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Everything posted by TerrificToby

  1. so then, we just erase the universe. EDIT: for those of you who are not DW literate, this is the reality bomb.
  2. well, time to reset the universe, with the almighty pandorica. NB: not really sure how someone is going to counter this.
  3. can't do that if you are a debris cloud.
  4. Yes, but now we have conquered the sea!
  5. Join the club. I'm supposed to be revising for a french Controlled Assessment, yet i'm here.
  6. Hear Hear! I really think that 0.25 should be an optimisation update with no new major features. AND PLEASE, BETTER AERODYNAMICS!
  7. Some of us only get 6 weeks of summers holidays! Whilst ksp is an amazing game, go outside and do something. Don't waste your 2 a half months of free time.
  8. Perseus died of old age - so here is a nice piccie of thanatos, the greek god of death.
  9. Hi all, Have now applied your recomended fixes and they work. Thanks very much. Have yet to change the Cupola though. What I mean is prebuilt ship files of modules designed for a specific purpose. EDIT: cupola and airlock now done.
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