my controller compute current TWR. The thrust at least probably has other uses.
  3. Wow. This thread has decided that a) Reviewers who spend too long with the game can't write a trustworthy review because they're too attached. Reviewers who don't spend enough time with the game can't write a trustworthy review because they haven't been exposed to flaws. But that's only after several pages of yet another conversation warped until it's nothing but people whining about whether the game was ready for release or not. Really, it's too ridiculous for words.
  4. My career game is still pretty small stuff - Remotetech satellites and tourist flybys around the Kerbin system. Still getting a lot of use out of Fleas to give those lifters their first little kick off the launch pad.
  5. Consider a CPU upgrade if you can at all afford it - KSP is CPU-intensive and the physics calculations still happen in a single thread. The stock game seems to run OK on my 2013 Air and 2013 Macbook Pro work machine, but to be honest I haven't really put it through its paces on either, prefer to play it on my desktop.
  6. You need to add some pics of your craft, and describe how you're trying to fly it now. Pics of the ascent are probably helpful there too. But, at a guess, you're either going too fast, turning too hard and too late, or both.
  7. persistent.sfs is the save that the game uses. The current state of your universe when you last exited KSP is in that. You'll need to edit it, and any save that you may want to load.
  8. Nobody can help you without pictures of your ship and a description of how you're trying to fly it. And you should probably acquaint yourself with how aerodynamics and atmosphere have changed. If you're trying to follow the same ascent profile you used in earlier versions you're in for a bad time. And calling people boneheads doesn't help me take you seriously.
  9. I feel pretty fed up with threads like this.
  10. You got spousal clearance for a cockpit? Outstanding.
  11. I'm glad something funny finally came out of it.
  12. Oh good. It's been hours since somebody started a new thread with the same pointless griping.
  13. The first fairing is in the node named, quite literally, "Aerodynamics". I've unlocked it without touching the Aviation node at all.
  14. The latest release (two whole hours ago) includes a fix for this. - - - Updated - - - Erm, oops, I don't know how I managed to miss Steven Mading saying exactly the same thing.
  15. Your compiled DLL is probably larger because you've got debugging symbols turned on. You'd have to dig through your KSP startup log looking for where the mechjeb DLL is being loaded and see what it has to say there.
  16. It's unusable by a significant number of people and should be changed. A bug report is how you bring it to the attention of people who can change it.
  17. Please, pretty please file a bug about that. In the support forum at least. You're right, it's really something that should be improved.
  18. Tell that to the people who don't want realistic aerodynamics in the game either.
  19. I think that's the first valid concern around the stock fairings that isn't just based on aesthetic appeal. Kudos.
  20. Hah, Val was the first to orbit in my game as well. No particular reason. Jeb took the first flight because he was first in the roster, then I alternated the two to level them both up.
  21. For locations that are close together but a long way from KSC, I've had some success with building a plane, and then strapping some booster rockets to it for a suborbital hop. The rocket stages will get you up and there, and then discard them and fly between your survey locations using air breathing engines.
  22. One the one hand, I get that it can be little frustrating a) relearning everything and having to rework and throw away designs as aerodynamics are tweaked in the 1.0.x releases. One the other hand, I just finished two years throwing away my entire save game with every release. This way is a huge improvement.
  23. Oh good. I was starting to worry that there weren't enough threads rewording the same arguments.
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