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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. I found the fork version and downloaded and installed that... but it still hangs on the the DR parts. A shame because I really need a hinge on my workstation lander to deploy the light bars, dammit!
  2. The thing about quicksave is that at present it is a lifesaver when the game goes kaput. Because I use a bunch of mods to expand on the wonderful core parts it probably makes it even more unstable. But that said, I have had a total of 13 crashes since 20.2 came out. A lot less than my 19.1 setup it seems.
  3. Yeah, I think 10 teams have dropped out. Someone will make it though. Look at the original X-Prize... Nobody thought a private concern would make it and then Spaceship 1 happened.
  4. Bah... The Kerbals have this down pat. Squad and all us Kerbonauts should divide the prize between us. I do like the look of their lunar rover though. Might make one in KSP...
  5. Sooo... not MechJeb and not mods... Ooooh. Looks like an intermittent problem for SQUAD to trace somehow. Don't like bugs like that (from a dev's standpoint).
  6. I try to remember to quick save after ever risky manoeuvre but only for when the game crashes. I have this saying though "If I mess up on my own then it's set in stone! But if it's a game crash then it lets me rehash.".
  7. Sounds like MJ is the common denominator here...
  8. Having a lot of ships in orbit and forgetting which one Jeb's team is in... (I only just found Jeb and crew again tonight after losing him when 20.2 came out heh). LANDING UPSIDE DOWN... that's one thing I hate doing.... It's always accompanied by rising volumes of "no no no nono NONO NO NO ARRRGHHHH!!!!1111oneoneone" Oh yeah... and this is something to do... OFTEN! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH
  9. It's frustrating as hell... I had just rendezvousing my new moon orbit station next to a lander I had left in moon orbit ready to dock to the station. Switched to the lander and the whole thing went KABOOM. I wanted to dock the lander because it had the booster still attatched and had a bunch of fuel I wanted to steal.... made a nice boom when it went off though lol. Oh well... Thank god for F5/F9 is all I can say.
  10. I've had a few problems landing on the Mun this week due to a weird bug but I loaded it up today and the bug was strangely gone and managed to land numerous times to prove that it wasn't a fluke landing. The reason was I was dropping a heavy nuke powered lander.... and it kept flipping over. Now it lands fine. I found the bug... I had borrowed some fuel from one of the main tanks and the darn thing was unbalanced lol. Rebalanced the tanks and it flies fine.... ooops. Here is the new two stage heavy lander right next to my MEM first stage remains from a previous mission.
  11. I'm jinkxed. I seem to be getting more instances of switching ships in orbit causing the ship you switch to to go BOOOOM since 20.2. I think I have had five instances just tonight. Until 20.2 I don't think I had more than instance of this happening a week (and I play KSP a lot when I am stuck in bed). It's totally random too. I can reload the save and switch the same ship and it works fine. Try again and KABOOM. It's not just switching between ships using the square bracket keys either. Switch to ships from the tracking station causes it too. I can't even submit it to the devs as a bug though because I use a lot of mods which is a shame. So, anyone else getting this or is it just my mod heavy build going NYEH NYEH.
  12. That't not a hang glider.... That's a CRAWL GLIDER. You sir have invented a new flying craze....
  13. I'm using Win7 64bit too. Strange you had probs getting it installed because it's just dropping it into the directory and bam!... it should work... but great that you go it sorted now.
  14. MJ2 works fine on windows KSP 20.2 here. Don't you get the little tab at the top of the right side of your screen? You need to click that to get the sidebar. I have noticed that another plugin, Haystack, doesn't seem to appear sometimes when I load KSP. Maybe that is what is happening to you. I have KSP setup in Gamedata like you posted and not had a problem though (other than sometime it messes up with the nodes).
  15. This is a biggie that would be useful to ALL serious system explorers. There are NO LIMITS to what you use as long as it's black... no.. hold on... that's Henry Ford!... but you can't use modded engines that have silly stats. Acceptable mods are:- B9 Aerospace KW Rocketry Anything Bobcat (Love this guy's work) KSPX Spacetech Landing Program (yeah, some of the stuff is good for extra boosting of launchers) MechJeb2 Post your craft files and how much fuel you got to an 80km circular orbit.
  16. You wait in orbit until the code for Autom8 2.0 is finished? I'm another one who really needs Autom8 for my project. But with the way MJ2 has improved I can only guess that the new Autom8 is going to be awesome.
  17. I think you have my problem... You see, Autom8 is currently not part of MJ2 so you can't use that script of yours. So R4mon... any updates on when we can see MechJeb2's awesome Autom8 scripting interface (both me and Rich from the Telemachus plugin would really love to see this again). Mechjeb2 is incredibly powerful but we (meaning Rich) needs a simpler way of interfacing with external apps. Have to say I wasn't impressed with MJ2 at the start... now that I can ditch the transparent menus though it's 100000x better for me (messed with my partial colour blindness). In fact it is getting closer to how the real AGC worked it seems.
  18. How's about this for low aerobraking around Duna...
  19. Yup it's delete.... I found out by accident and as I never use docking mode it totally threw me for a bit. Docking mode... WHY USE IT. Seems like a third leg to me.
  20. I've had a Hermes probe which is actually named Voyager 1 zoooooooooming out of the solar system for a while now.
  21. I think this is good news... Squad are selling all the old rockets to make room for new models. Ooooooh... New toys on the horizon!
  22. To track what has been updated and what hasn't (mod wise that is) you can check out this thread... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/30591-20-Compatible-and-Incompatible-incomplete-mods-list-fixes-%285-27-2013%29
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