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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. ^ It weighs 400T, there's no source code for the plugin or a license though, normally that means it'll get closed for a while.
  2. For me it's that bold bit, that's 720Kmph or 450mph, it seems slow in KSP because of the featureless terrain and typical high view angle but if you put a camera on the craft near the ground it's a lot faster.
  3. There's also an inverse effect in the stock drag model compared to FAR, 1/2 the physical dimensions is 1/4 surface area (FAR) but only 1/8 volume/mass (stock drag), where mod parts are allowed you can make tiny craft from accepted "balanced" mod packs and exploit it. Here's a non-FAR 750m/s 0.6T pilot-less drone that appears to be within the rules as they're written (Sceppies minipack, firespitter, procedural fuel tank). Made a 1:04 with a horrendous flight path and landing. Should probably have separate stock/mod as well as Far/non FAR because any attempt at "real world" balancing of different size parts is broken by the stock drag model.
  4. There's only two turns though, and a quick raise and descend from 3000m, the majority is straight, level as fast as you can. And there's also nothing in the rules to stop turning part failures off?
  5. Thanks for the comments on the alternative skin, I didn't really do much more than colour up to the edges after lo-fi's modeling and Justin Kerbice unwrapped it so most of the time and effort was theirs, and I'm hoping to get the UV templates for the other models to try some more in the same style (Please Justin ). The wireframe on the bottom came from me forgetting to hide the template when I exported and well, it looked better than what I had before I'm open to any suggestions to improve it and also anyone taking the .tga and changing it themselves in any way, just be sure to show us what you do.
  6. If he'd said "I sent an airplane to.......", but he didn't. It seems easy to argue a spaceplane is more than an airplane?
  7. ^ I've seen some strange "small single engine planes" but that's the strangest
  8. They're little green men, I don't think a more sci-fi lazor canon would be too out of place. Some glow'ey bits that coil around the barrel thing?
  9. That's been a "feature" since the beginning, higher gravity and heavier parts make it worse. Probably your best bet is build it straight up and balanced in the SPH and always return it to that default position before a save (and park it on flat ground). There'll be less torque/flexing and more compression through the joints which they handle better. If anything is sagging down/pulled out of shape by gravity when you save you'll end up with this issue.
  10. It looks great, normally I get wheels and stuff and always think "needs more power", yours seem to have plenty
  11. You could try removing Tweakscale and manually making the joint parts a lot larger (rescaleFactor), that used to have an effect but I'm not sure in these more recent versions. Probably something that large in high gravity just isn't going to function as you'd like.
  12. Lockable steering won't effect how they function as robotic Athlete parts and will allow greater use, and there is a lack of anything similar and certainly nothing that scales out of the box like I'm hoping those will, but I don't mind. Just make sure they have brakes They look good.
  13. I managed to make the huge powerful wheel look reasonable sized and a bit underpowered, it only just fitted in the SPH though, and I had to empty some fuel out to stop the IR joints collapsing. Goes anywhere except backwards in quite a realistic manor, oh and it's not a screenshot but the next best thing. If I have to be honest I'm not sure about the repulsor, it's moved away from the clean sci-fi look the medium wheel has that I really quite liked but it's just my personal opinion. It's shaping up to be a great set of parts, keep it up
  14. Yep, it is really effective, I'm looking forward to a more final version to mess about with.
  15. That looks more realistic than anything else I've seen, well done Can you show us it moving over that incline please?
  16. Possibly off topic but add the Tweakscale module/plugin to it, you'll be able to scale it at 2x, 3x or more?
  17. I think they're fine as just levitation, for me a repulsor needs a solid surface to "repulse" against and if you're not near a surface they wont do anything. For resource consumption, if it's far above a wheel then there's decreasing reason to use one, also unless you've got one of the nuclear-electric mods installed there's only solar panels and RTG's (assuming it's electric powered like the wheel it replaces) and if you happen to be in an atmosphere only the small surface mount solar panel if you want scoot about. It should be harder to power than a wheel but not too much harder?
  18. Of course not, and thanks. You should see This thread by Plur303 though, it wasn't my original idea but up to now they've been aeroplanes that inevitably hit the ground.
  19. Sounds good, I'll have a go. Oh, and if you've got 2 minutes spare watch this
  20. Experimental soon-to-be-released anit-gravity repulsor from Kerbal Foundries.
  21. Sounds like you may of changed a folder path/name somewhere, both D12 and B9 need to be in the same structure inside "GameData" that they come out of the .zip's in.
  22. They're one of the multi-wings, looks like a different shape in the part list and you change it with next/previous shape tweakable when attached in the editor (right click).
  23. ^ The rear is SpacePlane Plus with added TweakScale to shrink it, most of the front is B9, also a Procedural Parts fuel tank and some structural parts from Infernal Robotics Rework and TV Pizza wings is I think all of it, oh and KAS winches and strengthened with ID strong struts. Edit, and I forgot the most important, Firespitter air-brakes on the back.
  24. I'm not sure what your plans include but at the moment the repulsor seems hard to deal with compared to the wheel-repulsor, even when retracted it still has no friction and needs (just IMO) an option to launch retracted, also the wheel-repulsor gets a much slower/smoother transition between states (you can get launched quite high switching states even on Kerbin). Still great parts and I don't think I'll be using other wheels much. I think I may have voided the warranty but with the extra height on the new version I was able to get a stable fast pod racer together, amazing fun to pilot, especially with a cockpit view - Thanks
  25. If it isn't in the gamedata.zip prolly best not to use it at the moment, a few more may be added, also it looks like some may be removed if permissions have to be followed and we'll be making our own. Refueling looks like robotic adjustable docking ports, just put a small one anywhere on the craft and it can be refueled by a robot fuel can if anyone wants to.
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