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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. Yeah, those GUI states are what will make the interface coding a lot better. I was working on the hardware radar altimeter last night. 3000m to ground is the norm yeah? Making a custom altimeter that just works for that isn't that hard... I just have to get it to stick at 3000m when the radar turns off (it was going to -1 when it goes out of radar altimeter range and my altimeter was going like the rocket was doing a crash dive lol. Ooops... my bad. When I get time I will finish off the tutorial on how to make all these but I have to remove all the dead ends (and there were a few). I might add them just to show what NOT to do. Will have to see. I was going to try to make a tape style altimeter like the Apollo LEM but was too hard to make the tape itself. The hardware wasn't that hard, just getting a tape made that I could use and not have the index keep falling off lol. I was going to see if I could find a place that could make one... but I have no clue where to look.
  2. I really need to get down and finish off the parameter spreadsheet for you Rich but real life keeps interrupting. In the middle of clearing out stuff so that the darned central heating peeps can get access to walls and floor to install my new central heating system so the place is looking like a bombsight atm. Will probably finish it later this week when I get my modding station set up again as I need to plan out the various panels I will need.
  3. Remember that Minmus is at a slight angle off the system's ecliptic. Make sure you align to Minmus before leaving Kerbin orbit (I still forget at times and end up in a crazy orbit around Minmus. Just target Minmus and then burn when when you reach the AN or DN nodes. Basically the Moon is at 0 degrees while Minmus is at 6 degrees. Have a read of this... http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:How_to_get_to_Minmus It's not hard... and when you get to Minmus prepare for slow motion fun. The gravity is so low you can do craaaaaazy things. I once crashed on Minmus and it took about 5 minutes for the bits to finally land lol. Edit: Oh yeah... forgot to say congrats on your first (of many) Mun landings. I still love landing on the Mun. I keep saying that I will have to make a huge target to practice precision MANUAL landings.
  4. The fault was... THE RUSSIANS COULDN'T FIND THE "T" KEY ON THEIR KEYBOARD... Silly Russians.
  5. I lithobrake all my failed landers... You are right about how aerobraking saves a LOT of dV. I always use aerobraking whenever possible because it is just soooooooo darned cool... and efficient too. Plus it saves fuel to allow you to visit moons you wouldn't otherwise have the fuel for. For example with Ike I would aerobrake into Duna but make sure I only reduced my velocity to just outside Ike's orbit and then only small changes in delta V would get me into orbit. The other way would be to orbit Duna normally then burn out to Ike which would take WAYYYYYY more fuel. In fact using MechJeb's aerobraking predictor it becomes really good fun and a challenge to use as little fuel as possible.
  6. What's with the blind vampire bunny in the second tube map?
  7. I was just messing with the Asteroid mod and Hyperedit and then wondered if there was a way to plot an intercept in KSP or maybe use an external program like http://ksp.olex.biz/ For example, this is what I was thinking of trying to do an intercept with... It would be like an intercept with a comet. The way would be to meet up as it is coming from the sun back out to Duna orbit, not the other way around I think, as it would be slowing down and not accelerating down the solar gravity well. I'm not up on how to calculate the intercept and would love it if someone could help me out.
  8. Kerbals don't have cloning... they have Kloning... Just ask NovaSilisko. He will confirm it.
  9. You mean the tired Kerbals were taking a NAP after their interstellar journey?
  10. Yup... it's official... they are on a moon of Pluto... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-23146454
  11. I've had a polar orbit piece of debris hit my equatorial orbit lander and orbiter setup. Knocked a leg off my lander and spun the thing like crazy and the service module fell off. Thought I would need to put up a rescue mission but nope. It was my own version of Apollo 13 in the end because the lander was stable enough to bring the team home. Kind of awesome when things like that happen.
  12. I use Bobcat's American Pack that has Orion and Altair in it. They are truly freakin awesome. That guy has skills for sure. I've been doing a lot of missions using them recently. My next mission will be to use the asteroids mission to match up with an asteroid.
  13. Fusty, did you ever figure out how to do the docking port alignment thing? Also I have noticed that aligning the top of the docking port correctly affects Romfarers Docking Camera mod. I keep forgetting which is the top of the docking module when placing it because a slight movement when placing it flips the module 90 degrees. Is there any chance you could add an extra bit to the texture to show the top of the docking module so I know which way up I have placed it?. Edit: P.S. Those logos look awesome. I love clean lined, simple logos over more complicated ones. First of all they are easy on the eye and RECOGNISABLE. It's a shame that Squad didn't stick with using decals like they originally did. Hell, Spaceport still has a DECALS section. These logos would have been great on the Fustek modules like real commercial modules do.
  14. The BIGGEST hinderance in docking is badly placed RCS thrusters, too many thrusters or too little thrusters. If you don't get your RCS right then yeah, docking can be a pain in the asteroids. Have a read of my RCS balancing tutorial. Not trying to blow my own horn here as this tutorial is just a collection of what I learned from others plus a few refinements of my own. And more importantly, IT WORKS and doesn't take ages to do. How To Balance RCS On Your Payload
  15. I hate it when you attach SRB's radially and during ascent they slightly wobble and then drift away from the centre stack no matter how many struts you add. Sometimes the only fix is to restart the program and then it crazily works right.
  16. I thought of an Orion/Altair based mining op on the moon... and it worked! The taller landers are the fuel to orbit tugs... Two different versions that I was trying out. There were slight problems with both which eventually let to V3 which is my current workhorse. The one with the solar panels is the mining lander and uses Quantum Fuel Transfers to take the place of using hoses they would use in real life. The final lander is a stock Bobcat Altair lander. I've just landed the LER lander but discovered it is a [snip] to get the darn landers undocked because the separator gets in the way so I need to figure that one out.
  17. Here is an FYI for you... Dissassemble your mouse, turn PCB over, locate where the mouse wheel is soldered to the board, resolder the connections and VOILA... I bet it will work again. It's a common fault with things that are wiggled. Like headphone sockets, buttons and... mice wheels. It's called a dry joint. Thing looks soldered fine but a hairline fracture occurs when it flexes and breaks the connection... and then it stops working or works intermittently. I've fixed loads of stuff that had dry joints from Walkmans to Plasma TVs. Sometimes knowing a bit about electronics helps heh.
  18. Just thought of something even better... How about sending them up with SpaceshipTwo?
  19. Squad should make a rocket, put a Shapeways Jeb inside and fix a camera facing it AND THEN ATTACH IT TO A WEATHER BALOON... Imagine a picture of Jeb in space. Then offer the Jeb as a reward for a purchaser of KSP in that month. Would be a way to boost sales heh.
  20. I was landing on the Mun last night and coming in to land at my Munar Mining Outpost when I thought "Hey, these textures really confuse distance". They look like you are REALLY close to the ground when you are actually many kilometres above the ground. Then I saw this post and thought "Hmmmmm.... I wonder if the devs will ever update the ground textures so that it can give us a better perspective regarding to distance and maybe make the terrain more interesting at the same time." I'm just hoping that they have this on the roadmap because Flight Simulator X has wayyyyyyyy better ground texturing as default than KSP and FSX came out seven years ago. It would make exploring a LOT more rewarding. Oh yeah... and add a lot of hidden things that can only be found by exploring... not by scanning (except at close range).
  21. I've not had the problem since I changed my controls around (namely the EVA buttons) to match how the ship flies. I use the I and K buttons for vertical translation now because the Ctrl and Shift keys are really awkward. But yeah, as you have found, you have to reload the game or go to space centre and back to force it to update correctly. To be honest though, I thought they had fixed this because it has been so long since I have seen it happen to my Kerbals.
  22. The only ASAS you can disable is on Bobcat's Orion mod. But as ASAS isn't really and Advanced SAS I just go ahead and use both on low torque rockets. ASAS handles the guidance, SAS handles stability.
  23. Sorry... KSP doesn't run on Cylon OS so this is a fallacy.
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