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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Hmmm, £10 more and a three day wait for the deluxe PC-DVD from Amazon vs. the basic from Steam now. Is the DVD still Steam? I have a feeling I won't be bothered to wait.
  2. ^ Are they on command seats or in a transparent cockpit? It's like the RollKage roll-cage but even better
  3. It's a great looking mod, I really love the parts but I'm finding it difficult to transition from hover to forward flight. True I don't have the throttle control mod, and I was in my FAR install, both which I probably shouldn't of but after a reasonable amount of falling from the sky I tried with 160 worth of RCS thrust placed where the fan would be. It's like having a flight computer that balances the forward engine on SAS, have you considered having the fan as a huge RCS, it seems to make the whole setup more controllable without needing additional throttle balancers. It also seems difficult to gain enough speed, is it possible to have a halfway setting on the rear engine? A two stage so you could switch to 45* to gain some speed while still providing some lift. I've seen it in the Firespitter VTOL's but unfortunately I wouldn't have a clue how to make work, only ask if it's possible. Thanks for a great mod
  4. Have you looked at Active Struts? And the matching IR Rework model pack that goes with it. There's a certain level you can get to by increasing size/mass of the IR parts. With active Struts you have a base and endpoint, stick the base on the ship and the endpoint on the engine, an action group toggles the strut on/off, once a base is connected to an endpoint it always reconnects to it, even if it's been moved by IR, you can have double or quad strutted, turn them off (toggle the AG), move the engine, turn them back on. The combination of larger parts and Active Struts is probably the most usable.
  5. I don't think I've tried them in 0.90, it could be the end of energy couplings
  6. I like the design but I think it needs Quantum Struts for the energy coupling in the middle. They also go a lot better with a Firespitter/B9 airbrake on the pod, it keeps the cables tighter.
  7. They should work, I've made ships that rely on them in the past and just did another test and it seems fine and the fuel line extends or contracts as the joint moves. Is the fuel line being extended beyond it's max length? Or, does it work immediately after you launch one from the hanger but stop later? Could be a Kraken attack.
  8. ^ Does that happen in a clean install with just KF Riocrokite? I just launched a 16 track vehicle to try and replicate it and didn't really notice (114FPS vs 120FPS limited with no wheels). 9 individual vehicles connected by hitches with 24 medium wheels between them gave me higher FPS (around 50 - 60FPS IIRC which seemed pretty reasonable to me so I didn't report anything). We have similar(ish) CPU's it seems (i7 920 @ 4.0GHz), you may have something else going on, a conflict with some other mod?
  9. The best thing about the arrows on the hitch is that they're at 90* to each other and both say "this way up", how do you make them both go up? It doesn't seem possible, best to just ignore them
  10. I think you're outside of the intended use with that particular setup They look fine to me when it just shoots out the back.
  11. Github is a bit of a mystery to me, there was a bug KOS/issues/555 that appears to be fixed but isn't in the list above. You might be able to tell me in less time than it takes me to try it myself Oh, and thanks for the time you people are spending on this - it keeps getting better. Edit - it seems to be fixed, thankyou
  12. I had a go as well, uses B9 Aerospace, B9 Procedural Wing, Baha Cockpit and Landing Gears and a Ven's Stock Revamp truss (with FAR). Just Flawless Completion and for the moment looks like Fastest Time (1.47 modded FAR).
  13. Just another FAR F22 Raptor painted gold with a B9-Procedural/Infernal Robotics internal weapon bay.
  14. The other ships don't have targets, it's all internal inside BD, we'd need to petition BahamotoD to have the weapon manager send it's target to the GUI. You can set a target with kOS but only for the ship you're controlling, a script can't set a target on a drone - the last time I tried it only the player controlled ship can have a KSP target. You can also (I think) detect if your ship has a target, "IF TARGET:NAME = VESSEL:NAME" when you go through the vessel list seems like it should work?
  15. Amazing, it also seems possible to detect if each non-player craft has a weapon manager, which team it's set to and what weapons it carries. It could be used to set a threat level and prioritize targets?
  16. You can make a spring by adjusting the "jointSpring" and "jointDamping" values in the MuMechToggle module, it doesn't have limits though and can't be adjusted in game. It can make nice suspension though.
  17. You're not supposed to extract squads models to re-animate them in an external application. That route really needs to create the whole scene from scratch and while it Can Be Done takes a huge amount of skill and patience. If you don't have experience it's best to start filming KSP gameplay. Get Kerbcam and set some camera paths, have a look at Small Parts action group radio and kOS autopilot to control ships. There's a whole thread Here, it's probably a good place to ask questions.
  18. Did you notice that with Mini1 I had a Kerbal stood next to me when I launched and after I'd flown 38Km away from him got an flight result showing 92Km? The target is visible in all the screenshots. I also reached a max speed (navball) of just over 65m/s in a steep climb and then slowed for the rest of the flight, speed over land should be lower but it's indicated as 103m/s in flight results. I don't think it can be used to make backward calculations about what actually happened during the flight, just hope it makes equal "adjustments" for every entrant I don't think it does though, don't you get different results depending on the direction you flew and Kerbins rotation somehow affects them?
  19. Tea was nearly ready, and, more importantly Andromeda followed by Star Treck had started on TV. I'll have a better attempt later
  20. It could be possible to hold a ladder and get airborne on EVA pack thrust, would that be considered cheating?
  21. I launched piloted 6 part, 0.2T, 2.1m wide craft powered by a single sepratron at 12% thrust. Climbed to 1Km on the thrust and started gliding, and glided, and glided, and glided, and glided, didn't actuate the control surfaces at all apart from to adjust the glide angle a couple of times. After 15 mins I deliberately ended the most uneventful and boring flight I've ever made (would of took over two hours to slow enough to a safe landing speed). I think maybe the SAS adjustment to keep level was giving me some infini-glide, it was maintaining height and loosing 0.1m/s every 30 seconds or so, I'm not sure that can be avoided?
  22. I have the DragonSlayer 818 Rampage Unstoppable, I kinda stole absolutely everything from you except a cute picture of a carrot and some IR joints
  23. It looks really good, I hope you don't mind but I've stolen it and am trying to make him walk.
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