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Everything posted by Darren9

  1. I love the look of the new joints, not sure I'll ever find a use for an uncontrolled pivitron but who knows I do have a part suggestion if that's OK, not sure if it's already been requested, currently the Rotatron Right-Angle (rev) seems the most suitable VTOL engine rotator, rotating it though moves the thrust and mass of the engine in a big arc around the rotation point which is bad for stability. Could we get a specialized engine rotator with offset attach point, at the moment it's quite hard to make one. The picture will probably explain better than I can with words, a single piece that achieves what that little contraption does, would surface attach at the rotator and a 1.25m and 0.625m high variant would accommodate quite a few engines.
  2. No, I don't have FAR. It's the Porkworks/PorkJet MK2 fuel tank/adapter things, with a stock fuel can it wont go as fast, also it's only 17 parts and six of those have no physics.I did the first leg as well. Didn't realize that the MET would switch to the fuel barge when I docked so I'll have to claim +10 mins from the last screenie a few K's out for 1 hour and I'll make sure to get pictures just before the refuel docking for the rest. Another update, did the ocean legs up to 4 without too much drama and full speed for most of it. Currently parked at the end of the lake in the middle of the land leg with the overall clock approaching 4 hours.
  3. It was on for nearly 20 mins Seems I can't reliably make pitch adjustments at full speed and 2x warp. If only SAS could follow the curve of the surface.
  4. ^ I think your little electric craft is suffering from the de-mass & drag-ification of certain small parts that Squad did in 23.5 Koshelenkovv, I've noticed it with the square battery - it has mass/drag in the hanger but not out flying. I'm going to have a go at the terrestrial navigation, following SpaceK531's route but the other way for a bit more daylight. So far I've made a boat and flew out 7 refuel stations so I'm set to go. The little craft can manage 240m/s stable at 2x warp with a range around 8-900Km at full throttle, for the short land hops maybe 60m/s on reasonably flat ground. The refuel stations are a fuel can with KAS winch that the boat driver can grab from beneath. I'll update if/when I manage to complete
  5. Landing and recovery is a bit problematic for my pod racer, I might try another that can reel in the pod and land.
  6. PorkWorks-dev-thread-Inflatable-habs-and-more!-Current-project-MK2-stock-expansion
  7. I made a little all-in-one that can complete the mission, flies as a jet, boat is propeller powered and electric rover. Front wheels extend outward for rover stability and the floats lower to land on water.
  8. There's been several times I've needed struts between what I'm guessing are child parts of IR joints, if they rotate/extend together cross-bracing can massively increase rigidity. If you look at code could you allow child/child struts for mirrored joints please?
  9. Thanks PolecatEZ, the wings look great and the Sabre's work. For me (supplemental version) the Standard Canard is just plain black, you probably shouldn't worry about it now though. Have fun with those papers
  10. I'm not sure if you're aware but the white dome on top the Shouty Rotor is transparent if viewed from underneath at the moment. I know you're not supposed to go upside down in helicopters but, well, it happens sometimes
  11. Very nice parts so far and I'm looking forward to the rest but should the Buzz Turbine have it's center of thrust so far above it? I'd expect it to be at the fan and it can create issues if you want to rotate one with IR.
  12. I did make one that was controllable without any reaction wheel/SAS/RCS but it didn't end up looking like a helicopter and didn't have blade pitch - just a symmetrical mess of counter-rotating fans. Looking at your twin rotort though it just needs left/right rotor pitch, a hinge below the whole rotor to tilt it left or right. If you tilt one one way and one the other that'll give you a controllable left/right turn and both together to correct a left/right lean? Combined with adjusting front/rear blade pitch individually for front/rear pitch and together for height? It'd be fully controllable without reaction wheel/SAS magic, in theory, but probably only by a far more skilled pilot than me.
  13. Actually I didn't notice, I can overcome the bad habit of grabbing individual folders from .zips and chucking them anywhere if it saves memory I'm looking forward to the joints that match the parts, thanks.
  14. Great looking parts but do you need to define a path to the model and texture in the .cfg? Other parts seem not to and I can put their folders anywhere in GameData, these are the first I've had that will only work from one specific location.
  15. Would it be possible to get the heli-skid in two halves (or just one half) that can be surface attached to a larger range of vehicles? And there's an FS turbo-prop I've not seen before - Have you got any plans to give it the same style propeller animations as the others. It's a really nice engine. Great work as always
  16. I scored a few hits with a twelve missile barge firing groups of three. The missiles are fin stabilized and sometimes even go in almost the same place, painfully slow as a boat though.
  17. ^ Thanks, the Seaplane Float is very old, not updated for .23 and goes in the old parts/plugin folders (I don't think Clever Bobcat even works anymore so no wheels but you'll need the Vanguard .dll to get the strong connection between the floats), probably the strongest float there is. And it is KAS, combined with IR which isn't very well at the moment - the whole thing only functions correctly occasionally
  18. I managed to get a VTOL sky-crane to almost work properly, the robotic boarding ramp went inside out on the way back but it didn't hurt things too much.
  19. I know it's my own fault for spawning them into too smaller space but it still makes me laugh every time
  20. I haven't found anything that can deal very well with what are supposed to be jet engines/internal combustion engines and the associated throttle response lag Zuni. They can go into bad oscillation if you don't edit the .cfg to give instant throttle response like the rocket motors. If you have B9 the larger reaction wheels can overcome a great deal of "imbalance", otherwise I always start with the cargo bay, then put a fuel tank on each end or two surface attached either side but don't move the CoM from the exact middle of the cargo hold, for the whole rest of the build. It's difficult to do that and make it look nice. And even then it'll still fly like a big box because it is a big box
  21. I may have a bit to add, not sure if it's relevant at all to the immediate issues or if it's already been reported. I made that "thing" below, if I start with the pod as root, then add hinge, then tank, the hinge is miss-aligned at launch but functions and moving the hinge moves the internal cockpit view of the outside world as expected. If I start with the tank as root, then add hinge, then pod, at launch the hinge is perfectly aligned, functions correctly but only the external view of the pod moves, in internal view the nav ball rotates to indicate the angle of the pod is changing but the internal pod view of the outside world doesn't rotate and stays pointing at the horizon. Further than that, if I start with pod as root, then connect the hinge backwards (the bit that's supposed to move to the pod), then the tank, the whole thing functions correctly without misaligned, with correct internal view movement but the visual model of the hinge if wrong. The disconnected internal view issue appears to be carried over from at least 0.23 although I've not seen it reported, and the same parts with different root working/not working has probably been covered so this may not be so helpful, and I'm not sure about reversing the hinge - In that particular case it seems to fix misalignment but obviously breaks the visual animation. And, thanks for the time and effort being put into getting this working - we all appreciate it!
  22. It's quite hard to know what you're making so I'll start with the basics. You need the CoM and CoT perfectly aligned, it'll be much easier to fly if you include a reaction wheel and SAS (or at least a pod/cockpit with those), and if you want a KAS winch it can only go directly below/inline with the main rotor - that normally means either front/rear or side/side symmetrical fuel tanks so the CoM doesn't change as they drain. Could you show a screenie in the SPH with CoM and CoT of the best version so far, we could probably suggest what could be changed.
  23. I had to remove everything unnecessary from my mod quad VTOL to have a chance against these impressive stock creations and ended up with a 4 wing, 4 fuel tank, 2 engine configuration. I took off from KSC and flew north to the UFO, then down to KSC2, then down to the Pyramid, then made 63Km max altitude on the way back to a runway landing at KSC, then made a full circumnavigation and landed back on the runway, and then popped over to the dirt runway and landed there. It could be: Success 100 Lander 50 High Flyer 133 Islander 70 Maggellan 100 Easter Bunny 450 VTOL 250 For a total of 1153 points. Uses the same mods as the last one as well as some structural wood from Prof Kerbenstein.
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