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Everything posted by Warsoul

  1. Thanks for the advice ! He's new on modding but he learn pretty fast! Here the 1st mistake you made.
  2. The new MaErDa Solution for incoming debris or asteroids. Turret BL2 : Point Defense Anti-Missile System Well protected Food and Water Cargo. No more space debris or incoming asteroids will ruin our expedition again !
  3. Space Freighter Concept and QuickPaintJob
  4. New freighter Concept 1 : https://sketchfab.com/models/cffc2ab306d74bb08c20008d8a0378cb
  5. Can i get the complete freighter base mesh ? New freighter Concept 1 : Space Freighter Concept and QuickPaintJob
  6. KSP : Cargo C1 This is very basic modeling. I have to install your mod to be more aware on how they fit onto your hull. Files : Cargo_C1_Test.zip
  7. I agree but the point using next-gen tool is to add damages effects, bumps, glow, metallic, AO, roughness. But the ksp art style are perfect surface with cartoon look. Wich i love but it's simply dull to do for an artist who want create and experiment new texturing technniques in Substance Painter 2. Fill with grey add 2 or 3 black lines ..... pretty dull and pretty average for an online portfolio. I need more visual punch and made thing on my way, on my style if i want build something. Borderland is a good exemple of success by breaking the rules. The main point of my mod is to bring a new look to KSP. Bring more visuals experiences and a feeling of huge operations. It's pretty frustrating to be constantly reprimended for that. It look like an kind of racism of Non-Stock-Alike mod. I understand the importance of an art style guideline for matching an visual look. But the game is 5 years old and most of us played the game enough to get to a point where something new and different can renew his experience. We have a term in modding for that : Total Conversion Mod. I will do the model for you and i will let you decide if you want texture them stock-alike or not. Free models is always good, no ?
  8. What do you mean by PBR shaders because no one won't work in KSP for now. All i have is Emissive Bumped Specular shader in the ksp tool. I heard someone who tried to mimmick PBR shader in KSP but it look dead now. I talked with ksp moderator and he said if ksp player ask in number for PBR they will prolly looking at it. We still haven't official multiplayer after 5 years, so i will take it with a grain of salt. But the demand always rule in the end. Do you want PBR shader ?
  9. I can do the modeling only and let you do the textures by yourself to fit your Artstyle. I'm using Next-Gen texturing tool who work in PBR. I can do Old-Gen look like basic Ksp Texture but i have no learning curve and interests to do that. Most of new games work on PBR now and i bet Ksp will upgrade to PBR with the next DLC. Or maybe not. I hope the will evoluate into Next-Gen soon. I can do an empty blank version for you and a PBR version for my online portfolio giving you credits for your concept and the basemesh. Is up to you !
  10. If you send me the basic models template for your modules and cargo; i can do some new stuff to fit on your cargo hull. I simply base mesh in .obj for import into Zbrush.
  11. KSP : MaErDa : DualTank PaintJob KSP : MaErDa : Lander Leg PaintJob
  12. KSP : MaErDa : Atlander V2 PaintJob
  13. KSP : MaErDa : Engine Cluster PaintJob
  14. I locked the .zip for quality purpose. I won't release unfinished products for not damaging MaErDa Corp's reputation. I already made that mistake many time and i still suffer from it. I hope this is not against Squad Rules to have Beta Testers before releasing Final Release. This is ? I need all the (KSP LOVE) i can get to add some new gameplay and experiences to Kerbal Space Program for those who played 1000 hours+. I love the Vanilla and StockAlike but after many years; i think we can bring KSP to a new level with Big Industrial Space Organisations. My plan is to slowly made an Total Conversion for an SpacePunk version of KsP. Maybe an official DLC if enough interests. There a new Baby for you ! New 5 meter Lifting Solution from MaErDa 5 meter engine not included. Maybe another Corporation can offer the solution ?
  15. I made my new part by faking PBR Shader. You need an light source to fully experience the textures and Normal/Spec Maps. In darkness they look like stockalike. Pretty effects in reentry via the normal map. Most new Parts are not released yet due to a lack of man hours. Personnaly i'm focusing on building an 3d Portfolio. So i have no time to config or balance new parts. The Executors Engines Pack is almost done ; still need somes tweaking and balancing. Converting the Executor Engine Type 3 into a AirBreathing/LFO Dual Mode Engine. (They all LFO for now)
  16. If you sent me somes models you made with blender; i can try detail them further for an extra visual punch. Via Zbrush high poly to low poly workflow + Substance painter 2
  17. MaErDa : Engine BZ2 The new airbreathing engine from MaErDa Corp
  18. The 1st ''Bomb'' is a sonic bomb to be dropped on Minmus's Surface to discover Warnitium. The bomb must be relayed with 2 orbital sat (180d and 90d) and an ground Sonar to triangulate Warnitium deposits. The second ''Bomb''is a biologic bomb designed for the wood industry. The bomb must be droped in an exact location on Kerbin to be rewarded. (Must be droped in forests zones) Clic for 3d view
  19. Nice Job ! Really great for Blender Only Workflow ! I suggest you to look at Zbrush Zmodeler ! Cost around 1000$ but it's really great ! Let me know if you wanna cooperate with me. Unity have a bunch of plugin who do Atlas from existing textured object for you. Just take a look in Unity Asset Store.
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