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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Still having the issue where I have an SOI entry and then when I warp to it, I am no longer intercepting and do another lap around the star instead. So between that and the missing stuff to do I will go back into hibernation again. Performance did seem alright. Oddly had my first wobbly rocket today and I had to strut it down hard. I have been lucky and not really suffering from it or performance before patch but appreciate any help to others.
  2. I honestly thought it was a bug as well. This should be changed. I have enough things to worry about without playing a time pressure game of trying to set up a maneuver before I miss the window.
  3. Have a probe vessel that exited kerbin SOI into kerbol SOI. I set up a maneuver to intercept Duna. When I time warped towards the SOI event it glitched out and took away the intercept. Reloaded to before the SOI intercept and noticed more bizarre things. In looking at the AP & PE, it looks correct on the map, but beneath the Navball they are both zero. If I swap to another satellite or station it brings the zero'd out AP & PE is carried with it to the new object making it frozen in orbit or other strange behaviours. Tried full exit and reloading, and still there. Was able to fix other objects by going through VAb and launching a jet. That reset the AP & PE but if I go back to the mars probe in Kerbol orbit it goes strange again. If I time warp past the intercept glitch the AP goes negative on the navball UI despite not changing the actual orbit. If I bounce away to control another craft the same strange behavior with the AP & PE is carried to different objects and then it just entirely goes strange with objects being considered the KSC or even being told there is nothing to control there. Edit: also tried to load an earlier version before the burn towards Duna. The zeroe'd out AP & PE issue is already there as soon as I left Kerbin SOI. My first game stopping bug for me, I have been lucky until this point. I am stuck within the Kerbin SOI!
  4. I hit this roadblock last year and have not been back to Kerbal since. I was on a mission to put a satellite in orbit and a rover on the surface of each moon and planet. Jool's moons were the last ones for me to do... and Tylo proved the strumbling block. My lander has the theoretical amount of fuel needed to land (mechjeb did it).... but I can not manually land the same lander. I am sure the itch will gnaw at me until I complete the last couple objects. Considering I did it all on an old laptop that was slow.... I should find using my gaming desktop may make it easier.
  5. When I am reading the very first spiderman comic and I start losing my mind on how the comic book is not being realistic with the orbital mechanics. Let alone the rescue attempts. Radioactive spider bite giving superpowers? Totally fine with that.
  6. Same here... did not have enough fuel coming back from minmus so gave it a try and saved the mission. Eve was intentional.
  7. Landing on Tylo.... have become lazy with all the atmospheric landings or low gravity ones I have been doing. The rover I have in orbit CAN land (mechjeb does it) so the design is solid... my piloting is not there yet. Then all of the Jet and SSTO stuff. Just started playing with it in earnest as I want to earn my SSTO badge. It has been grueling.
  8. This. Just because we have been playing this game for a long time and so can hogtie some basic boosters together and eat ALL THE SCIENCE in a couple flights does not reflect the reality for new players. I remember the month it took me to get into a stable (though highly ugly) orbit.
  9. They did.... and were able to scout out landing zones based on the landmarks they already were aware of. I tried out the science system and one of my first thoughts was absolutely "How do I know where to do science?" some sort of zoning info (and I love the mapping sat to go get that info first!) would be a great help to know when I am wasting time doing science where I have done science before. As for those who disagree and use the real world as an example: In the real world I can tell the difference between a mountain and the ocean. A forest and a desert. I can not tell the difference on the moon features since I have never been there... but pretty sure I could if I was there. What I can not do is read the mind of the KSP software as to what IT believes is different between biomes especially when it uses "high orbit" and "low orbit" without defining those terms.
  10. Yeah I would like to see the experiment flavor text in sandbox. I ran some experiments and saw the message and shook my head. Even if it is not used for unlocking and such the text of running the experiment should still be there.
  11. Immediately took off again... as I was more interested in seeing if I could do the round trip than exploring. My challenge is getting to and from places... with science that may finally change though.
  12. This is what I am looking for. Requires knowing how to dock in order to assemble it. Put it outside the SOI of the star so that you have to know what you are doing to assemble it. Then it is just a matter of flying out to it and BAMF!
  13. Your thinly disguised attempt to have this implemented so that you can recreate the Armageddon mission complete with blaring Aerosmith soundtrack has not gone unnoticed.
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