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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. Ooooh... if we WERE in a Dyson sphere I know what the challenge will be... LAND A ROVER ON THE INSIDE OF THE SPHERE AND DRIVE AT FULL SPEED!!!!!!1111oneoneoneone
  2. It was due to an unstable star if I remember correctly... and that was an anniversary ep too that included SCOTTY and his memorable quote of "So that's how long you told the captain it would take to fix. Now how long will it really take to fix?" (paraphrasing there a bit). Turned out Scotty used to estimate the time a bit more than he needed so he appeared to be a miracle worker when he did it in a shorter amount of time... Classic. "I canna, break the laws of physics, Cap'n. Unless we are in Kerbal space that is."
  3. I pressed the abort button by accident and popped off the capsule which flipped off and landed on the docking port which led to another rescue mission. Used a spacecrane on that mission... oooh... haven't remade a spacecrane in ages. Wonder if KAS has been updated yet.
  4. Nah... won't be the last. They are keeping it secret but are moving to Kerbin instead. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/esa-european-historical-pack-v0-1/
  5. Bah old news... I have been flying Arianne V's into the ground... errr... into the Mun... errr... into orbit for quite some time now. I need to redo it now for 0.20 though... Mind you I did alter it from using SRBs to using liquid boosters and banana peeled them off (don't like asparagus) as it is more fuel efficient. Congrats to Ariannespace though. Big competition with SpaceX though... and I think SpaceX is actually in the lead, or will be shortly.
  6. Lol... no probs dude... just saved posting the same things all over again. Was weird that we posted the same query within a week or so. I keep saying there are toooooooo many coincidences happening.
  7. I'm actually GLAD SQUAD sorted out the folders... it makes keeping track of what you have installed so much easier now. So when you update to the next version you know what is going on, what files you have installed and what you need to update.
  8. You need to do two things to make it even more awesome. 1. Work out the virtual distance between receiver and sender (ie mission control and the capsule) and the add in an audio delay that matches the virtual distance. 2. When the distance is further than the Mun, add in audio corruption and or intermittent loss of signal. Just listen to the Apollo 11 landing audio and you hear them losing the signal with one antenna or another. Luckily they had planned for this and had multiple systems.
  9. Well what you know seems to be wrong... ISS is orbiting at a mean of 370km (between 330 and 410). I do know it gets a boost every know and then from the visiting resupply rockets like the ATV.
  10. 34km? But that's suborbital.. 370km/11 = KABOOOOOOOM
  11. Ugh... at times it can be more hindrance than help. I'm trying to design a decent lander that is similar to Altair is getting to be a [snip] with so many parts to choose from. Just gave up and deleted my current attempts due to either bits falling off or weird rotational problems and using multiple mods it could be any one of them that is causing the problem.
  12. Playing KSP without mods is like playing chess with only pawns! Or should that be prawns... Purists... Sheesh!
  13. Hmmmmm http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33187-How-Many-Flights-Do-You-Have-Running-At-The-Moment
  14. Ad Astra GTC SRI... that's all mine... lol. And mine is red.
  15. MechJeb isn't foolproof either... I once glanced away at something else for about 30 seconds and found that my simple journey to Minmus was now somewhere into interplanetary space and north of the ecliptic. It had met a brief slingshot around the Mun which it didn't take into account. In fact Mechjeb has killed my Kerbals MANY TIMES... landing upside down... spinning like a loon when taking off... not staging (needs a nudge at times). MJ is not an all wise guidance computer... It's a bit like the eccentric uncle that comes around at times and does unpredictable things. "Oh, you wanted to go to London? Welll then WE'RE OFF TO PARIS, FRANCE... no... let's go to Paris, Texas... I DON'T CARE THAT YOU WANT TO GO TO LONDON...We're going to Paris... No, I don't care that Paris Hilton is in London at the moment... OOOOOH... LOOK... DISCOUNT!". Yup... that's Mechjeb for you.... SQUIRRELS!
  16. I've got them all updated fine. Just had to add the PART brackets...
  17. Yup... I have Mechjeb installed and yet I still manually do my node, rendezvous, docking, final landing etc manually. When I have to do a very precise landing (ie when I want to place a lander right next to my target I use it to get me in the vicinity and then I do a P66 and land manually (ie with Translatron handling the descent rate because the keyboard just doesn't give fine enough control of the main engine). I use Mechjeb like a calculator. I have to do the main work but for grunt work I use MJ. I was in the first group at my Grammar school who were allowed to take calculators into exams. You should have heard the uproar saying that using Calculators was cheating in exams. Look at the situation now with some calculators that are allowed. In my time they were plus, minus, times and possibly square root. The fancy ones had memories too.
  18. ROLMAO... I was just test driving the ADAM rover from Spacetech... Just updated it to 0.20 format... yet another coincidence.
  19. So I was just finishing a mission to Minmus and some Owl City came on over the radio... It was "Dreams Don't Turn To Dust". And JUST as my capsule hit the water, the lyrics that were playing were... He sang "Splash Down" right at the moment I actually splashed down lol... Things like that freak me out... Last night it was that vanishing lander just as I hit 666 metres. So, anyone else had some weird freaky cooincidences... we are, after all, IN THE MATRIX!
  20. Apollo 11 landed WITH THE EQUIVALENT OF MECHJEB TRANSLATRON. If something is going to push my buttons it's this myth that Neil landed the LEM manually. He landed it under computer control with human doing the equivelant of saying to the computer "Don't land in the crater, go over there". The thrust was under P66 landing program with manual guidance input... THAT'S where manual is mistaken for totally manual. Yup... Armstrong was using the equivelant of a MechJeb Translatron to help handle the thrust so he could concentrate on choosing a good clear landing area. Go and have a read here... http://www.klabs.org/history/apollo_11_alarms/eyles_2004/eyles_2004.htm - it's from one of the guys who made the apollo guidance computer. I guess Armstrong was cheating then heh.
  21. Well I'm amazed at the makers of MechJeb... Hidden away in the Settings of MJ2 is an option to make it have the skin of MJ1... so I that's one big plus for MJ2 in my book. I'm not a fan of transparent menus you see.
  22. It's not a delusion... When you play a game like Call of Duty for example you can choose which difficulty you want to play it on. Selecting "Easy Mode" isn't cheating. Same with KSP. Altering it is just like choosing easy mode in COD. It's not cheating, it's just altering the difficulty. In fact, most of the purists are missing out on some amazing things that are capable in this single player sandbox. Some mods are cheating but most aren't. If I come across a mod that makes it TOO easy I just personally nerf them or get rid of them. For example the MEM lander. OMG is the engine on that overpowered and too high a fuel capacity. It's just toooooooooooooooooo easy to land that thing. Forget the second stage, just land it on Kerbin and then take it to the mun in one jump. That part is going byebye because it's crazy.
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