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Everything posted by MacTee

  1. Hi Justin Kerbice, below you can find a link and a short description of the current prerelease version that support mod version check. @diomedea: Stupid question =) Do you use the integrated ModBrowser to download the Mods from Spaceport? EDIT: NOTE: There is a bug with adding mods where KSP MA (1.4.0 PR3) don't find a root folder for installation. In this case the mod won't be added to the ModSelection. I RECOMMENT TO USE KSP MA 1.3.11 till i can go on bug hunt. =)
  2. hmm, i thought that i changed the update download mechanic so that the mod will be added with modinfos. Maybe its in the not released PR4. But the changes have to wait till my holyday, sry!
  3. @TranceaddicT: You can use the scan button on the ModSelection to scan the KSP GameData folder for installed mods. After the scan you can use the "Zip Source" -> "Create Zip of installed items" -> "with default name" or "..." -> "..." -> "choose name", from the contextmenu of the ModSelection, to create a Zip of the found mods. @diomedea: Sry KSP MA doesn't support the auto-update of mods jet. If you use this KSP MA Version 1.4.0 PR3, the downloaded (updated) mod should be added to the ModSelection with the needed ModInfos. A duplicate of the outdated mod will still be in the mod list. You have to remove it manually. This way you shouldn't have to manipulate the xml file to keep the important ModInfos. @All: Hi folks, sry but in the next time i'll be to bussy (again) to make any coding on the KSP MA Project. A new rollout on work and my two children will keep me from working on KSP MA. Please be patient. The second week of march sould be holyday time, so i could do some coding again.
  4. Thanks! It's nice to hear that the mod is usefull for some people! We have several improvments planed but my problem is that i don't find the time to implement them. I hope that next month, when the release of the software at work is done, i have the time and mood to get things done.
  5. Hi cpottinger, thanks for the flowers! Your right, KSP MA should write more informations of its tasks into the message window. During the project i got lazy about that. =) But i'll add some essential information (like the begining of a task) to the message window with the next KSP MA update.
  6. @lacqui: No, there is noch way to activate it, except your are able to change to source code, fix the bugs of the auto-install code and rebuild the KSP MA exe (in this case plaese send me the code changes ).
  7. @diomedea: Thanks for the clarification! I'll keep this in mind. If any other user thinks this Doc Tab feature is useful let me know @longbyte1: Yes, a auto-install of updateable mods is implemented but not enabled yet ... to buggy. Stay tuned New prerelease available KSP MA 1.4.0 PR2 KSP Mod Admin v1.4.0 PR2: - Version compare (KSP MA Update) bug fixed. - ModInfo URL validation bug fixed. - Mod Update CreationDate - AddDate compare bug fixed. New prerelease available KSP MA 1.4.0 PR3 KSP Mod Admin v1.4.0 PR3: - Adding of mods with SpaceportID Bug fixed.
  8. Thanks, for the suggestions! 1. This is on my todo list, some code for this feature is already implemented but it was to buggy to enable it yet. This is the next thing i'm working on! First check will be the SpaceportID then i'll check the filename (with some parts of the mod archive path). If i find a installed mod with matching ID or filename i'll ask for a update of the mod. If a update is wanted i'll try to copy the destination paths of the old mod to the new, unistall the old and install the new mod. 2. A) You can change the install path (destination) of a modfile by right click the file and chose Destination -> Select new destination. For now there is no linking of mods planned, but you can use the note column for the reference. C) This won't be a problem. I don't delete a mod folder if there is a file left after deinstallation of the mod (in the case its not a file replacement - if the mod-mod is a filereplacement then you should uncheck the file of the original mod befor installing the mod-mod!). 3. This is on my to do list too. But with low priority. 4. Sry, i don't understand what you meen here, could you explain what a Doc Tab should do? =) A URL should look like this http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ksp-mouse-controller/ for the KSP Mouse Controller mod. Yes, 1.3.11 is the newest official release, so KSP 1.4.0 trys to update to the newest version But seriously there is a small bug in the version compare, i'll fix it till the offical 1.4.0 release. Thanks! Do you have add some mods or is the ModSelection empty? Can you give me more detalis what steps are needed to reproduce this error? (Kannst du mir auch auf deutsch schicken =)) Thanks =)
  9. Hi Filippe999, sry, i dont understand what you meen. What should a "auto-buy" fature do? Where do you have lags and how do you "unlock" parts?
  10. Hi all, sry that it took so long, but there where to much to do in the past weeks. Anyway, what's new ... KSP MA v1.4.0 PR: (EDIT: Link removed look here) KSP MA auto update: New option on the Option / Update Tab that allow to choose if KSP MA should auto install the new downloaded KSP MA version. [*]Mod update check (KSP Spaceport Mods only): New button on the Option / Update Tab to check all mods for updates (when a Spaceport URL to the mod is availabel). New option on the Option / Update Tab that allow to choose when KSP MA should check for mod updates. If a update is available the mod will be displayed in blue (on the ModSelection). New columns on the ModSelection TreeListView. There are a few new columns that will contains some mod related informations (mod infos - like SpacePortID, URL, Author, Rating, ...). If you use the integrated ModBrowser to download a mod from KSP Spaceport KSP MA will get those infos for you, otherwise you have to enter at lest the URL to the Mod). Three new ModSelection contextmenu buttons: "Edit mod infos" Opens the mod info edit dialog to edit mod spaceport infos. "Visit mod download site" Opens the ModBrowser with the URL entered in the mod Infos. "Check for mod update" Starts a update check for the selected mod. If a update is available the mod will be displayed in blue (on the ModSelection). How to prepare already installed mods for the update fature: If you already have installed mods, you can edit the mod infos with a rightclick and the "Edit mod infos" button. The mod infos edit dialog will open where you can change the mod infos. Enter the URL to the KSP Spaceport site of the mod and press the button next to the TextBox. KSP MA will get the mod infos for you. Now the mod is prepared for the "Mod update fature" (You can enter a URL to another site then KSP Spaceport but then KSP MA won't get the mod infos, but you can visit the site with a right click on the mod and the "Visit mod download site" option.) How does the update feartue work: I download the WebSite (with the URL from the mod infos) and search it for key words (like id, creationdate, author, ... ) If i find those key words i update the mod infos of the mod and compare the Creationdate of the site with the AddDate of the mod. If a update is available the mod will be displayed in blue (on the ModSelection). There is a problem with the guest account of KSP Spaceport. If you don't login with your created user account the infos of the mod won't be actuel! They (KSP Spaceport) updates the mod infos you can see with a guest account in a very long interval! So it may take a while that KSP MA notices a mod update. (Any ideas how to solve this problem?) @cy-one & hawkwing: Could one of you check if you still have the problem with the download path please?
  11. Hi cy-one and Godit, i'm totaly guessing without a look into the issue. There could be a problem with the KSPModAdmin.cfg file in "C:\ProgramData\KSPMODAdmin\KSPModAdmin". Could one of you check this folder ("C:\ProgramData\KSPMODAdmin\KSPModAdmin") if there is a sub dir with a KSPModAdmin.cfg file in it? If there is a cfg file please check the Name attribute of the KSP_Path XMLNode and the FullPath attribute of the Known_KSP_Path XMLNode. Do those paths exist? If there is no cfg file or folder, create a folder and copy a cfg file from an earlier KSP MA version into it. If this don't help please try a named folder and delete (rename) the folder. If nothing helps please delete (rename) the C:\ProgramData\KSPMODAdmin\KSPModAdmin folder an restart KPS MA.
  12. @D3ad: @Horman: No ETA, i can't predict how much time i can spend on KSP MA. =/
  13. Hi all, a happy new year to all KSP players. I'm back on track. Sry, that i anwer this late but i needed the time for recreation I have a version ready with version checking (by Spaceport creation date). I have to remove some auto update code that didn't work properly, but a version with a simple mod version check will come soon. (NOTE: This is not a compatibility check!!!) Sry for now a shared craft folder is not planed but you could zip your shared craft folder and add this zip archive with KSP MA. It will install the crafts to the ship folder of ksp so they should be available in all savegames. I'll have a look an this, please be patient. The download and backup path are KSP install depandend (they won't be shared between two KSP installations (if you don't chose the same folder for both installations ) A version check will come with the next update (Spaceport mods only!). But note this won't be a compatibilty check!!! This will come with the next version of KSP MA. 1. Thats right. Its up to you to get rid of the multiple mod version. 2. A ignore list is a nice idea... its on my to do list now 3. You can realize this by using the Note or Version column of the mods, add a 1, 2, 3... to these mod fields and sort the column. KSP MA will then processe the mods with your custom sort order. 4. An interesting idea! I'll do some research on that. Thanks!
  14. sry i'm ill right now, i'll give comments when im back on track ...
  15. sry, to much work to do. in a few days my holiday begins then i should find some time. expect a test version somewaht like end of next week.
  16. Hi dnulho, 1) You can change the "Mod folder" with a right click on the ModSelection an choose Zip Source -> Select new source folder for all mods (or Select new source folder for selected mod). This will change the source (mod) folder of the selected or all mods (The folder where KSP MA expectes the Mod Archive). On the Option or ModBrowser tab you can choose a download path for your mods. To keep track on, witch Mod you have updated already, you can sort your mods by AddDate. Or use the Note column (double click the Note column to Edit) But i'm working on a mod update feature right now, i try to publish a early test version soon. 2) I was afraid of the fact that colorblind people could have problems with my coloring! Maybe you can help me on this. Could you send me 3 colors (R,G,B values) that you could differentiate? One for the installed state (green), one for "Missing Zip folder" (red) and one for update needed (blue). Thanks for you suggenstions!
  17. Hi WMC, till now there is only a xml formated kspmodadmin.cfg file in your "old" ksp install. You can copy that .cfg file to your new ksp install folder. If you haven't moved the Archives of the mods, KSP MA schould find them for a reinstall (but you have to recheck your wanted mod parts). I have the export/import function on my todo list, but don't expect it soon, i'm on the mod update function right now.
  18. @webkilla: sry till now i didn't find the time to look into the issue. i hope i'll have the time during the weekend. @Stone Blue: Thanks, i already know this mod. @cy-one: How should it be sorted? EDIT: <--- Ignore this What's the language of your Windows?
  19. thanks im back home in a few hours. then i'll start the invastigation. =)
  20. Hi webkilla, please be a little patient, i have to look into this. do you have some mods in mind which don't work?
  21. A good YouTube playlist is here -> . It explains how to set up your VS and the first steps of Plugin development.The KSP Wiki also explains the first steps. Or another interesting thread Example plugin projects to help you get started somewhere here in the forum You don't need any vorsioin control (but i would recomend it ) Take a look at assembla.com (if you like svn). And i don't know any KSP documentation of the available functions.
  22. What's new: GUI scaling bug now fixed (for real ). Open Folder Button in Context-Menu of ModSelection -> opens the selected installed folder if possible. Adding of *.craft files via add dialog or drag & drop implemented.
  23. Finally, after an endless poking around in the dark, we did it. KSP MA should now have no more problems with enlarged GUIs. Thanks to all who helped with the bug hunt! I will release a new version tonight (UTC+01:00). EDIT: (+ MCT +24h) That will allow to add craft files via drag&drop or add dialog and an additional function in ModSelection contextMenu "Open selected mod folder" to open the selected folder if the mod is installed. Next, I have planned an AutoUpdate for KSP MA and I also am working on a concept for the implementation of mod updateing. Stay tuned
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