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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Hmm, did you get the last one from half way down page 4, it seems to be working for me on the launchpad with girls following, leading or patrolling.
  2. What issues are you getting CliftonM? I just set some followers, planted a flag, issued the go-to command and made a patrol and it seemed fine, admittedly not a thorough test but almost good enough to unpack the pink spandex (click the link in my sig ). I really hope this comes back to life.
  3. What Temeter said You'll probably want to get the Hanger Extender as well if you want to use more than a couple of the huge parts.
  4. I think mine is bigger So big it can only be launched once and not leave the scene without disaster - it's going straight into the bin. I didn't have any F16's either so it's a Harrier and F22. It does look beautiful with scatterer though.
  5. I just got the build 32 from Github that says hotfixed and it seems to be doing the same thing still, I tried it in a clean install as well to be sure.
  6. I love the additional dimensions but I seem to be having an issue, as usual I've got quite a heavily modded install so I'm hoping someone else will test it before I start removing things. With the standard wing, if I set the trailing edge root to over 1m (and the trailing edge tip is under 1m) the trailing edge tip sets its-self to 1m on leaving the SPH, reloading the craft or launching. The same issue doesn't appear in the leading edge.
  7. I'm getting an issue where in cockpit/IVA the ocean vanishes if I roll past 90* or go upside-down, I removed EVE and SkyTonemapper so it's pretty much just part mods left. Is anyone else getting this or will I be making a new install? Looks incredible by the way
  8. Would you consider adding the one or two stage darkness filter that the ASET HUD has to your custom one? I find it can be quite hard to read against certain light backgrounds.
  9. [quote name='CrisK']Looking good, gentlemen! Darren9, I used IR in all of my old designs, but I stopped using it simply because it doesn't seem to be actively maintained.[/QUOTE]I don't think it'll be updated until it stops working, Zodius has been in the Rework thread recently with a couple of new parts in development. I'm not sure CKAN will allow it to be installed but it seems to be working fine :)
  10. I rebuilt an F22 as there's a new cockpit to play with, has a wave-drag of 0.25 with everything fitted (including targeting ball and ECM) and is just about super manoeuvrable. The infernal robotics weapons bay allows attachment to the inside of the doors to squeeze a bit more in without any bad clipping. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AsTAsoZ.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0ZKa4vC.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6ZJNuYK.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/USFPWwm.png[/img]
  11. I wasn't expecting this so soon for some reason, it looks great, thanks.
  12. At one point those mecanum wheels were using the Kerbal Foundries plugin and didn't need KOS IIRC, I really haven't kept up with their development though.
  13. ^ It is P-Parts on there, that cockpit is cut flat at the front and has a 0.625m node.
  14. ^ It's an AoATech and the intakes are part of the cockpit.
  15. It's not a sea plane but it could, well, ditch in the water and take off again. Flies on KAX jumpjet engines fixed to IR rotators. [img]http://i.imgur.com/TWfXpyp.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/emAIH60.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3PJTFID.png[/img]
  16. Definitely not super-manoeuvrable but it is fast, has a long range and pulls enough G to qualify. I had the wave drag down to 0.08 at one point before I added all the BD Aromry stuff. It still can't get to mach3 at 10,000 (it does 2.96). [img]http://i.imgur.com/g4aMfEJ.png[/img]
  17. It looks great, are you planning to pre-fit radar into the nose - it'll save a bit of part clipping :)
  18. Mine is definitely stealth, and will probably reflect lasers :) [img]http://i.imgur.com/YWbWGwU.png[/img]
  19. I made it around in FAR, in IVA only, in the Harrier, with a full combat load-out, without reaction wheels or SAS. I did use Atmospheric auto-pilot and Vertical Velocity Control, added two JSI/RPM camera's (one looks straight down at the center and one to see the engine position), added ASET throttle position, TWR and radar height readouts as they weren't easily visable and probably worst of all edited the KAX Jump-Jet engine to have the same throttle response time as the new stock Panther engine (0.5), it was 4 times slower and took over 12 seconds to gain 25% throttle. You might want to put it as Gate-Crasher, it seemed reasonable to have it perform as well as a stock one though. It's actually a joy to fly now, especially hitting the air-brakes at 250m/s and falling straight into a stable hover. [video=youtube_share;Kv39V-pJQYI]http://youtu.be/Kv39V-pJQYI[/video]
  20. Since you asked, I clicked in after reading the title yesterday expecting to enter and couldn't. For me personally these things are better suited to a modded game. I've got one I did back in 0.2-something and I would of tried making an even better one but not without Real-Chute, some better wheels/skids, a procedural wing and a few other bits. I fully understand some people only play stock, but in a challenge all you have to do is add a second category below the stock one and you've increased the chance of entries.
  21. That happened to me as well, I'd forgotten to copy over the BahaSP folder that has the BD animation plugin fr4om my old 1.0.4.
  22. ^ Thanks, I was looking at the walker thinking "well, even I can't understand what I just did from that sequence", seems you had the same idea . I'll try the renaming as well.
  23. I encountered a strange bug with this, not sure if it's already been reported or if it's 1.0.5 related, or if it's just a mistake on my part. I've got a six leg walker, 4 joints in each leg, it appeared to work fine and I programmed several sequences in the SPH and Flight scene and ran them without issue. Then I decided I could do better and arranged the joints into 12 named groups in the IR editor (left/right, front/mid/rear legs, ect.) to make programming in the sequencer easier since it picks up groups from IR. That appears to make several of the "position" and "speed" fields for individual joints un-editable in the sequence editor. Then i removed half of the groups and cut down to one for each leg, still the same issue. Then I removed all the groups in the IR editor to have just a huge list of joints again and every field could be edited again. This was in a new 1.0.5 with just IR, IR-Rework and the IR sequencer.
  24. Everything I couldn't fix and gave up on it ever working properly looks like it's fixed What a great job.
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