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  1. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pg6e2s1q87fozrsfnrszj/TrasnsformLister.zip?rlkey=4amjyrm54od0f9nrlsi8hmfbm&dl=0 Wrote a simple plugin to list object transforms so you know what to paint without needing to get blender(and in some cases they don't import like NAS) It doesn't know which are meshes though but it's an easier time to just guess. Source code is in the zip.
  2. More shiny parts are less transparent. Convert the image to black and white, set normal areas to about 40/255 transparency, save it seperately. This is good enough for regular parts.
  3. They're from a WIP modset that will release fully moderately soon https://github.com/Spartwo/KP-Dynamics
  4. https://github.com/Spartwo/TURD-BDArmory/releases/tag/v1.5 TURD for BD got a bit of an update to catch up with BD additions and chuck in some new parts while I'm at it
  5. That's almost a polar opposite of what I was suggesting unfortunately. Sure you could homebrew a custom restock install, you can also do a custom turd install without the blacklist(as I have) but it does remain a point of incompatibility to anyone without the knowhow to mod or working off CKAN
  6. Is there any way that the stock recolour patches could be changed to continue despite ReStock being installed if RestockIgnore on the part is true. If they have a default value you could even check for ReStock(installed)&RestockIgnore = False As it stands the mod is being force disabled with the blacklist
  7. Imgur uploads of the BD screenshots because of that whole Discord link expiry thing brought in means they're broken right now on the OP.
  8. That's a step further than I ever got with the program
  9. I appreciate the highlight, it would be great though if you could change the link to the main releases page so nobody downloads an older version. https://github.com/Spartwo/TURD-BDArmory/releases Including more armor patterns
  10. Which type, BD water or Stock Space?
  11. The Duffus Duffus is both a great design and brings up a very interesting gameplay inclusion in the form of birdstrikes. The seesawi could do something similar by being a danger to any craft landed just by their sheer size.
  12. Screenshot looks absolutely stunning, and I would love to see biome terrain scatters down the line given how much time I spend on the surface.
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