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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. ^ The one in the vid was operated with action groups and joint limits, not even the next/previous position, and an external script firing in key-presses at quite a high precision. I haven't really tried the new KOS and IR, I'm not sure you'll be able to stack up a load of small "next presets" or have to wait until each completes before sending the next. Before accel/deceleration you could read the position field with KOS and stop when the desired angle was reached, having no accel/decel brings issues with the wobbliness of an immediate dead stop though. Have you looked at the IR Sequencer? You might find it a bit easier to get moving using that
  2. Are there any rules against um, excessive offset plus struts that I noticed on sal_vager's gunbus? Mine is an attempt to gain an advantage rather than create a replica - bullets pass through like there's nothing there
  3. Here is the Small1 if anyone wants to try it, uses Procedural Parts and B9 Procedural Wing. http://www./download/75ffh2mracco58o/Small1.craft
  4. Doesn't anyone want to offer up an early test version of their craft for us to play with? I've been flying against myself and I have to say I've one every single match, I suspect that may be a bit misleading though.
  5. Procedural parts can give quite an advantage I think, you don't need anything as big and heavy as 1.25m, I've got 0.8m at the cockpit and 0.2m for the tail. I'm just gonna run 10 or 15 more before I change anything
  6. Is there a mod that spawns the pilot in his seat? I remember TT had one ages ago, does it still work? Edit - NVM, I found Take Command.
  7. Unfortunately I can't code at all, is there any possibility you could make available what you have in the screenshot, it could be used to green-screen a live instructor commentary onto a video.
  8. ^ It could be a balancing factor for the accuracy of the aim-able turret, if you choose it that's all you can have, just one and the extra Kerbal, put it on the front if you think you'll be chasing others around and on the back if you think they'll be chasing you.
  9. Both planes destroyed in the first missile volley, don't see that very often. I'll be seeing about some more upgrades, I should of put a sidewinder on, I had 5 points spare , thanks for running it QuesoExplosivo.
  10. The weapon manager is an expert with a turret, they got banned in the other thread, but hey, they look cool and you gotta try - maybe you can tweak the bullet damage If the Kerbal leaves the seat and there's no probe core the autopilot stops, I think it'll be the same if it's killed, it seems to lock in whatever pitch/roll/yaw it had before the Kerbal was removed, my plane flew on for ages. Also FAR can make some longer take-off and climb to altitude than stock, if they're pointing away and take more than 2.5km to get up to fight height it can be outside the 5km default range. Maybe launch at 45* each side of the runway so they go up in a V?
  11. (I hope) they'll be a hyperedit .cfg with 4 set launch positions that anyone can get and set them up the same each time. Rotating to a certain direction in the hanger and then hyperediting a short distance after launch seems to work well.
  12. I'm not certain it's better but I'll give it a go, I upgraded all the wings and armour plated the engines, has 55 points (2 vulcan, 3 ammo, 5 flare). It's just an empty fuselage that the fuel cans are clipped into. http://www./download/tii3a48s7wytq8g/Daz1+Mk2+Type+B.craft
  13. Ah, I didn't realise you missed the last one, can you wait 30 mins, I can have the Daz1 mK2 ready.
  14. Perhaps it's just me but it seems a bit soon to run again with the exact same crafts. I started upgrading mine but it's only 2 days since the last one, one each weekend or when there's enough new/updated seems more reasonable.
  15. There were some twin engine bi-planes and I've got one in the air, what interests me most though is if we add a gunner Kerbal sat at his gun can he have an aim-able turret in his field of view?
  16. Incredible, in the last round of the last match my intact plane few straight into the ground after getting both the Sharks engines Well done ZLM, I'll be back, and with higher minimum altitude!
  17. Um, you're still advancing my plane through the rounds and I didn't enter it and it doesn't meet the rules? You have to at least check they meet the rules you made if you're going to collect up .crafts from anywhere in the thread without asking people. I mean, I went to bed and next day I'm in the final of a contest I shouldn't even be in?
  18. Umm, I made mine before any contest or loadout rules were decided and didn't enter it myself. Pretty sure I've got 6 flare, 3 hidden vulcan and 4 ammo (75 points?), did you take some off? Edit - it can go if you take off a flare (they're in pairs so put 1 back) and two ammo, and if you've got time adjust the autopilot so it can fly in a straight line
  19. Should there be a limit to the Default Alt. setting? I'm not sure you should aim to get more than 5km from the start point, even if its 5km straight up. I had a go against the X-Viper and Helion II with a new one since turrets were banned and did quite well. I still think guns and flares is the way to go, it'll depend how may flares can be used though. If it's only two everyone will be forced to have missiles. http://www./download/wy172w1wqlyj1x4/Daz1.craft
  20. I think the heat per shot stuff is how quickly the gun overheats, it's combined with max heat. The only one I can remember is a flare has a 25% chance of distracting a missile (done by random number), that's why I use 4. The rest I've forgotten, there was some chance a bullet can ricochet I think, no idea if it was different per gun. It's all in the DB Armory thread in a couple of posts, in extreme detail, somewhere within the 100's of pages. I wonder how close to the update he is, everything could change next week.
  21. If your removing the space can because it's not realistic enough then the multiple turrets clearly act as a single device, they can't be aimed individually, only "slave" together and need a single operator to aim any amount. We'll end up with a mish-mash of can't do that because it's not realistic and must do this when it isn't. There's no restriction on adding multiples of any other weapon, only stay inside a total points value, maybe make the points for a turret so high as to unofficially ban more than one rather than unrealistically pile on more Kerbals. I'm not sure why it's needed though if Colmo has already beaten a twin turret without any on his craft.
  22. I'm not sure those AoA cockpits work properly with FAR, if you look at the green line in wavedrag there's no increase in cross-section from nosecone to cockpit bubble, I turned the voxel debug on with one a while back and it shows a hollow shape that air can flow through the inside. It doesn't matter that much but I think it should have a bigger bump at the start rather than almost no cross-section until after the air intake.
  23. My insight was turrets are OP and missiles are not that effective VS 4 flare pods. I had random fights until I launched a pair with just two turrets each. I might of been very bad, I tested against the Dassault Rafale since it was there. In return here is my thing in it's current state for testing, two pilots, two turret, 4 flare and half a can of fuel is all it is. It's designed to reach the absolute min height quickly and open up with guns. How will you judge out of range? If one stays near KSC and two go off over 5km away in a fight you can be left with 1 each and out of range, the one at KSC wins? http://www./download/dx9170ifze575g6/M320.craft
  24. I'd expected this challenge to be over a long time since Phearlock, it keeps coming back though and I'll keep updating the scoreboard. That was an incredible lap, well done
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