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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. Does the hoover suck up cats and small furniture? I think I want one
  2. Yes, and thank you. Get those script writers to work
  3. You won't know what mods you need until you have a script, for the first scene, Kerbals following each-other and pulling a sledge, KAS for the rope, FireSpitter bi-plane skids for the sledge to run on, EVA Follower for the Kerbals. I tried it to see how well it could work , the skids and winches can be shrank small enough to be added to whatever sledge you use but it needs to be on wheels really which the skids are, I didn't move the camera but it was attached to a probe out of the scene and could of gone anywhere.I could probably do recording and craft building if it's needed but my favourite is automation, moving robotic scenery or controlling craft other than the focus ship with kOS, burn together, Klockheed Martian action group radio or anything else that can work. was 100% kOS and not me flying at all, I thought the delays made it look less rigid than Burn Together which moves each craft the same way at the same time. The same is possible with rovers, you could have a couple roll up and stop or drie off together rather than one. I'm also quite good with if you need someone.There isn't a title of automation/set rigging to apply to, could I be another co-director maybe? I'll do anything except voice acting or uploading more than a couple of minutes of raw HD footage.
  4. Hi, I'm having trouble getting some of the keys available in the keysets to work. I can't seem to get anything that requires a modifier on my keyboard to work, the "&" or "?", pressing shift + 7 just moves the throttle, I've tried sending the character directly with an external scripting tool, if I focus notepad it types "&&??" but if I focus the game and send the same characters nothing happens even though action groups are set to those characters. Sending a ">" (greater?) activates time warp which is ".", on my keyboard ">" would be SHIFT+"." Is there a technique to getting these upper case symbols to work?
  5. ^ At the moment there's kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System and Flight-Computer. Both can only operate action groups (I'm not sure about Flight Computer, haven't tried it properly), Action Groups Extended can increase the number of available action groups. So it's just move back/forward/center for a certain amount of time and stop, kOS can toggle action groups in reaction to almost anything else. kOS will in it's next update have better control, select individual servo's, read angle/extnsion and move them by a desired amount or in reaction to anything else it can read (virtually everything).
  6. TT's omni-wheel is pretty much a castor when un-powered unless I'm missing something. It's like floating on a repulsor except you have brakes, which are quite useful sometimes. Wouldn't you just need to make the wheels point towards the direction the craft it moving to get the "effect" of a castor?
  7. SET TARGET TO "name", works for me. Setting and changing target on an uncontrolled ship gave me problems, I'm pretty poor at kOS though and assumed it was me doing it wrong.
  8. I think it's important to have a probe core on the top to see the next gate when it's over a hill, so someone (me) will have to fly onto it and land and decouple one (hyperedit can't seem to get enough accuracy), so a flat area on the top 2m x 4m (or more) would be helpful. I just extruded a cube, only 14 polys, you've done some stunning models Spanner - I'll take anything.
  9. Curious indeed, I just got the same thing to happen. Then tried it with another long truss from a different mod, it seemed to wobble very slightly when I zoomed in on the top of it but then stop after a while. I wonder if the panels are making a force and the IR truss is tuned to resonate it, I'm not sure what else it could be.
  10. I have something for you to look at. It's a basic course, close to KSC with a red gate, my first attempt at doing Blender, Unity and KSP together so nothing special. If someone wants to make a better gate that appears in KK the correct way up I'd be happy to swap it. It should be available in Scenarios, the gates will appear anyway if you have KK installed but if you don't start the scenario they wont have the probe core landed on each one for the gate number and to see the direction through the hills and stuff (you'd of laughed at my attempts to land a ship on each gate to drop the probe core). The gates are numbered 1 to 8, start from the launch position on the runway and end by going back onto the runway. I'm not sure about the size of the gates, the track layout, the look of the gates, or anything else really. I just made it close to KSC a bit on the water and quite short. Opinions/suggestions/criticism is needed please. You should be able to unzip the contents into your main KSP folder, that'll need testing as well, it adds the scenario, a red gate and the latest Kerbal Konstructs. It seemed to work OK for me just now, that's all I'm going to say at the moment www./Repulsor_Race.zip
  11. Here's a video by m1sz for the more complicated wider front setup, I don't think he'll mind me putting it here, a lot of my best ideas have in fact been stolen from him The Dark-Side track at the end is brilliant.
  12. It takes me a couple of hours to upload 5 mins of video so I made a quick album with some descriptions instead, most important I've found is a triangle of air-brakes on the back and a probe core on the front to control it from, if you control it from the pod SAS attempts to react to the pod bouncing around on the end of a rope and does weird things, use more SAS force and control surfaces on the front bits than you think you ever should I tend to go for the pod weighing very little and the CoM inside the front 4 repulsors. It's not the only way to do it but I've found it the easiest, you can even reel the pod back in and land it. I had a small tragedy with KK, the gates I set out didn't save so I've got to do it again.
  13. Coincidentally we had a Redbull Air-race just down the road a few years back, walked up a hill near the house with a picnic and watched it for free. I'd started trying to make something with gates, and after perceptual issues with what's forward and up between Blender, Unity and KK managed to get something in the game with a working collider. We can adjust to single pylons if it's preferred but there's twice as much to crash into with a two sided gate . There's no indication where the gates are with statics, I'm going to have to try and land a probe core on them so you can see where to go. Once I've got something usable I'll put it here to see what you think.
  14. I'm going to have another coffee and go loop-d-looping, thanks. Don't suppose I could have those rocks in the background please, they'd make very nice gates for the course. I'm having trouble with the arch, it's upside down and too small in KK and I only have the exported model from the gamedata folder and not even Unity installed (nor know how to use it)
  15. I'm new to this and need a bit of help please, I have a part from the game that I'd like to spawn as a static but it's upside down and too small. All I have is the part as it's exported ready for the game, I don't have Unity installed at the moment, so it's just a model.mu and .mbm. Is there any way to turn it upside down and double it's scale without going back to Unity?
  16. We can make a challenge, maybe a bit more general and anything that levitates on repulsors rather than must run experience the joy of KAS and quantum strut playing up? I'll have a look at KK it'll solve the gates flying around when you get near them. How long for a track, 3-4 mins if you happen to average 200mph?
  17. I still have the Kerbull Air-race gate, it's a huge archway - big enough to fly a plane through, just six parts once you've stuck on landing legs to stop it glitching when the terrain detail changes. I could make another course, or anyone else can have the gate if they want to have a go. Do you think I should make it smaller
  18. What worked for me was have all the weight on the front bits, just two of the electric generator things, one each side and then only three replusors on the pod, two at the front and one in the middle at the back. I used half size repulsors on the back, the drag from the rear air brakes ( at least 3 on the pod) and tension in the ropes is enough to hold the pod up and straight once you get up to speed. I have noticed that if the repulsor is sitting touching the ground it sometimes wont lift up, it needs to be slightly above the ground to take hold sometimes, I've had to have a bit of the craft sticking down below them in the past. You should be able to get it going though.
  19. ^ What happens if you set all of them to 0 in the hanger and raise them on the runway? I've had quite a few weird things happen with that combination of KAS, Quantum struts and Repulsors.
  20. ^ Possibly the repulsors are interacting with the launch clamps, can you launch it with just the two two that hold the upper blue wing-ish bits, I'm not sure though it's hard to tell.
  21. Thanks, I do have Burn Together but didn't get as far as using it. There's just a simple kOS that sets direction and throttle. You wouldn't believe how stable those things are, I chased one around in circles for 10 minutes. The only way I could make them crash was un-dock the KAS winch.
  22. Yes they are extremely power hungry, I don't think anyone would complain if they were turned down a bit I started this just before the recent talk of trailer hitches and coincidentally it has a 2xIR link, but just after Achroma's stunning race video a few pages back so I'm blaming him for the hours of grief of getting 3 repulsor craft going the same direction at the same time in the same place. Classical ballet on a planet with no atmosphere is so much more relaxing.
  23. If you could achieve what a KAS winch does when its reeled in to 1cm that would be special, there's no option to to be un-docked from the trailer with IR and if you put a docking port after a floppy joint it flops down and can't easily be re-docked.
  24. Thanks, but you're dealing with a total non-programmer. The "Do_stuff_with_P_here." bit, if I "SET P:CONTROLFROM TO TRUE." its an error "operation not valid due to current state of object", what do I need to do to P to set the parts CONTROLFROM to true?LIST PARTS IN PLIST. FOR P IN PLIST { IF P:NAME = "Mark2Cockpit" { SET P:CONTROLFROM TO TRUE. }. }. Thanks again.
  25. Could someone explain how to, or link to an example of "get a handle on a part", long story short I want to switch control to a second command pod, it's a unique part, I know its name, how would I select it and apply the "SET PART:CONTROLFROM" to it? Thanks in advance.
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