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Everything posted by hoodedarche0

  1. We are working on submarines currently when we feel like it but It is no where near a presentable state to the public. Also as far as I am aware propellers are a possibility in the future that we are looking in to but they do not exist in anyway shape or form as of yet.
  2. You could also go and just download the addon that adds in those parts. I can't remember what the name of the addon but if you look in the first post that the developer made he lists them there.
  3. Please delete your double post! Thanks! I know its probably not your fault as the forums are messed up lately but we all need to do our part to keep the forums organized!
  4. Our Boat Parts pack has super strength stuts if you absolutely need them. They are designed to hold our Boats/Ships together when they are sailing on the solid Kerbin ocean.
  5. The weapons are part of the item sets that are still very much work in progress, as with any kind of "new" thing in KSP whether it be a weapon or a boat part for example there are many problems that can arise, such as error spamming which causes game crashes and game breaking (ie. the weapons are part of a set/group of parts that is no where near release. They are still very experimental). Also can you give us any more details as to "how" our mk4 carrier broke your game? ie. computer specks possibly a error readout (alt+F2) without anything to go on we really cant help you.
  6. The name of the addon is EdTools, Its probably the greatest addon I have ever used.
  7. If you want to go ahead and build your own F-18 there is nothing stopping you but we WILL NOT BE CREATING AN F-18 SET OF PARTS But if anyone wants to make them go ahead!
  8. Yes it is! Thats just a little cool thing we decided to add in just for the realistic look and feel.
  9. This post is dead. Moderator please delete this tread before the Great Server Disaster of 2013 the fact that this thread has been dead for quite a while.
  10. He just released a new update to them that includes 2 craft files that actually work but if someone could make one that uses the new VTOL JETS I would be so happy!
  11. I believe that the link/forum page got erased in the forum meltdown of 2013.
  12. Tosh's old sea-plane pontoons have already been picked up by another developer and have already been brought up to date with the current version of KSP
  13. Great use of our addon BlackHole Is it ok if we feature this on our forum page?
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