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Everything posted by stibbons

  1. Somewhat interestingly, Chatterer already uses some audio from (amongst other sources) Apollo 11 voice recordings. I believe it gets reversed and passed through some filtering to produce the Kerbalese sounds. I suspect Chatterer is a fine base for what you want, perhaps just by replacing the audio files it ships with with actual Apollo recordings.
  2. 800 hours logged on Steam, only been outside Kerbin's SOI 2-3 times. Yeah, I go to the Mun a fair bit.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1.0.x series does continue over the next little while with further minor balance tweaks.
  4. I couldn't rate the thread so I'm leaving a comment. This thread is terrible.
  5. I love the variety, depth, and humour in the current list of science reports. But I just opened my second pull request for Crowd Sourced Science that was nothing but spelling corrections. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty OK with having my name in the contributors list for doing nothing other than firing up a spell checker. But could I request that, before submitting a new report, you run a spell check over it. It doesn't take long, but lightens the load on the mod maintainers and makes for much more professional looking reports for all. Thanks!
  6. Aesthetics are subjective. They cannot be broken.
  7. There were two minor KSP releases in the last few hours, and the 1.0.1 release notes mention fixing a bug with the "on wheels" requirement that could be similar to what you're seeing. Stupid question, but have you updated your KSP to 1.0.2?
  8. I've not tried it in 1.0, but you should also be able to switch to docking mode. That moves the rotation controls over to IJKL.
  9. I don't actually do that, but can definitely see the appeal. I'm not sure there's any rhyme or reason to how the launch clamps appear in the staging order right now, though, and putting them in the first stage sounds like a useful default.
  10. I tried out the Docking tutorial for the first time this evening and ran in to a fairly dire issue with the vessel it uses. Tagged OS X because that's the only platform I've tried it on so far, but I suspect it's applicable to all of them. KSP version: 1.0, on OS X Yosemite Problem: Docking Tutorial vessel detaches Hitchhiker Storage Container when parachutes are deployed. Mods installed: None. Steps to reproduce: I started the docking tutorial, and completed all steps. The final step suggests one way to rescue the Kerbals in the craft I've docked to is to transfer them to my vessel, and then land. So I transferred all three from the Stranded command pod in to the Hitchhiker can on my vessel. Then I undocked, and burned retrograde to enter the atmosphere. Once within the atmosphere, I hit the stage key to deploy the parachutes. As well as the parachutes, the hitchhiker can and fuel tank and engine were decoupled. I had control of the pod, and the kerbals in the hitchhiker were lost. What I expect: Staging should deploy the chutes. Decoupling the engine and fuel tank is optional. I certainly did not expect to lose the hitchhiker as well. Here's a picture of the vessel at the start of the scenario. Note the position of the decoupler, and the fact that it's currently set to stage with the parachutes in stage 0. The simplest fix to me seems to be moving the decoupler down to below the hitchhiker. That way staging will result in the hitchhiker and pod descending.
  11. Out of sheer morbid curiousity I thought I might try to replicate any problems with the Docking tutorial scenario. And I found a bug. It's hard to say if it's something the OP struggled with because they didn't really provide enough info to replicate their problem. But it's definitely something wrong with the tute. In a nutshell, the way the tutorial vessel is configured makes it difficult/impossible to rescue all Kerbals in it. KSP version: 1.0, on OS X Yosemite Problem: Docking Tutorial vessel detaches Hitchhiker Storage Container when parachutes are deployed. Mods installed: None. Steps to reproduce: I started the docking tutorial, and completed all steps. The final step suggests one way to rescue the Kerbals in the craft I've docked to is to transfer them to my vessel, and then land. So I transferred all three from the Stranded command pod in to the Hitchhiker can on my vessel. Then I undocked, and burned retrograde to enter the atmosphere. Once within the atmosphere, I hit the stage key to deploy the parachutes. As well as the parachutes, the hitchhiker can and fuel tank and engine were decoupled. I had control of the pod, and the kerbals in the hitchhiker were lost. What I expect: Staging should deploy the chutes. Decoupling the engine and fuel tank is optional. I certainly did not expect to lose the hitchhiker as well. Here's a picture of the vessel at the start of the scenario. Note the position of the decoupler, and the fact that it's currently set to stage with the parachutes in stage 0. The simplest fix to me seems to be moving the decoupler down to below the hitchhiker. That way staging will result in the hitchhiker and pod descending. (EDIT: Where is the best place to file bugs like this? Should it be a new thread in the unmodded support forum?)
  12. I'm not convinced it's currently feasible in real life. But it would make an excellent KSP part.
  13. Clicking the scroll wheel works as a middle mouse click in every self-respecting operating system, for as long as I can remember. On my OSX laptops, I use Better Touch Tool to map a three-finger click on the trackpad to a middle mouse click.
  14. Yep, editing the config to disable throttle control by the plugin should set you straight.
  15. You pre-empted claims you did nothing by.. doing nothing. ok
  16. I think that 0 might be a better default for the throttle than 2. It's the "least harm" option.
  17. I'm challenging you on hiding your concerns behind a big white wall on a random forum thread. How much of that did you write on an official bug tracker where people might take it seriously?
  18. Still struggling to agree. The new atmo is great, my biggest issue right now is that falling to the east includes several corrections so I don't drift too far north or south. Doing that instead of launching and then watching the kettle boil is terrible. Terrible!
  19. Oh good we're agreeing again. That was an annoyingly tense few minutes.
  20. Can't make a cup of tea while getting in to orbit any more. Pretty barbaric, having to actually play the game now. - - - Updated - - - Dude, which part of version numbers is not arbitrary?
  21. So what's the bigger problem here? That you discarded your fairings a kilometre from the ground or that you're trying to ascend while looking at stuff you've discarded?
  22. The wiki was written a while ago - there were very major differences in how this stuff works between the last version and this one,and the wiki hasn't been updated yet. You've written it up pretty well! Would you consider updating the wiki to reflect how things work in 1.0?
  23. 2.0 is starting to be excessive? I worry about overdoing it if I get to 1.3.
  24. Oh those look much nicer than the old swept wings.
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