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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Degrees per second seems a reasonable guess for a rotation speed.
  2. I was expecting them to be not round any-more or half falling off after reading the OP, they don't look anywhere close to actually failing.
  3. That was what I had in mind, I couldn't tell from the vids. Only "At the moment, no..." though, multi-directional 3d IR type thing would be kinda special
  4. There was a development thread for the IR 2.0 plugin as well that lists the creators, could be useful to know who to hassle at some point http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114014-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Plugin-Rework-%28Updated-05-04-2015%29
  5. This could be what you're after, unless you've already seen it. I just remember a new API was created for the 2.0 release. Also important to note that I don't understand any of it past the first sentence. https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/wiki/Using-the-IR-API
  6. I can, it was this, but, I had a plane that I'd delivered the KF debris with parked near it made of Procedural Parts/B9-PWings, BD landing gear and various other things. I removed it and went out in one of the stock planes and didn't get any noticeable stops/slowdowns. It looks like it was that contraption and not KF There's still a lot of yellow and the orange "wheel collider not......" that gets everywhere but if I didn't have the debug window open then nothing I'd notice. I took some screens of that just encase and another huge log but I think this could just be me piling up all the dodgy-est mods rather than your fix not working. http://www./KSP_Logs_J.zip
  7. I put it straight into my modded install (deleted old first), and it seemed to be good, I dropped some repulsors and wheels as debris and flew around in and out of load and packing ranges. I was getting some bad occasional lockups though, just the whole thing stopped dead for over a second followed by a large chunk of text to the debug log which I haven't noticed without the KF debris around. I'll test it some more on a clean install, and here's the logs just encase they're useful. http://www./KSP_Logs_H.zip
  8. I might have the same thing happening, no idea if it's just KF or not - this install has BD Armory plus a load of other stuff. I launched from KSC and took some KF wheels and tracks to the dirt runway and left them as debris (just KF and stock parts), switched back to KSC, launched a new ship and flew out to the debris at dirt runway. At 2.5km out framerate dropped to single figures along with lots of red in the debug log. I reverted the flight and exited KSP at that point. Here are the logs, I'll test some more with less other mods if you need. http://www./KSP_Logs_b.zip
  9. Have you got a method to realistically balance a motorbike when it corners? I kind of always wanted a center-hub-steer with single swing arm. That spring setup looks great.
  10. The guns are already functional, just need to rescale them and use "equipMode = physic" in the KIS module, missile launchers that can be reloaded by a second Kerbal are also possible, as is hand-held (or shoulder mounted) hydra. I'm waiting for BahamotoD's new turret tutorial to have a go at custom ray guns and phased plasma rifles.
  11. I haven't tested the new one yet, reports are the fixed guns became much less effective. Baha posted a bit in the BD thread saying in the old system once you got the fixed gun within a "few" degrees it became an aim-able turret and precisely targeted the enemy, I think that was helping us out quite a bit.
  12. There's another issue as well, my next trick would be the "magic wing", the wing that bullets pass through. FAR sees the leading/trailing edge in B9-PWing and uses it in it's area/lift calculations but they have no collider and bullets don't interact. You can have up to a 2m wide wing (1m leading/trailing edge) on a 0.125m spline, only the spline can be hit. You should probably ban or severely restrict those as well. I didn't use it on the Green_Machine, the narrow edges are for colour.
  13. ^ I understand if you think it doesn't look good, it's just that it doesn't effect lift or mass/strength, making it thicker than minimum just offers up a larger target from certain aspects and no gain. I've no objection to a minimum but I'd like to use the thinnest I'm allowed to.
  14. I didn't actually enter the Blue Schmoo, It was just a test version. My bi-plane is the Green_Machine, currently MK3 with the orange bit on the front. I checked the thickness's as well, everything was already as thin as it can go http://www./Green_Machine_3.craft I hope none of you people making the secret entries are downloading these to test against, that just wouldn't be fair.
  15. What looks safe and what is safe are two different things. The radiators offer higher protection than a similar sized procedural part, higher mass (0.01 vs 0.004), higher max temp (2500 vs 2000), higher impact tolerance (12 vs 7). I have to open a gap in the front of the stronger protection and add weaker protection in it's place. As well as double the size of the cockpit area so it's easier to hit. As well as add extra drag which decreases top speed, climb rate and handling so easier to shoot down. To make it look safer and qualify I can make it less safe for the pilot in every possible way I think you'd need to set a minimum "protection" level (mass/max temp/whatever BD uses) of components in the cockpit area instead of "doesn't look safe" and it'll get complicated quickly.
  16. They're all set to team A, autopilot on in standby, then quickly switch two to team B using the BD GUI. The BD GUI stays in the same place for each craft so it's click, switch craft, click. Almost to quick to see what's going on.
  17. I'm not sure I agree, there's no way to get close and stay close enough, the AI wont use the throttle. It doesn't really matter though. I made some adjustments to the Green_Machine and switched back to twin fixed guns to have a reasonable chance against the Attera which seems the bi-plane to beat at the moment. I'll wait for a judgement on the cockpit - it's enclosed on three sides, that's all I'm going to say It's available to test against. http://www./Green_Machine_2.craft
  18. I think you might of set the spread on the turret a bit too high Tetryds. There's already a mass and drag penalty from adding the extra Kerbal with cockpit and it can fire a crate of 800 rounds at a stationary target at 300m and not destroy it. Seems to do even worse when it's flying around.
  19. I have an entry for the single wing class, the intakes that make the cockpit are a bit weak and tend to get removed quickly but it flies on fine without them. Uses B9 PWing, Procedural Parts and needs to be launched with Take Command. http://www./Daz_MK5.craft
  20. Interesting, I had min 600m & default 1000m, with that I climbed above and yours never came up and I'd of won with more fuel. As soon as I put them at the same height even 1 of yours against 2 of mine and I'm tore to shreds
  21. Here's a test version if anyone wants to try against it. You'll need B9-PWing and Take Command (the only way to get the Kerbak in that seat is launch from the SPH and him pop into it). It can shoot things down if you're prepared to wait long enough Weighs 1.5t, has 1600 ammo and two guns and well over 20 mins of fuel. http://www./Blue_Schmoo.craft
  22. ^ It's actually not a strut, it's structure (B9 PWing) and is connected to the front intake and runs through the center of the engine, it seems possible IRL, maybe
  23. I haven't managed anything as low as 1.06T yet but I have got one that's controllable with the AI and has an armoured cockpit. I might have to switch it to a front engine and poke the Kerbals head up a bit.
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