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Everything posted by MacTee

  1. I have decided to bring the PR6 now and handle the Toolbar mod issue in the next release. The problem with Toolbar and mods like that is, that thay normaly would be installed to the GameData dir indipended of the mod that brings it along. Lets assume you have 2 installed mods that uses Toolbar and both mods have the GameData folder as destination for it. If you now uncheck the toolbox in one of the two mods, it is possible that the Toolbar mod won't be installed. There are two reasons why: 1. When you check the toolbar in the first mod and uncheck it in the second one and then proceed both mods, KSP MA will install the toolbar with the first mod and will remove it with the second mod. Workaround: Uncheck the Toolbar in the top most mod (mods will be processed in sort order of the ModSelection tab) and only check it in the last mod that uses it. 2. When you Update a mod where the toolbar is unchecked but the toolbar is installed (with another mod or as standalone) the update will delete the toolbar, cause my update algorythem is not aware of the fact that the toolbar is installed by another mod. Workaround: Manualy or RemoveAndAdd auto update option =( EDIT: Better way is to rest the destination for the toolbar files of the mod that should not install the toolbar like mod. (Thanks BadLeo=)) KSP MA v1.4.0 PR6 New / Fixes: Bug "Loading Download path from cfg" fixed. -> Thanks to diomedea Bug "Loading of older KSP MA cfg files" fixed. No more version folder for the KSP MA cfg file! (c:\ProgramData\KSPModAdmin\KSPModAdmin\KSPModAdmin.cfg) Bug "Auto update failed on folders where no matching parent folder was found in outdated mod" fixed. -> Thanks to diomedea Bug "No error logging" fixed. KSP MA will now write all messages to a log file next to the KSPModAdmin.exe (file will be deleted if size is bigger then 2mb). KSP MA will only open one Window. If you double click the exe again, the running KSP MA will become the top most Window. Simplified internal handling of Download and Backup path changes. More messages for the message window. How To handle blue colored (outdated) mods: To update the mod right click it and choose "Visit Spaceport site" to download the new version. After the download of the mod one of the following update actions will be performed (depanding of your settings on the Options Tab). RemoveAndAdd -> Remove the outdated mod and install the new one. CopyDestination -> Try to find matching files and copies their destination and checked state. CopyCheckstate -> Trys to find matching files and copies their checked state only. Manually -> Updated mod will just be downloaded to the downloadsfolder. (No auto update!)
  2. @diomedea: Thanks for the list of mods! @BadLeo: Till now there is no export /print function implemented. I have added the idea to my todo list. Could you tell me which kind of export list you would expect. Comma seperated list, plain text list, xml, etc. @Glyph: Thanks for you feedback! Great that you got here to post it! A Help Tab is planned for a long time now, i'll implement it in one of the next releases. What do you think of a basic / advanced mode for the GUI, so i can display a simplified GUI for new users. @All: Sry, the release of PR6 will delay ...
  3. Hi BadLeo, Thanks for your feedback! I'll release the KSP MA v1.4.0 PR6 in the evening (UTC +1). It should solve the problem with mods like the Toolbar. But could you name me a few mods that uses the Firespitter or the Toolbar, so i could do some more testing?
  4. Good point! I'll add a check for a open KSP MA instance in the next version.
  5. Oh, i didn't test the auto update with renamed mods. Maybe thats buggy. I'll test it tomorrow. I need some sleep today =) EDIT: I dont know what was wrong with me but i remember now that i have tested the auto update with renamed mods. Anyway, i have tested to auto update the Mission Controller Extended 0.60.1 (with default install dirs) and renamed mod name (from: "uploads_2014_04_MissionControllerMCE601" to: "MissionControllerMCE601") to the 0.61.3, with more or less no problems (only the Toolbar wasn't updated). But i didn't got the message to handle the update manualy. I'll fix the problem with folders where the parent folder don't match to the on in the outdated mod.
  6. Hi diomedea, 1. KSP MA displayes mods as outdated (blue) when the AddDate is smaler than the creation date or when KSP MA detectes a greater creation date during a mod update check. If this isn't true in your case please send me your kspmodadmin.cfg file from the KSP install dir. 2. May be the CopyDestination and/or the CopyCheckedState is buggy. Can you tell which mods refuses the auto update? 3. Normaly KSP MA should find older cfg files, but i'll chage the cfg file handling with one of the next versions to avoid such problems. 4. No that's not intended, i'll fix this with the next update. Thanks for your feedback! =)
  7. No it seems to be a bug, which mod causes the porblems? (Maybe a redownload of the mod archive helps.) EDIT: I have updated my Chatterer without any problems.
  8. With unhook i mean unchecking a mod node of the treeview. Just remove the hook(s) of the mod (or part of a mod) you want to disable and press the "Selected mods" button to process the new mod settings. This will remove the unchecked (without a hook) mods/parts from the KSP installation (but keeps them in the mod list) and installs the checked (with hooks) mods/parts to the KSP Install dir (Gamedata folder of KSP).
  9. Please try to start KSP MA in AdminMode. Just right click KSPModAdmin.exe and select run in Admin Mode. If that solves the problem you can start KSP MA always in AdminMode by rgiht click the KSPModAdmin.exe select Properties -> Compatibility and there check the Option "Run in Admin mode". KSP MA needs read & write rights to the install folder of KSP to write its config file. Edit: Changed Security to Compatibility.
  10. KSP MA v1.4.0 PR5 New / Fixes: AutoUpdate functionality. There are 4 options to choose from: RemoveAndAdd:Removes the outdated mod and installs the new one. Its possible that you have to select the destinations for the new (updated) mod manually. CopyDestination: Try to find matching files and copy their destination and checked state. CopyCheckedState: Try to find matching files and copy their checked state only. Its possible that you have to select the destinations for the new (updated) mod manually. Manually: Updated mod will just be downloaded to the downloadsfolder. (No auto update!) [*]Update ModInfo Button added to ModBrowser ToolBar -> Trys to find a Mod in the ModSelection with the same ProductID as parsed from the current shown WebSite. [*]Second URL added to ModInfo (to save the e.g. Forum URL of a mod). [*]ModSelection contextmenu option "Visit Forum" added -> Opens the ModBrowser with the URL from the ModInfo field "Forum URL". [*]Internal KSP MA version handling changed to (x.x.x.x) -> now PR versions will recognize official releases with same version number (x.x.x). [*]More message for the info box (bottom area of KSP MA window) added. [*]Bug in part file parsing fixed. -> Thanks to Roger25000 [*]Notes will be copied on "ModInfo copy" too. -> Thanks to diomedea [*]NasaMission folder will be ignored on GameData folder scan. -> Thanks to zapman987 [*]Some ToolTip and messages updated. How To handle blue colored (outdated) mods: To update the mod right click it and choose "Visit Spaceport site" to download the new version. After the download of the mod one of the following update actions will be performed (depanding of your settings on the Options Tab). RemoveAndAdd -> Remove the outdated mod and install the new one. CopyDestination -> Try to find matching files and copies their destination and checked state. CopyCheckstate -> Trys to find matching files and copies their checked state only. Manually -> Updated mod will just be downloaded to the downloadsfolder. (No auto update!)
  11. You can add zipped flags with KSP MA if you add it to the ModSelection AND the zip folder structure looks like <AnyNameYouWant>/Flags/<PictureFile> Then you can handle them like a normal mod. "Multi select" is on my ToDo list now. EDIT: Ups, sry double post =(
  12. Hi Taki117, this isn't a plugin, it's a stand alone software for Windows Till now KSP MA (v1.4.0 PR1-4) has only a update check for Spaceport mods. In the next release v1.4.0 PR5 (this weekend) i have implemented the auto update support. But for now you have to trigger the update manually for each outdated mod. I'll changed that with the KSP MA v1.4.0 PR6 release.
  13. Thanks for the report! (Where the hell can i download this NASA Mission?) As you can see in the replay of diomedea, there are users that actually uses the "Selected Mods" Button (like me). So just ignore it if you don't need it =) Thanks i'll have a look on that later.
  14. Hi Glyph, 1. The new versions of KSP MA (1.4.0 +) are preresleases to find Bugs and add functionality i haven't thought of. The offical KSP MA 1.4.0 will come when i have implemented the auto installation for outdated Mods. Then i'll update the first post but thanks for the hint!! 2. I don't want to check and validate the Userinput at this point so no free writing allowed. I'll add the drag & drop ability again with one of the next updates. 3. Ok, i think the Tooltip of those buttons is misleading. I'll change that with the next update. The "Selected Mods" button proceeds all selected (blue marked) mods. The "All Mods" proceeds all Mods from the TreeListView (checked or unchecked don't matter) During processing of a mod it will be Installed or deinstalled depending of the checked states of the coresponding TreeNode. I hope that clears things up Thanks for pointing this out! 4. Maybe there is no update of the UI when you have deleted the last craft. I'll have a look on that. Workaround: Just klick the refresh button to restart the scan for crafts.
  15. Hi diomedea, i have implemented your suggestions and they will be released with the next KSP MA update. Thanks for your ideas and sry for my late replay!
  16. Thanks for your replay Oznerol256! If you find more typos or other problems let me know.
  17. Yes it is, but its on a hold right now, cause of my lack of time. An update will come soon (i hope=)).
  18. Hi TheClassiestMedic, please send me the KSPMA.log from the same folder as KSPModAdmin.exe.
  19. Surprise 1.4.0 PR4 New / Fixes: Copy ModInfos button added to ModSelection ContextMenu. This Button opens a Copy ModInfo dialog to copy the ModInfos from the selected mod to the choosen destination mod. Bug with non Spaceport URLs during the mod update check fixed. Now you can enter any URL to the ModInfos without errors during the update check process! Adding of Mods where no RootNode was found bug fixed. Mods with no destination will be added again =)
  20. OK, KSP MA can only add ModInfos for you, when you download the MOD with the integrated ModBrowser from KSP Spaceport. Otherwise you have to enter the infos by yourself. But KSP MA could help you with that (for Spaceport mods only). You can enter the URL to the mod and then click on the button next to the URL KSP MA will then get the infos from that URL for you. The save way to update a outdated mod is to remove (uninstall) the old one and then install the new mod. (KSP MA won't delete new created files of a mod. like new cfg or save files)
  21. Hi Justin Kerbice, below you can find a link and a short description of the current prerelease version that support mod version check. @diomedea: Stupid question =) Do you use the integrated ModBrowser to download the Mods from Spaceport? EDIT: NOTE: There is a bug with adding mods where KSP MA (1.4.0 PR3) don't find a root folder for installation. In this case the mod won't be added to the ModSelection. I RECOMMENT TO USE KSP MA 1.3.11 till i can go on bug hunt. =)
  22. hmm, i thought that i changed the update download mechanic so that the mod will be added with modinfos. Maybe its in the not released PR4. But the changes have to wait till my holyday, sry!
  23. @TranceaddicT: You can use the scan button on the ModSelection to scan the KSP GameData folder for installed mods. After the scan you can use the "Zip Source" -> "Create Zip of installed items" -> "with default name" or "..." -> "..." -> "choose name", from the contextmenu of the ModSelection, to create a Zip of the found mods. @diomedea: Sry KSP MA doesn't support the auto-update of mods jet. If you use this KSP MA Version 1.4.0 PR3, the downloaded (updated) mod should be added to the ModSelection with the needed ModInfos. A duplicate of the outdated mod will still be in the mod list. You have to remove it manually. This way you shouldn't have to manipulate the xml file to keep the important ModInfos. @All: Hi folks, sry but in the next time i'll be to bussy (again) to make any coding on the KSP MA Project. A new rollout on work and my two children will keep me from working on KSP MA. Please be patient. The second week of march sould be holyday time, so i could do some coding again.
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