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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. I'm 52 and have a long list of the computers I have worked on. Mainframes, minis, micros and embedded. I bet most of these trolls don't even know a mainframe from a ham sandwich.
  2. Yup... I watched it "Live"... or as close to live as was possible. Remember NASA had it on a time delay because they were worried of showing their astronauts dying on live tv. There was a guy with a finger on the button in case something went wrong. But yeah, watching it happen on our black and white TV (think it was B&W) and seeing those low quality tv transmission pictures of Armstrong and Aldrin was amazing. I was bouncing around the living room when they landed. I was 8 as well.
  3. Forget all the mechjeb automation features... the best part of Mechjeb is SmartAss and all the lovely data panels... like Orbit Info. When taking off I don't have to keep skipping to the map mode and clicking of the AP icon just to find out how high my rocket is going. Being able to see your Apoapse and Periapse from the ship view is essential. You are flying manually but using MJ to give you the data you need.
  4. I remember there was this Mun map with areas marked with names... but for the life of me I cannot find the thing. Search engine is being its usual self as it is blind to words with 3 letters or less and of course... MUN is three letters. So to this forum the Mun does not exist. So, anyone remember where it was?
  5. I've altered my key assignments because of this. Space bar for example is now my "Cut throttle" so when I am in a panic I can shut the thrust down easy.
  6. I won't be selling this but I will be posting how to make your own including plans, PCB layouts (so you can make your own), Arduino code etc. Maybe people can even improve on my designs. To make it easy to build I will be using acrylic sheets that are easier to cut. It will need things like a router and a decent cutting tool (I use an Exakt powered saw that cuts acrylic like butter) and some soldering work but should be doable (if we find a cheap way of making the main ball hemispheres).
  7. If you looked at the way the OP used Mechjeb he was entering values to MechJeb's Surface SmartAss. He wasn't using it to totally automate the system. It's actually harder than manually piloting at times. I am going to use Mechjeb later on in my hardware project to link it to a DSKY. If anything that will make it harder still. That's the beauty of KSP, Maxmaps. You can choose the way you want to play the game. You can go all automation or all manual or many different values in between. I like designing craft and letting MJ hammer the hell out of them. I like making craft and driving them "seat of the pants" style. Above all I love both styles equally as much. It's what keeps me playing (in fact I have to limit myself or else I would be playing it constantly and the hardware mod would never get done). It may not be the way the designers envisioned the game but it also lets a broader range of players experience space exploration. Mechjeb is a pretty good teacher of how to do things. I'm not going into the whole argument about stock vs Mechjeb but will say that Mechjeb is basically a tool... You can use it however you want... or not as your preference may be. I still think the OP's mission was pretty darned awesome and I learned a few things along the way. That's another plus in this game... you are always learning something new.
  8. Can anyone tell me what mod he used to transfer crew. Out of all of it, that is one of my "OMG I WANT THAT" moments yet I can't find it in his mod list.
  9. I guess Rhyunix is another real KSP addict... welcome to the club heh.
  10. It's not the mouse (well trackball) as it only happens in 21.x. In 20.2 it works fine. It is especially annoying in map view now... I go to move in closer to my ship and one click and I am through the ship and into the planet. Edit: I meant space view... I was trying to click on an rcs thruster lol... Well, here is something confusing. KSP crashes so I restart it... and the mouse wheel is working normally now. Must be an intermittent glitch.
  11. Before it zoomed in at a regular amount but now... one click of the mouse wheel and it jumps in really far.
  12. Not that I know of... but I disable the landing sequence at 1000m and come in on translatron keep vertical at slower and slower speeds and then move to where I want to actually land anyway. More fun and was how the Apollo pilots did it. Mechjeb can do it but can make a lot of mistakes on uneven terrain.
  13. Do you know something... this is actually the reason my ship was taking off at an angle. It's even a reasonable failure too because in real life it could be the gyros inside Mechjeb being tilted. Using the "Control From Here" is also similar to re-caging the gyros to neutral from the position you are in. KSP and MechJeb is making me jawdrop every time I come across something new... even the problems we come across have real world implications. Thanks to everyone who pointed out the "fix" for this issue. Was driving me nuts for a while.
  14. Have you updated to 2.0.9 because that was what I was getting before I upgraded.
  15. Got a really weird thing happening. My rocket keeps tipping over at a strange angle at launch if I don't put pilots into the capsule that is controlled by MechJeb. I've never seen this happen in 20.2. It's making launching test vehicles rather frustrating. If I put a pilot into the rocket it launches perfectly. No pilot and the thing goes weird on me.
  16. My only disappointment with the new KSC is that when you load it up at night and go to the VAB it is suddenly day again. Also is it just me or does it take longer to go to the launchpad now? Otherwise I really love the new look. It feels... clean.
  17. That's frickin awesome. You can save the details of how to fly it now. So many times have I gone back to an old design and forget how to get it to fly if it is a twitchy design.
  18. Notes? Where is this hidden?
  19. You might ask "Why do flight sim fans take Microsoft Flight Simulator and turn it into this?" It's because they love the immersion factor and want to make it even better. The problem I find with KSP is that I love the information that I get out of Mechjeb but when you open up the data windows it covers up too much of the screen. Orbiter sucks because the space shuttle is meant for earth orbit at most and the Apollo mod of it works great but is limited to the moon. KSP on the other hand is pretty open ended. I've built flight sims in the past and find as much fun building the sims as actually flying them. Doing the research is fun too and the minute you hit the "EUREKA!" wall (minus running down the road in my birthday suit) makes it really rewarding. So my fun is learning how to do things in KSP and understanding WHY we do things. Building the instruments so that I can fly Jeb to the moon without looking outside is my phase one mission. I've even got some 60's era switches heh. Do you know my setup started because I wanted a radar altimeter because some some IVA cockpits didn't have one?
  20. TerrenCmdr thanks but Xiphos has offered to make the model in Solidworks and beelzebub will be making it on his Ultimaker. Cool thing that makes me realise the universe wants me to build this is that I popped into poundland and sitting right in front of me were some garden ornaments which were metal spheres on sticks that was about the right size. I had been going round toy shops asking the assistants to "Show me where your balls are" all morning and couldn't find any the right size. These garden ornaments... 78mm and I was looking for 80mm. And because they are metal they are pretty darn solid... and only 99p each. For the prototype they will be perfect. Regarding the prototype, I have now finished ordering the parts I need to make it and begin testing. Really looking forward to it now I have cracked the design. This coming week is going to be working on making the circuit boards for the record player and the internal gearing.
  21. To do a quick test I fired off Jeb to do a suborbital hop and land on the other side of the gulf. I landed a bit heavily but Jeb survived. I popped him out of the cockpit and then went back to the space centre. That was when I looked in the astronauts centre... and it listed Him as being on the other side of the gulf AND GAVE ME AN OPTION TO RETRIEVE HIM... This is bang up perfect in my book. Land anywhere on Kerbin fits the philosophy of historical space systems. Apollo capsules didn't land in the water right next to Kennedy Space Centre after all. So top marks Squad. A few hiccups with the SAS but otherwise great fun.
  22. Cool... I have a guy who isn't up on the modelling but has an Ultimaker that he wants to test out and going to help out and then you come along. I will need two hemispheres that would be separated by a central mount plate... This shows what I mean... So as you can see, the plate takes up some of the sphere so they would have to be slightly truncated hemispheres to rotate as a ball.
  23. OK... watching that video I keep hearing "Heeeheeehee... bottom" in my mind. Why is Gru making a video about motorcycle fairings?
  24. I just came across a price relating to an auction of one of these...
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