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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Speaking of the noise that little generator makes, I tried running eight of them to power that repulsor field thing - that was LOUD! Louder than a gaggle of boosters at lift-off when they all revved up to full power. I noticed in BD Armory he's got some code that reduces the noise of explosions when there's more than one, just thought I'd mention that, you know, encase you've got a few minutes with nothing to do or something
  2. I think I got the whole Kerboodle, twice, and in super slow-mo 1/20x, and with my little car jumping through the middle, and I landed in one piece, and did a loop-the-loop after, and it's nearly Christmas
  3. I think it's NavHud-a-NavBall-inspired-Heads-Up-Display-1-1-2?highlight=navball+hud, I haven't tried it but it's the only similar thing I've seen.
  4. I'm not even sure the Firespitter mesh/texture switcher could deal with that, if it could though you'd need to make your own config for it referencing which mesh/texture for every model. It would be a nightmare I think. It looks like most of the parts you're using are in the old B9 as separate parts without FS switch, I think I'd use those instead of the new ones.
  5. I think it's just that the launchpad tilts to the west. You're not pointing straight up when sat on it. If you launch a true frictionless symmetrical hovercraft from a stationary start it makes it's way to the VAB slowly accelerating - it always goes the same way and can only stay still or roll down hill. By the same measure the runway (at least at the launch end) tilts somewhere around SE. The whole of KSC just isn't perfectly flat or perfectly horizontal.
  6. Unless I'm doing something wrong I haven't been able to run a Kerbcam path with TimeControl slow motion, the Kerbcam clock overrides it. Either a compatibility with slowed game time or similar time/physics control in Kerbcam would be good.
  7. I've noticed at rather high g's a Kerbal can be thrown off the command seat, normally just to hit the ground and explode. Does anyone know how to lower the force needed so they'd fall off at more survivable force/speed?
  8. Thanks, I wasn't really expecting it to even make it to the launchpad with that many. I had forty on the mark one which ran OK but they fell through the gaps too easily.
  9. I almost looked for a suitable picture of a nice pair of Boobies. I upgraded my repulsor field emitter to have, um, ninety repulsors and would you believe it lags a bit - do you think anything can be done
  10. ^ I read that earlier and didn't get it. Now I'm thinking its applications.
  11. I've watched some that have been far too long, this one though, there just isn't nearly enough of it.
  12. I don't think there's anything more I should say
  13. They've got 8m range, however fast you're going you'll stop quickly, the repulsor will survive and would of done it's job but the rapid deceleration disintegrates the craft or at least parts of it if your moving at a reasonable speed.
  14. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done, the only way to run more parts is increase single-threaded CPU performance (higher clock speed or better CPU). You should probably look at Ubizor's part welding mod, it's in the most recent video Wednesday with a short tutorial up in the Daily Kerbal section. You'll be able to weld large sections to be single pieces and get the part count much lower.
  15. Would maybe be an idea to set a master list that can be used, any builder could use all, part or none but not anything not on the list. Seems a shame not to have Baha in there, just the retracting engines and RCS, it adds something using an animated part where possible IMO.
  16. I can't seem to get the group select to work, the keys (L-mouse and p) work to select a single kerbal and I get the light grey box with click-drag or p-drag but none are selected. Any idea what could be going on?
  17. Hi again, I got the transparency/reflection working, thanks for that but I have another question. Is it possible to lock a head to a suit, so say 5 suits and 5 heads, suit 1 can only go with head 1, 2 with 2, ect, and the suits (with associated head) get assigned randomly or consecutively?
  18. I have a bit of an issue where light from spotlights/headlights doesn't affect the mask but does light everything around it, I don't suppose you know if this can be adjusted? I also noticed the end of the stock on the ARifle is missing. This is quite fun to play with, cheers.
  19. Does anyone know if it's possible to remove the shine from a Kerbals suit and have the same matt look as the head?
  20. When you switch the winch to docked it's like a normal docking port, the ships becomes one and the same problem may occur depending which parts get shuffled around in the tree order.
  21. The modifier key will be really helpful, thanks for the time you're spending on this
  22. Might be an idea to use the Firespitter skids Zekes, they go really small with tweakscale and you could remove the wheels and stick 4 on the bottom of the cubes. We don't have anyone in texture replacer at the moment either, I had a go and my first attempt is an arctic camo Kerbal. I'll tried canvas/leather for an old style suit but it comes out like shiny plastic, I don't know how to stop that, we need an expert.
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