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Everything posted by Athlonic

  1. Yep. There is no RT2 integration ... yet.
  2. Oh I meant 80% and 30% by default, my bad. But if you change it to 10-20% it should stay at your desired volume if you switch vessel, as long as you don't enable the "Per-vessel setting".
  3. Ok, I just tried Chatterer on a vanilla KSP, I can't reproduce this volume issue. Can you give this a try : - delete the "...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Plugins\PluginData\Chatterer\plugin.cfg" file, (the mod will create a fresh new one upon next load) - try to load/switch to different vessels and see if issue is gone, - make sure to not enable "per-vessel settings" option. Sounds volume should be (and be kept) as follow : - Chatter : 80% - Beeps : 30% EDIT : (by default) Hope this helps.
  4. Oh my bad, thanks for this nice recap I only remembered a stream where at the end everyone was posting in the chat "OMG it just has been released!" And then Yargnit said with his "famous smile" :" Yes guys, update is out, have fun !" Thought it was 0.23.
  5. Are you trying to tell me that Marathon stream is over but 0.23.5 is not released yet ? That was unexpected ... Oo I didn't watch all these Asteroid stream because I don't like these spoiler stream (sorta) prior update release anymore. Did they encounter issues or something to not release the update just after the Marathon as usual ?
  6. be sure to not have your sounds in : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer_0.5.9.2devBuild\GameData\Chatterer\Sounds" but "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Sounds" Actually, do not put your unziped "Chatterer_0.5.9.2devBuild" folder in Gamedata but only the "Chatterer" folder which contain Plugins, Sounds and Textures folders.
  7. Sure. Let me just finish "South Park - The stick of truth" and I will get my hand back on it ^^
  8. @Trevorsensei You must install the whole 'Chatterer' folder (with all its subdirectories) in your KSP "Gamedata" folder, not in the KSP root folder. Like this "\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\"
  9. @ Opque : Glad you figured it out @ Taki117 & DocMoriarty : Will have a look at this, I just rebuilt/upgraded my system, so it may take a little while once I got all re-installed and running
  10. Hi, I would advise to place your KSP installation away from "users" or "system" folder like "My documents, program files, ..." This might be the cause of IOexceptions. Can you place your KSP_win in a folder like C:\Games\ and see if it helps.
  11. This is strange. Check if your path looks exactly like this : "...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Sounds\chatter\apollo11" And if you have "capcom" & "capsule" directories containing .ogg files in there.
  12. Racing games never gets old ^^
  13. Damn modders, they code too fast ^^ Isn't Kethane @ 0.8.4 already as well ?
  14. Ok, nothing wrong with your system here. It must be a mod compatibility issue. I use these without issue : Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157 [C:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\MODS] 000_Squad Chatterer_devBuild FLAG MadKerbal IoncrossCrewSupport_v1_11_dev4 (1) KerbalAlarmClock_2.7.0.0 Kethane-0.8.2 KSPAlternateResourcePanel_1.2.1.0 KSPX v0.2.5 MechJeb-for-All_Science Module Manager 1.5.6 ProceduralDynamics0.6 RasterPropMonitor.0.12 Romfarer_LazorDockingCam_v32b SCANsat_b5 uploads-2013-09-EnhancedNavBall_1_2 uploads-2013-10-Aviation-Lights-v3.5 uploads-2013-11-TreeLoader_1.1.33 uploads-2013-12-Engineer-Redux-v0.6.2.2 uploads-2013-12-KAS_v0.4.5 uploads-2013-12-PartCatalog_2.4 uploads-2013-12-ProcFairings_2.4.3 uploads-2013-12-RemoteTech2_Release_1.3.3 uploads-2013-12-TacSelfDestruct_1.3.1.3 VisualEnhancments-6-7 uploads-2013-12-FerramAerospaceResearch_v0.12.4 AGM KW Release Package v2.5.6B uploads-2013-12-MechJeb2- DeadlyReentryCont_v4.3 uploads-2014-01-RealChute-v0.3.3.2 uploads-2014-01-ShipManifest.23.2.0_01032014 uploads-2013-12-LaunchCountdown_v1.6.1 uploads-2014-01-KerbalJointReinforcement_v1.7 Toolbar-1.4.2 uploads-2014-01-RCSBuildAid_v0.4.4 Try to unactivate mods you have which I don't and see if you can't find the one that mess things up. Sound files are all loaded along launch clamp part in the flight scene, so the countdown sequence shouldn't be a problem even on low end hardware. Hope it helps
  15. Thanks ATG Wait ? What ? Which launch tower ??? Edit : OMG found it !!! I have to try this out ! ^^ Also, don't worry, I will maintain this mod for sure, I still have several features in my mind to implement. Now, if only I had more time to code them faster...
  16. Not sure if serious ... If you are, look at my sig
  17. As long as you don't click the "mute" button, you shouldn't have any issues. Or look here for a v0.5.9.2 devTest version http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25367-0-22-Chatterer-v-0-5?p=870931&viewfull=1#post870931
  18. Thanks for the info. Funny thing is, at first I was like "Wow ! This black MK16 looks sooooooo cool on my MK1 Pod !!!" Then, on launch pad ... "Oh noes ... it is white again."
  19. I don't know how come I forgot to put this condition back in. Let me know if this fixed your issue
  20. Sorry you experience issues. Can you provide .log files, please ? Also what are your system specs ? I don't have any issue here. :/
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