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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. But what are they doing... I really should have added that in my query...
  2. This is true.... I just have this image of a Kerbal drilling a hole in the probe to plug in a hose and the whole thing going KERBOOM!
  3. I currently have 33... Although a few are Kerbals standing around the launch site. The rest are orbital fuel depots and a long range Duna project that has been running for a while. The longest running mission I have is Voyager 1 which has been running for 2 years and 2 weeks and is currently 10,847,852m from the sun. So what are your Kerbonauts up to?
  4. Do you realise your flag says "LABREK" hehe... An experimental wreck eh?
  5. Awesome... When are you releasing it BECAUSE I WANT IT?
  6. Shame the drogue doesn't cut away as the main opens... Other than that, the tower is amazing. Here is my tower setup that I use... But here is a real one that shows you what I mean about drogue cutoff...
  7. Like I said, Fluffybob. Get the Common Berthing Mechanism docking ports. THEY ARE FLAT. My earlier picture of the pod and escape tower INCLUDES a docking port. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/common-berthing-mechanisms-2-5m-docking-ports-2/ There are 2m to 5m docking ports there. To be honest I am currently using them more than the stock models. They CAN be a bit fussy about what they attach to at times though. So you may have to use other parts to help them attach right. But I have so many extra parts I never have a problem. Edit: See what I mean? Edit2: Oh yeah, and that little yellow and black striped thing is a radial parachute too. Can't remember where it is from... think it maybe from the NovaPunch pack.
  8. I was only thinking of one vehicle from Thunderbirds the other day... ZERO-X Gerry was amazing at predicting stuff... http://movieclips.com/pdem6-thunderbirds-are-go-movie-zero-x-launch/ Kind of makes you think of a real life spaceship that got a lift from a White Knight... Edit: Oh yeah... forgot to say the wings and engines detatch from Zero-X and the main body then goes into orbit. The front part is the Martian landing vehicle and tank treads come out from the bottom. Now that would be cool for KSP.
  9. Yeah, just stack the drogue chute on top of the NP one and it works a treat. I used this on one of my Duna landings. I used an action group to cut the drogue and open the main chutes. ONE THING THOUGH! - You need to heavily strut the parachute packs to to the top of the capsule or they slide off. Nothing more embarrassing as getting all the way to Duna and then having the parachutes fall off (as it did to me). I had to use more engine thrust and a LOT more fuel to get down... which would have meant another rescue op if I hadn't had a refuelling pod on standby.
  10. Yeah, just stack the drogue chute on top of the NP one and it works a treat. I used this on one of my Duna landings. I used an action group to cut the drogue and open the main chutes.
  11. Umm... there IS a flat pack parachute (at least I have them).... It's a rectangle with blue and white stripes (at least it is to my weird colour blindness). Oh and there are escape towers in several mods out there. I use them a lot. Edit: Ooops, my bad. It's that I play with Soooooooo many mods that I forgot that blue and white rectangle is the radial parachute lol. I use this combination of a Common Berthing Module docking port and an escape tower to make a nice pod setup a lot.
  12. I think someone is misreading "I really like this game" for fanboyism. Also reminding people that this IS an alpha and things are going to change is not fanboyism but just telling it as it is. I think I would most likely be called a fanboy because I'm doing a hardware mod and doing comics but why is that bad. It doesn't hurt anyone. I tell my friends how good this game is even though it is in alpha (and even bought it for a friend on his birthday). Fanboyism is very maligned I think.
  13. So you know what I mean when I say to you "P00 and Accept!" Yeah, I've got Orbiter/NASSP installed on this PC. I've been using my mods to interface with MechJeb instead of something like AGC. I need to update it for the latest version (still using the 1.9.8 code) an make it compatible with 0.20 KSP. I just did some test code to see if it would work and am now working on the actual hardware and programming the interfaces. Should be nice when I get it all working together.
  14. Regarding the light flashes... that is part of the cone area getting destroyed, ie the part that is responsible for the sharpest of our vision. Short duration flights would be okay but for longer duration flights could be a problem. http://lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/experiment/exper.aspx?exp_index=44
  15. What vessel icon? In the map view you mean?
  16. I hear the only problem is that you need to install Crew Manifest Mod to stop the first manned pod being automatically filled. For example you used to select a drone part as the root and then a pod to send up an empty capsule. I used to do that when testing rockets that were marginal so that I didn't kill Kerbals... a bit like the Apollo program sent up empty vehicles.
  17. To be honest, taking big tanks of water is a GOOD idea (one I knew of already). They could use the water at the end of the journey. But there is one problem... coming back. No way of launching water to orbit at Mars so it would be one way or they would have problems with cancer, eyesight (yeah, shocked me too) and even would affect their cognitive functions. Cosmic radiation is a bitch, let alone solar radiation that they would be running into on the way back. I think that until we either get faster craft or we get better cancer drugs and/or shielding tech we won't be going to Mars. In the meantime, I wonder if someone will write a Radiation Exposure mod for KSP. Would be an eye opener I think.
  18. My build got a bit of a boost yesterday when I got my laminator up to the required temp to fuse my circuits to copper so I can go ahead with my custom circuit boards... will mean I will be able to make this soon... Oh yeah and I was AMAZED to find this on eBay US... http://www.ebay.com/itm/LM-5-DSKY-DISPLAY-KEYBOARD-APOLLO-GUIDANCE-COMPUTER-AGC-MODEL-ART-CRAFT-KIT-1-1-/230953345011#shId
  19. Well according to the Curiosity rover it is... Perhaps it's jealous and doesn't want the competition. Rover radiation data poses manned Mars mission dilemma
  20. Hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome for my comic series...
  21. About 2 hours... mind you that was because I was blowing up my spacecraft lol. Longest for me was learning to dock because I kept knocking F4 and the ships would vanish.
  22. I remember hitting the mun and minmus and thinking "Hey, this is EASY"... then I tried for Duna.... OOPS, MISSED!
  23. Single player is VERY addictive though. And when you are fed up of stock (ie what comes with the base game) you can get the mods from Spaceport when you buy the full game.
  24. Hey, I was drawn in by that video that Nerd3 did. As soon as I saw it I wanted it which in my mind is a VERY good thing for Squad.
  25. Mods which is why I am still playing 19.1 (until all my mods are updated). As I have a lot going on in my 19.1 persistent save it also was a big reason to hold onto it.
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